DVD podBLAST | Season 2 Archive

Adudathuda Studios

Here it is... Season Two of DVD podBLAST Alternative DVD Commentary. Download the BLASTs, sync them up with the DVD, then kick back and enjoy the movie as no one ever has. Find us on Facebook (DVD podBLAST) and Twitter (@dvdpodblast) to get the latest BLASTs (100 and counting).

  • Cursed - DVD podBLAST

    Happy Halloween!
    31 October 2007, 7:00 pm
  • Highlander II - DVD podBLAST

    Once again, another movie that falls into the "could be considered the worst sequel of all time" category.

    Sean Connery's head has been reattached.
    John C. McGinley does NOT sound like Orsen Welles. (Otherwise brings it)
    Aliens. Including, but not limited to, Pigeon Assassins.
    It's the podBLAST season finale.

    Solid actors doing what they can with crap.
    Virginia Madsen
    BLASTers granted a 3-month leave-of-absence to recover.
    20 September 2007, 7:00 pm
  • Bad Boys II - DVD podBLAST

    Hell yeah. Short of the Double Double Damme Damme and the two-part Pearl Harbor BLAST, here is the single longest BLAST ever. 63MB of BLASTin'.

    But is it all BLASTin'? Did one of your very own turn to the dark side? Download and find out.

    As for the movie... 2 hours and 17 Minutes of Michael Bay's signature, flat-lit, product-placed, lowest common denominator, quick-cut, plot-light, action "filmmaking".

    Though it's never been checked, we think it's probably a cult classic with most coroners.
    13 September 2007, 7:00 pm
  • Blues Brothers 2000 - DVD podBLAST


    Arguably the worst sequel-to-original disparity in the history of cinema. This hunk of crap jumps the shark in so many ways that if we listed them all here, we might break the internet.

    How Dan Ackroyd was able to round everyone up for this is a mystery. One suspects that no one asked to read the script first.

    Suggestion: Dan, instead of showing your love of music and Blues by trying to reproduce the magic of the original Blues Brothers, do a documentary. Everyone expects those to suck.

    BLASTphemers - if you're in the habit of listening to BLASTs without renting the movie, go out on a limb with this one. Some of the gasps you'll hear on the BLAST will make more sense if you're actually getting the visuals.
    6 September 2007, 7:00 pm
  • Alone in the Dark - DVD podBLAST

    Another Ewe Boll film. Well, what can you say about a director that has admitted his movies are bad, then in the same breath blamed the video games they're based on as not being good source material? Seriously, what can you say?

    Who gives a shit, it's perfect blasting material. Bad movie, laughable performances (we're looking at you, Tara Reid), pointless gore, spooky caves that are really alternate dimensions... perfect.

    So, let's go out on a limb here and say...

    Thank you, Ewe. Thank you.
    30 August 2007, 7:00 pm
  • Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life - DVD podBLAST

    Super-sexy Angelina Jolie is all T's & A in this franchise deuce, though you would never know it. It's like the movie was cut with gay men and jealous girlfriends in mind.

    So with no gratuitous shots of Mrs. Pitt, what are you left with? Pandora's "box"? Yeah, we know... sounds promising, but it turns out to be lame.

    But: The dude with all the pecs and abs from 300 is in it.

    Finally. A film for the Gay Male Gamer.
    16 August 2007, 7:00 pm
  • Ghostrider - DVD podBLAST

    Nicholas Cage rides through this pile of crap (yet another poorly realized Marvel adaptation) admirably, though clearly much of his time was spent in his trailer while the animators took over.

    Try to forget that he made a deal with the devil and can't be killed, and you may just sense some drama here and there.

    Two other things to note: Eva Mendes can't even pull off a convincing news reporter. Uh, Eva? The Academy called. They'd like you to go home now.

    One of the greatest mis-casts ever:
    Wes "...there's so much beauty in the world..." Bentley as Blackheart-The-Squeaky-Voiced.
    9 August 2007, 7:00 pm
  • Reindeer Games - DVD podBLAST

    We like Ben Affleck. We really do. Why he happens to be in so many BLASTed movies is a mystery.

    Make no mistake, though, Reindeer Games sucks hard. If it's not the championship collection of stupid double-crosses, then it's the several unbelievable leaps of logic. Pointless narration? Got it. Lame, unrealistic villains? Yep. Someone to root for? A sympathetic hero? Uh, no.

    However, Charlize Theron appears twice with minimal clothing.
    2 August 2007, 7:00 pm
  • Double Double Damme Damme - DVD podBLAST

    The heat is getting to us. As we sign off for a short summer vacation, we leave you with the first ever DVD podBLAST double feature:

    Double Impact and Double Team (in that order)

    Both starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, one starring him twice, and the other also starring Rebound King and former Flavor of the Month, Dennis Rodman.

    Squeamish about hearing your BLASTers chow down? Too bad. Trying to survive 3.5 hours of "The Damme" without eating is impossible, so at the break, we send one of our own down to In 'n Out to grab some Double-Doubles.

    Believe it or not, there are even MORE "double" jokes in the BLAST. So, enjoy that.

    We'll see you in a month or so.
    5 July 2007, 7:00 pm
  • Epic Movie - DVD podBLAST

    We've done the franchise killers, we've done the career killers, we've even done the director killers. Here's a new one...

    The Genre Killer.

    If the makers of Airplane and Top Secret knew back then that this was where zany comedy was headed, they probably would have just stuck with their day jobs. Luckily for everyone, looking into the future is impossible.

    Unfortunately for DVD podBLAST, un-watching a movie is also impossible.
    21 June 2007, 7:00 pm
  • The Bonfire of the Vanities - DVD podBLAST

    The title, The Bonfire of the Vanities, refers to an event in 1497 whereby a puritanical leader in Italy sent his Troops of Morality house to house, requesting that folks give up their "vanities" - paintings, cosmetics, "pagan" books - and throw them onto the 15-story bonfire.


    As the undisputed modern day equivalent of the Troops of Morality, DVD podBLAST will soon be going door to door, nicely asking people to give up their DVD copies of The Bonfire of the Vanities so we may throw them atop the ritual pyre, apty named, "The Bonfire of The Bonfire of the Vanities."
    14 June 2007, 7:00 pm
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