Keep it Weird is the Podcast for all things strange, unusual, paranormal, supernatural, scary, sticky, gross and everything in between! Join our hosts Lauren and Ashley and their guests as we talk about all things WEIRD!
TW: Faith, references to hell, references to murder, sexism
Welcome to HELL weirdos!
And welcome back to KEEP IT WEIRD-- the podcast about all things strange and unusual, haunted and hellbound, paranormal and posiTIVELY creepy, and everything in between.
And this is SEASON NINE of our show!! Wow. Another year of weird and the best part is we get to spend it with you! This episode starts with Lauren sharing some interesting facts about VALENTINE'S DAY- easily the worst of our holidays. Then Ashley takes us into WHAT IF GOD WAS ONE OF US where we research the origins of H E Double Hockeysticks and find out, whoopsie daisy, it's not even IN THE BIBLE. So where did the idea of eternal suffering in a realm of flames even come from? And Lauren finishes us off with a BIT O' BIOLOGY as we look at the incredible biological discoveries that 2024 brought us. From fingerprint technology (thanks jellyfish!) to natural fiberoptics (thanks heart cockles!) and even to new potential new plant medicine (thanks monkeys!) Check out the links below if you want to do some further reading on today's topics! SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE JOIN OUR PATREON for bonus episodes and free tarot readings FOLOW US ON SOCIALS @keepitweirdcast WHAT THE HELL? BIT O' BIO Greeting’s Weirdos!
Welcome to our season 8 FINALE episode featuring special guest medium & healer AMY GOLDENBERG!!
Join us as we discuss life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness (and aliens, of course) as we move into a new year full of new fears & more beers. We'll see you in 2025!
Twas the week before Yule and all through the pod
Not a creature was stirring, except maybe the gods
The Yule log was burning up the chimney with care
In hopes that Mabon soon would be there
The girls were all nestled with headphones on their heads
While visions of Gaia danced in their… heads oh boy I’m losing it
And Ashley in her elf hat and Lauren with her night cap
Had just settled in for a long winters chat
When out on the lawn arose such a clatter
We ran out into the snow to see what was the matter
Blah blah blah
When what do our wondering eyes should appear
The epitome of yuletide gay had entered our sphere
With rosy red cheeks and a dash of magnesium
We knew right away it was our favorite medium
She spoke not a word but went straight to her work
She was speaking with the dead as she turned with a jerk
She sprang to our side to discuss life on the planet
And of course we had issues with technology, damnit
But in the end, your girls had a great time,
So join us won’t you? I’m running out of rhymes
Let us ring in the new year with a new set of dreams
Happy Yule to all, and to all a good scream…s.
TW: Death, Politics, Aliens, Suicide, Depression, Child Abuse, Trauma
FOLLOW US @keepitweirdcast
Welcome back, Weirdos and WATCH OUT FOR VOORHEES!! it's another Friday the 13th episode!
Every time we get together we chat about something WEIRD and this week is chock-full of crazy. Lauren starts us off by reminding us the reason for the season-- the season of course being Friday the 13th and the reason being FEAR. Lauren breaks down some of the WORST most horrible horrific things to have ever occurred on Friday the 13th - just to get our blood flowing. Then Ashley comes in with a WHOPPER of a CONSPIRACY THEORY!! Did you know that some people believe that the reason the United States invaded Iraq in 2003 was because they were attempting to reverse engineer alien technology and they knew that there was information hidden in ancient sumerian texts & artifacts that held the secrets they were missing? SOUNDS NUTS but hear us out-- there might be something to this one. Then Lauren finishes off strong with a WHERE IN THE WORLD IS KEEP IT WEIRD and a trip to the Wisconsin Dells. What is a dell you ask? Nobody knows. We talk about water parks, haunted saloons, creepy TCBYs, clown museums, strange archeological finds and more. Long live the dells! Check out some LINKS below if you want to do some reading on today's strange topics! Thank you SO MUCH for tuning in to another episode of our show. Prepare yourself for our SEASON 8 FINALE next week with an amazing guest and all the yule tide cheer you can handle. Follow us on social media @keepitweirdcast Join our Patreon for BONUS EPISODES every month, discounts on merch and FREE TAROT CARD READINGS! SUBSCRIBE to our YOUTUBE at RATE OUR SHOW 5 stars if you please but 4 works too :) Gilgamesh MESH,it%20and%20the%20Hebrew%20Bible. What the DELL??,rock%20formations%20we%20see%20today. Mental Health Disorders (schizophrenia, depression, Cotard's syndrome) Drug Use, Death
It's a nice day for a... Black Friday! It's a nice day to... START AGAIIIIIN!
Hi Weirdos!! Happy BLACK Friday we hope you're ready to do the Brain Worm Squirm as we dive into this week's WEIRD topics and celebrate all things DARK! Lauren starts us off with a banger as she launches into JEEPERS CREEPERS (I hate it so much) and teaches us about Cotard's Syndrome. It's nickname however is maybe more appropriate: "Walking Corpse Syndrome." Cotard's is a very rare mental disorder wherein the patient believes either they ARE dead (or dying,) they no longer exist, or sometimes simply that they are losing blood, internal organs or body parts. Its... rough. But no worries, Ashley is here to lighten the mood with an ANCIENT ARTIFACTS (sponsored by Addie Rife) that is all about AYAHUASCA! How the drug is made, what it is doing to your brain when ingested and even how use of the drug could solve some of mankind's OLDEST mysteries. From deep in the Amazon to the furthest reaches of space and time-- this is one TRIP you don't want to miss. Get it? Check out some LINKS below if you want to read up on any of the topics we discussed in today's episode JOIN OUR PATREON at to get a FULL SEGMENT that was cut for time this week plus BONUS EPISODES every month, discounts on merch and FREE TAROT READINGS!! LIKE our videos and SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel ( to a) help us look cool and b) be the first to know when a new video is uploaded FOLLOW US on social media @keepitweirdcast SEND IN YOUR QUESTIONS for our FINALE (recording on 12/11) with AMY GOLDENBERG!! LIVING DEAD GIRL (& BOY & NON-BINARY) SAY MAYBE TO DRUGS,the%20foundation%20of%20nature's%20elements. to Hell, Weirdos!!
Just kidding, it won't ALL be hell. Only a little hell, as a treat. Welcome to KEEP IT WEIRD the podcast for all things strange and unusual, unsettling and unsolved, unexplained and overwhelmed, spicy, silly and everything in between and we are OFFICALLY BACK to finish out another year of weird. This week is heavy on the mysteries but, hey, so is life my friend! Ashley starts us off with the Canneto di Caronia fires that took place in 2003 & 2004. HUNDREDS of spontaneous fires erupted in the small Sicilian village prompting the government to evacuate and bring in hundreds of specialists to look for a cause.. but to this day... we have very few answers. Lauren brings us a new segment THE MISSING and covers the tragic story of Christine Walters who has now been missing for 16 years. Was she involved in the illegal farming of marijuana? Did she join a cult? Was she attacked by someone on one of her nature walks? Unfortunately we may never know Just in case that last story got a little too depressing-- Ashley comes back in with an unsolved mystery from 1969 revolving the LESSER FAMOUS space flight Apollo 10. Something very strange happened aboard that ship and we'll never know who was responsible.... Check out some links below if you want to read up on any of the topics we discussed this week. FOLLOW US on social media @keepitweirdcast SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel at JOIN OUR PATREON for bonus episodes, discounts on merch, sponsored segments and FREE tarot card readings! WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE (& no one knows who did) IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION ON CHRISTINE CALL 707-445-7251 Who's Poop Was It? foul language, death, sex work, voodoo, Donald Trump, perverts
Hi Weirdos!
Are you ready for a trip into the past? This week we are taking a break after our busy BUSY October (& we’re hiding under a rock until we recover from the election) SO, it’s time for a CELEBRATION OF STRANGE! This is a special “Guest-isode”
We are MISSING OUR GUESTS so I wanted to share with you a collection of clips where our GUESTS have been the experts in their topic and have come on the show to really educate us in their career, passion, obsession or just their everyday life.
You’re going to hear from people who have weird jobs, weird bodies, weird interests and MORE! Weird is wonderful. Weird is a compliment. WEIRD is our absolute favorite thing. Weird is nothing to be ashamed about in fact… we believe it should be celebrated.
Check out the list of episodes included below along with the social media handles of our guests featured in this episode in case you’d like to listen to a particular episode in full or give them a follow!
You can follow US on social media @keepitweirdcast
Please consider DONATING TO OUR PATREON!! You can donate ONE TIME or set up a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION and with that patronage you’ll receive 2 bonus episodes every single month, discounts on merch, AD FREE episodes and you can even submit a topic to sponsor for the podcast. You can check that out at
Last but not least please consider SUBSCRIBING to our YOUTUBE CHANNEL at
Clip 1: “My Body Ate My Balls” - Season 3 Episode 6
Guest: Nick Wuthrich @nickandrewcomedy
Clip 2: “The Hole Story”- Season 5 Episode 11
Guest: Chloe @happylittleholespod
Clip 3: “Believing is Seeing” - Season 3 Episode 21
Guest: Amy Goldenberg @houseofeheronseye
Clip 4: “The Proof is in the Pudding Bones” - Season 6 Episode 23
Guest: Joe Ochs @joe.ochs
Clip 5: “Rah Rah Sis Boom AHH!” - Season 4 Episode 1
Guest: Carl Tart @dammitcarl
Clip 6: “Flaming Hosers” Season 5 Episode 19
Guest: DJ Demers @djdemers
Clip 7: “Under Pressure” Season 3 Episode 8
Guest: Melanie Vartabedian @mermaidmelo
Blessed Samhain, Weirdos!
It's time for our annual HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! This one is full of spooky stories, horror movie trivia, and killer costumes. Seven horror stories sent in by YOU our lovely listeners- stories about ghosts, changelings, haunted objects, premonitions, poltergeists, and the creepiest of all--- SCARY PEOPLE. KEEP IN MIND-- there are sound effects and music added in to give you the creeps-- but if you have misophonia or another type of sensitivity to sounds-- we always upload a SOUNDEFFECT/MUSIC FREE version on our patreon that is available to ALL-- We also play several rounds of HORROR MOVIE TRIVIA -- how many answers did YOU get right? Check out this walkthrough of Discovery Park, Seattle from our second story in this episode: FOLLOW us on social media @keepitweirdcast JOIN OUR PATREON at for BONUS EPISODES (2-3 a month!) discounts on merch & even FREE tarot card readings! SUBSCRIBE to our YOUTUBE CHANNEL where we post all of our episodes as VIDEOS!TW: Sexual assault, suspicions of murder, missing persons, short mention of abuse of an animal
Bonjour, Weirdos and welcome to another episode of KEEP IT WEIRD the podcast for all things strange & unusual, conspiratorial & psychological, unsolved & unhinged and EVERYTHING in between. This week we've got some OLD BUSINESS to attend to right off the bat because Ashley has an update from last episode on THE GATEWAY PROJECT!! Turns out... uh... page 25 has not been missing for a few years now. So we go over what that page entails and how it may just change the way you view the world forever. Then Lauren takes us into a PARANORMAL PARADISE as we discover you don't need an old dilapidated mansion to live with ghosts-- sometimes apartments can be JUST as scary! The haunting of Brooklyn's 455A Sackett Street is a strange and terrifying tale of what happens when a place is used for bad deeds for too long.... Ashley brings us home with an UNSOLVED MYSTERY and potentially even an unsolved murder, as we learn about a man named Louis Le Prince who disappeared without a trace only DAYS before he was to unveil the world's very first working moving picture machine. The patent for the machine just so happened to disappear alongside him and a mere 8 months later a very famous inventor announced that HE had invented the world's very first moving picture machine... and boy did it look an awful lot like Le Prince's design...... Today's episode is dedicated to a lover of our show, a listener we lost on September 21st, 2023. Susan Lee Bartlem, Lee to all who knew her well, passed away exactly a year to the DAY that we recorded this episode. (which was an accident... but there are no accidents.) Lee was a beloved teacher at Rockhampton Girls Grammar School in Queensland Australia for 23 years and she was a REAL WEIRDO. Not only did they play Metallica and read Anne Rice at her funeral, but her family even got Keep It Weird tattoos in her honor. It would have been a thrill to meet Lee in real life, on this astral plane, but she lives on forever in the hearts of her students, her friends and family, and with all of us who call ourselves weirdos with pride. Check out some LINKS below if you want to do some further reading on today's strange tales. Follow us on social media @keepitweirdcast LIKE our videos and SUBSCRIBE to our channel on YouTube at JOIN OUR PATREON for bonus episodes every month, discounts on merch, a chance to sponsor a segment of our show AND FREE tarot readings. That Darn Missing Page Apartment from Hell Missing Le Prince day, another END TIMES PROPHECY.
That's ok though, because after THIS episode you're either going to feel secure that the world is not going to end OR you're going to be begging for its destruction. Hello this is Keep It Weird, the podcast for all things strange & unusual! Every time we get together we chat about something WEIRD and this episode is no exception. Ashley starts us of with the segment END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT and tells us all about the PROPHECY OF SAINT MALACHY (more commonly referred to as The Prophecy of the Popes) In 1139 AD Malachy had an intense vision that documented ALL future popes. The end times would come during the time of the 112th pope. AND WOULDN'T YA JUST KNOW IT -- guess who is number 112! Lauren does nothing to make us feel better about ourselves as we dive into REALITY TV CORNER and discuss the horrific story Susunu! Denpa Shōnen in which a young fella named Nasubi was forced to stay alone and unclothed in a small apartment (with no food or access to the outside world) until he won enough money playing mail in sweepstakes to earn his way out. Did we mention he didn't know he was being broadcast LIVE?? And finally we jam our way into REAL OR HOAX as we discuss the Nazca Alien Mummies. You may remember them from that presentation to the congress of Mexico last year? Journalist (& ufologist) Jaime Maussan is NOT letting go of these corpses and he's still releasing bits of their discoveries every day. Are these cake-like mummies the real deal?? Or are they just another hoax (like the mummies he produced in 2015) (and the mummies he produced in 2016)(and the mummies he produced in 2017) Check out some links below if you want to do some more research into today's topics!! JOIN OUR PATREON at to help us produce our show & keep it ad-free! You'll get TWO BONUS EPISODES a month, free DIVINATION READINGS, discounts on merch & exclusive clips & bloopers. FOLLOW US on social media @keepitweirdcast SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel at BUY MERCH/PERUSE OUR SITE at THE LAST POPE,her%20first%20confession%20to%20Malachy. REALITY SHOW FROM HELL ALIEN MUMMIES,precious%20metals%20in%20the%20world.