Queer Cafeteria

A Fed Up Cast for Queer and Trans Voices

A Fed Up Cast for Queer and Trans Voices

  • 56 minutes 11 seconds
    7: Forever Queer, Forever Punk pt. 1
    Part 1 of the Forever Queer, Forever Punk panel at this year's Fed Up Fest. Fed Up Fest 2017 presents a conversation exploring aging while queer, trans, GNC, and intersex in punk. +In a society that still worships youth, how do punk scenes reproduce or combat these normative ideals? +Where are our role models as we age? +What does visibility look like? Join moderator Jill Flanagan (Forced Into Femininity), and panelists Martin Sorrondeguy (Limp Wrist, Los Crudos), Travis Travis Travis (ONO), Mariam Bastani (Condenada, Permanent Ruin), and Jes Skolnik (Split Feet), as they confront the issue of ageism in punk.
    13 November 2017, 1:34 am
  • 40 minutes 51 seconds
    6: Mixtape
    For Episode 6 we have a mixtape of recent interviews in preparation for Fed Up Fest! The HomoCorps storytelling booth stories are juicy AF and we also include folks from El Rescate talking about their workshop at the fest! OMG the fest is tomorrow! Come see us there! K bye! Find all the info on the fest and links to our beneficiary El Rescate here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1356780457675878/
    28 July 2017, 1:13 am
  • 59 minutes 49 seconds
    5: Class
    ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ The theme for Ep5 is Class: Find the following events on FB and come hang with us at these upcoming events: Dimo’s Wicker Park June 2 (https://www.facebook.com/events/199827910509911/) Queer the Way June 3 (https://www.facebook.com/events/529735277415047/) Snack Attack at Reunion June 17 (https://www.facebook.com/events/2311405495665401/) Band Geeks includes: Anti-Androgen (https://antiandrogen.bandcamp.com/), Eekum Seekum (ttps://eekumseekum.bandcamp.com), Funerales (https://funerales.bandcamp.com/) and FSTFCKR (https://fstfckr.bandcamp.com/) Q(ueers)&A’s features a bunch of queer qts we met on the road HomoEc’s guest lecturer is Shmuely schooling us on how to develop a class analysis In Come Out, Come Out an anonymous friend shares a coming out story! And we chat with workers at Asheville’s Firestorm Coop (https://www.firestorm.coop/) at the QKT! -Homowerk: HIT US UP everywhere @queercafeteria and [email protected] | send us info on your fests, shows, bands and art We’d like to take a moment to send love to our comrades in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago. On May 11, 5 friends were arrested in an illegal eviction carried out by the Chicago Police Department under orders from management company Barnett Capital, "an alternative investment firm focusing in real estate, asset-based financing, and equipment leasing". Barnett Capital is one of the main driving forces in the process of displacement and gentrification currently facing the Black & Brown communities of Little Village and North Lawndale. Our home, affectionately known to some as Swamp 9 / The Compound / Texas, is a haven and safer place for people in the community who have faced chronic homelessness and eviction- a multi generational campaign that is home to people of many identities and backgrounds who continue asking some fundamental questions about the enduring legacies of colonialism: who's land are we on and how can we change the way we relate to the land we occupy? ⒶⒶⒶⒶⒶⒶⒶⒶⒶⒶⒶⒶⒶ
    1 June 2017, 1:11 am
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