ATHEISTS FOR JESUS: Rescuing Jesus from the Bible

Kenneth A. Schei


  • 39 minutes 33 seconds
    Episode 15: Luke: Paul's Press Secretary

    A look at how Luke attempted to show Paul in a better light.

    29 March 2012, 3:55 am
  • 32 minutes 37 seconds
    Episode 14: Paul: Apostle or Apostate? Part Three

    Paul versus the Original Apostles

    8 March 2012, 10:15 pm
  • 26 minutes 42 seconds
    Episode 13: Paul: Apostle or Apostate? Part Two

    The theology of Paul versus the teachings of Jesus.

    23 February 2012, 3:18 am
  • 27 minutes 11 seconds
    Episode 12: Paul: Apostle or Apostate? Part One

    In this episode, I examine Paul's claim that he had a vision of Jesus on the road to Damascus, and his claim that the vision led to his becoming a follower of Jesus.

    17 February 2012, 5:32 am
  • 27 minutes 49 seconds
    Episode 11: The Old Testament View of God

    Peter's list of false teachings about God that are in the Old Testament. Jesus' attempts to reform those views in the New Testament.

    15 October 2010, 5:44 am
  • 34 minutes 14 seconds
    Episode 10: The Law in the Old Testament (Part Two)

    Are Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly and David Barton correct? Is the United States a "Christian Nation" or is "separation of church and state" the more important concept? Are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution based on the Ten Commandments and our legal system based on the laws of the Old Testament? We examine these questions in this episode. (Spoiler Alert: Glenn, Sarah, Bill, and David will not like my conclusions.)

    16 September 2010, 7:00 pm
  • 44 minutes 32 seconds
    Episode 9: The Law in the Old Testament (Part One)

    Are Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly and David Barton correct? Is the United States a "Christian Nation" or is "separation of church and state" the more important concept? Are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution based on the Ten Commandments and our legal system based on the laws of the Old Testament? We examine these questions in this episode. (Spoiler Alert: Glenn, Sarah, Bill, and David will not like my conclusions.)

    21 August 2010, 9:11 pm
  • 11 minutes 59 seconds
    Episode 8: Battles in the Old Testament

    A brief look at two Old Testament battles.

    7 June 2010, 10:59 pm
  • 29 minutes 22 seconds
    Episode 7: Heroes in the Old Testament

    Morality is often taught via "Hero Stories."  In this episode we examine the "moral lessons" that are found in the Old Testament stories about: Abraham, David, and Lot.

    31 March 2010, 3:47 am
  • 19 minutes 29 seconds
    Episode 6: Genesis
    Genesis began as an honest search for truth. Unfortunately, when some people insisted on making it the FINAL word rather than the beginning of a wondrous journey, it became a hindrance to that very search. "Creation Science", "Intelligent Design", etc. are quite simply roadblocks that serve to slow our scientific and intellectual growth. They are also of absolutely no importance to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
    27 January 2010, 1:57 am
  • 20 minutes 20 seconds
    Episode 5: What Would Jesus Want US To Do?
    Which is MOST important, Works or Faith? In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus told us exactly how He thought that we should live our lives. It is a message that can be used by believers and non-believers alike. The question is: Will we respect him enough to listen?
    18 September 2009, 4:13 am
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