Dirt Life

Dirt Collective

All things dirt motorsports from the top film and apparel brand in the game.

  • 40 minutes 4 seconds
    S2 EP5: The 2019 Guide to Go Pros
    Chris Connel wrote in and asked when I was going to do the Go Pro episode. Not only did he make my day, BUT he made this episode happen. Hope you enjoy. Don’t forget to shoot me a message and let me know what you want to hear next. As always thanks for listening.
    6 February 2019, 2:15 am
  • 35 minutes 29 seconds
    S2 EP4: How to Grow Racing at the Local Level.
    Christian Moore, driver with the ASCS Elite Non Wing Sprint Car Series wrote in and asked if I had any thoughts about how to grow racing at the local level? Absolutely. And I break it all down in this episode of Dirt Life. Don’t forget to send your questions and as always thanks for listening.
    1 February 2019, 10:13 pm
  • 21 minutes 50 seconds
    S2 EP3: How To Deal With Burnout
    Kyle Smith of 949 Productions and one of the top motorsports filmmakers in the northeast wrote in and asked if I had any tips for dealing with burnout. It’s definitely something I have faced and continue to face from time to time, so I offered a few tips that work for me. Hope you all enjoy the episode. Don’t forget to get your questions in and as always thanks for listening!
    28 January 2019, 4:18 am
  • 31 minutes 2 seconds
    S2 EP2: How to Network with Potential Sponsors
    Sean Foster a modified driver and owner of shorttrackracer.com wrote in and asked for some sponsorship networking tips. Jeremy rambles for 30 minutes offering questionable advice on the subject. Enjoy.
    24 January 2019, 3:19 am
  • 36 minutes 13 seconds
    Dirt Life S2 EP1: WTF is up with Dirt Collective?
    The podcast is back! Listen to Jeremy ramble for 15 minutes about what happened in 2018 and what will (hopefully) happen in 2019. And then be sure to let us know what you want to hear. As always, thanks for your support.
    21 January 2019, 5:01 pm
  • 21 minutes 21 seconds
    Dirt Life Episode 7: Tucker Klaasmeyer
    We caught up with Tucker Klaasmeyer to talk about his move from Factory Boss to Keith Kunz, racing down under and what it takes to be successful at the highest level of dirt open wheel racing.  Dirt Life is fueled by High Octane Coffee
    6 March 2018, 3:48 am
  • 59 minutes 2 seconds
    Sponsorship Series EP3: Social Media Tips
    Joe Sylvester offers some great tips on how to use social media to attract sponsors and Jeremy forgets to mention the podcast is fueled by High Octane Coffee. At least one of us knows what they're doing.
    2 March 2018, 2:44 am
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Sponsorship Series EP2: Social Media + Sponsorship Proposals
    Sprint Car Driver and Monster Truck Jump World Record Holder Joe Sylvester joins to talk about the importance of building your social media presence to attract sponsors, what you should include in your sponsorship proposal and why cold calling/mass emailing potential sponsors is a waste of time.    Dirt Life is fueled by High Octane Coffee
    22 February 2018, 2:32 am
  • 22 minutes 51 seconds
    Sponsorship Series EP1: Social Media Basics
    The Dirt Life Sponsorship Series aims to arm racers with the tools and knowledge to effectively seek sponsorship. In episode one we cover the basics of social media, the importance of having dedicated racing pages across social media channels and the importance of engaging with your audience.   Dirt Life is fueled by High Octane Coffee
    8 February 2018, 1:10 am
  • 28 minutes 43 seconds
    Dirt Life Episode 6: Frank Flud
    We sat down with the most dominant micro sprint racer of 2017 to talk about his path from yard karts to micro sprints, his 60+ wins last year and his plans for the future as co-owner of Driven Midwest.  Dirt Life is fueled by High Octane Coffee
    31 January 2018, 3:15 am
  • 12 minutes 49 seconds
    Dirt Life Episode 5: Brandon Aranyosi
    From Driven Performance to Factory Kahne to Ruhs Bros, Brandon Aranyosi has developed graphic and web designs for some of the top brands in dirt track racing. Now he's leading Dirt Collective Australia, helping expand the brand down under while continuing to evolve the full line of motorsports apparel. In this episode Brandon shares his background in racing and his vision for the future of the sport.   Dirt Life is fueled by High Octane Coffee
    29 January 2018, 4:20 am
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