Highs and Lows


Highs and Lows is a podcast where a guest and I talk about the highs in life, the lows in life, and all that beauty that lies between. As you join us I hope it feels like you’re gathered around the table listening to a chat between friends.

  • 21 minutes 58 seconds
    Sara Triana Mitchell 014
    Visit www.highsandlowspodcast.com for show notes, including clickable links.

    Sara Triana Mitchell is a writer, editor, poet, and stay-at-home parent. She and her husband, Mitch, blog about contentment, creativity, and community at quillandhammock.com. They live near Houston with their two daughters, two cats, and one Airedale Terrier. Sara is the author of a beautiful new children's book called Love Love Bakery, go check it out at www.lovelovebakery.com
    Sara is:

    Watching- Sarah & Duck, Westworld, and New Girl 
    Reading- The Path Between Us and The Unschooling Journey
    Loving- Camper Vans!

    Eating- Sourdough bread & toast, baked by her friend

    Sara also mentions a book called The Artists Way by Julia Cameron as she recommends that everyone try Morning Pages!

    Make sure you go preorder Love Love Bakery! 
    12 June 2018, 4:00 am
  • 27 minutes 33 seconds
    Denaye Barahona 013
    Visit www.highsandlowspodcast.com for show notes, including clickable links.

    Denaye Barahona is a Mother and a Wife living outside of NYC, she runs the site www.simpliefamilies.com as well as hosts the Simple Families Podcast, where she aims to convince you that simple really is smart. Denaye has a personal and professional passion for helping women thrive in motherhood. Her Ph.D. is in Child Development and she is also a Clinical Social Worker with a specialty in Child and Family Practice. She followed that up with a Post-Grad Certificate in Behavior Analysis of Children. Denaye advocates for taking a holistic approach to helping the whole family stay well: physical, emotional, and relational. That means living well by developing a healthy relationship with yourself, your family, and your home.

    Denaye is watching: Silicone Valley & The Good Place
    Reading: The Minimalist Kitchen by Melissa Coleman & The Reggio Way
    Loving: The app called Things
    Eating: Grain Free Granola from Thrive Market
    Denaye also mentions another great book during our chat called This Is Where You Belong by Melody Warnick. You can listen to her podcast chat about this here. 
    You can listen to this podcast over on iTunes as Highs and Lows Podcast as well as on Google Play for android users. Also available on Stitcher. 

    You can find Highs and Lows Podcast over on Instagram as highsandlowspodcast

    You can e-mail Jennifer over at [email protected] or click "contact" on the website www.highsandlowspodcast.com
    5 June 2018, 3:55 am
  • 35 minutes 1 second
    Callie Swanlund 012
    Visit www.highsandlowspodcast.com for show notes, including clickable links.

    The Rev. Callie Swanlund is an Episcopal priest serving in Raleigh, N.C. She enjoys the rich and full life that comes with being a priest and mama to an exuberant 1st-grader and a curious preschooler. During her Sabbath time, Callie enjoys sipping tea, moving her body through lifting and yoga, and dreaming big dreams of changing the world.

    Callie is:

    Watching- Queer Eye Reboot on Netflix (so good!)

    Reading- Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved by Kate Bowler

    Loving- The Snow we saw in late March here in NC (I'm a little ahead on recording. Yes you're hearing this in May!)

    Eating- Pork & Ginger Dumplings

    Callie also mentioned:

    Smitten Kitchen 

    The Daring Way

    You can listen to this podcast over on iTunes as Highs and Lows Podcast as well as on Google Play for android users. Also available on Stitcher. 

    You can find Highs and Lows Podcast over on Instagram as highsandlowspodcast

    You can e-mail Jennifer over at [email protected] or click "contact" on the website www.highsandlowspodcast.com
    15 May 2018, 4:05 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Krystle Cobran 011
    Visit www.highandlowspodcast.com for show notes, including clickable links.

    Krystle helps people start connecting and stop avoiding difficult conversations about race. Using her experience as an attorney, writer, storyteller, and designer and teacher of undergraduate courses on race & the law, Krystle walks with her clients through the sticky points of talking about race to help us have conversations that connect instead of divide. Raving client testimonials on her website highlight her gentle, empathetic, and conversation-driven approach. You can find her at yourbravebox.com.

    Watching: Ugly Delicious

    Reading: Braving The Wilderness & The Warmth of Other Suns

    Loving: Cuddles & Conversations with her kiddos

    Eating: Queso & Guacamole

    You can listen to this podcast over on iTunes as Highs and Lows Podcast as well as on Google Play for android users. Also available on Stitcher. 

    You can find Highs and Lows Podcast over on Instagram as highsandlowspodcast

    You can e-mail Jennifer over at [email protected] or click "contact" on the website www.highsandlowspodcast.com
    8 May 2018, 11:06 am
  • 50 minutes 38 seconds
    Heather & Eryn Episode 010
    Visit www.highsandlowspodcast.com for show notes, including clickable links.

    About Eryn:  I'm Eryn also known as Pumpkin to some.  In past lives I've been a professional baker, trauma counselor, parent educator, non-profit worker and advocate.  In my current life, I'm a mom by way of adoption to three incredible home-schooled kiddos, wife to an amazing man, podcast co-host and work from home entrepreneur.  It's my hope for you that this podcast, space and community is a place that inspires freedom with less, wellness, and self-love.

    About Heather: A little bit about me....In my former life I worked for a large commercial real estate company for many years.  I did everything from analytical work to training employees to managing a help desk team! I am so grateful for that time in my life.  I'm a wife to the best guy and mama to two awesome kids. I love to talk. Talking with friends over food and wine is just about my favorite thing and always has been (well, except for the wine part).  I am an on-again-off again cross fitter, lover of the mountains and ocean, podcast junkie, and bookworm.  Doing this podcast lights me up, and it's so much fun to get to do this with one of my favorite people on the planet (that's you Eryn!).

    The Practical Minimalists Podcast 

    Eryn Mentioned:

    Watching: Parks & Rec and Here and Now

    Reading: A Marriage of Inconvienece by Penny Reid (Knitting in the City series)

    Loving: Quiet & baths!

    Eating: Smoothies- listen to the podcast for her favorite recipe!


    Heather Mentioned:

    Watching: Parks & Rec, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

    Reading: A Wrinkle in Time

    Loving: Hot Yoga

    Eating: Lenny & Larry's Complete Cookies

    You can listen to this podcast over on iTunes as Highs and Lows Podcast as well as on Google Play for android users. Also available on Stitcher. 

    You can find Highs and Lows Podcast over on Instagram as highsandlowspodcast

    You can e-mail Jennifer over at [email protected] or click "contact" on the website www.highsandlowspodcast.com
    1 May 2018, 4:05 am
  • 23 minutes 25 seconds
    Stephanie Berry-Terry 009
    Visit www.highsandlowspodcast.com for show notes, including clickable links.

    Stephanie is a mom to many- mainly two tiny adorable humans but as you'll hear she also considers her pets- a dog, and 2 indoor pigs- her children as well. Stephanie shares about a hard time for her child and for her family. We discuss the importance of open communication with children and having honest dialogue. We also discuss the importance of therapy and doing what is best to help our kiddos and ourselves heal. Listen to the end when Stephanie flips the script and makes me answer HER ending question first. While this conversation touches on hard subjects, you'll see that as friends we can still have a good time too. I hope you enjoy listening in on this conversation and I hope that you hear us both when we say therapy is the best.

    Stephanie is:

    Watching- This is Us

    Reading- Are You There Vodka? It's me Chelsea

    Loving- being a parent to her children, pets, and plants!

    Eating- well in her case, drinking, Starbucks. Stephanie used to be a barista & her and her husband are the most frequent Starbucks drinkers I know. Starbucks in Knightdale, listen for your shout out because they all know her, very well.
    24 April 2018, 4:05 am
  • 30 minutes 43 seconds
    Rachel Hill Episode 008
    Visit www.highsandlowspodcast.com for show notes, including clickable links.

    Rachel's love for travel started before ever stepping on a plane. As a child, she read hundreds of books which allowed her to explore the world in different times and places. In high school she was granted the opportunity to travel to China for a month. Since then, her heart fro travel and exploration has taken her to over 40 countries.

    After silently suffering from Anxiety Disorder and Depression for over a year, Rachel made the decision to resign from a lucrative and promising career to travel the world indefinitely.

    Rachel has created a travel platform to educate, inspire, and influence people of color to travel the world to push pst their comfort zones, travel the world (like a boss on a budget) and change the narrative of what it means to be a traveler of color.

    To say hello and follow more of Rachel's adventures and advice, head over to Rachel's Site. Also, on instagram as RachelTravels.

    Rachel is:

    Watching- Seven Seconds

    Reading- An American Marriage

    Loving- Cantu Coconut Curling Cream

    Eating- Vegan Bolognese

    You can listen to this podcast over on iTunes as Highs and Lows Podcast as well as on Google Play for android users. Also available on Stitcher. 

    You can find Highs and Lows Podcast over on Instagram as highsandlowspodcast

    You can e-mail Jennifer over at [email protected] or click "contact" on the website www.highsandlowspodcast.com
    17 April 2018, 4:05 am
  • 37 minutes 43 seconds
    Jess Curren 003
    Visit www.highsandlowspodcast.com for show notes, including clickable links.

    Jess and her family are in Driggs, Idaho currently. She and her husband Sam, as well as their three children (Rachel 12, Andrew 10, and Cara 7.5) love outdoor recreation and are currently having a ski winter before heading out again in their Airstream this summer.

    You just have to check them out over on instagram as currentlywandering

    Also, check out their blog at currentlywandering.com

    Jess mentions:

    Favorite Shows: Hawaii 5.0, Series of Unfortunate Events, Supergirl, and The Flash

    The Firebird by Susanna Kearsley

    Check out their Airbnb here for your travels! 

    You can listen to this podcast over on iTunes as Highs and Lows Podcast as well as on Google Play and Stitcher.

    You can find Highs and Lows Podcast over on Instagram as highsandlowspodcast

    You can e-mail Jennifer over at [email protected] or click "contact" on the website www.highsandlowspodcast.com
    13 March 2018, 4:05 am
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