Derek Prince Legacy Radio International

Derek Prince

The days of missing solid Bible teaching because of your hectic work and family schedule are gone forever. You can now carry the same trusted Derek Prince Legacy Radio daily broadcast with you wherever you go.

  • Thanksgiving (1)

    Today Derek reveals the biblical truths behind this principle and we discover what we need to give to God. We also learn the definitions of Thanksgiving, prayer, and worship and find the similarities these actions have with the colors of the rainbow.

  • What God's Word Will Do for You (1)

    God's word is alive, energetic, penetrating. That God's Word and God's Spirit, working together, contain in them the total creative power of God. The results God's Word produces in us depends on the way we respond to it.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (2)

    The gifts of the Holy Spirit can logically be divided up into three groups each containing three gifts: three gifts of revelation, three gifts of power, and three vocal gifts. Today Derek speaks about the first of the gifts of revelation, the word of wisdom. Derek brings us to the Scripture to see how this manifestation of the Holy Spirit works in life.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (3)

    Today we are going to take a dramatic look at how the word of knowledge was used in the New Testament church, and in Derek's own life as well. How important it is for us to honor the gifts God has given us and yield to these gifts in our personal lives.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (4)

    Derek defines "discerning of spirits" as the ability to recognize, identify and distinguish between various kinds of spirits that confront us. In this connection we need to bear in mind that the Christian ministry is a ministry in the spiritual realm. Ephesians 6:12 says we are not fighting enemies of flesh and blood or persons with bodies, but we are arrayed against an evil spiritual kingdom, spirits of wickedness. So it's essential that we are equipped to handle our spiritual enemies.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (5)

    Today Derek begins teaching us about the "Power Gifts" as he discusses The Gift of Faith. Lots of information, you'll want to take notes. And lots of illustrations both from the Bible and his own life are used in this comprehensive study on the gifts of the spirit.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (6)

    Tthe nature of the healing that is spoken about here, Derek tells us, is the healing power of God channeled through the one who ministers the gift into the body of the one who is sick. Healing is directly related to sickness-where there is no sickness, there is no need of healing. So, healing is God's divine, supernatural power, channeled through a human believer, into the body of the one who is sick.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (7)

    The working of miracles and healings are closely related, yet distinct. Healings may be gradual and in hidden areas of the body. Miracles are normally visible and frequently they are instantaneous. Listen as Derek explains about the working of miracles from Scripture and his own experience.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (8)

    Today Derek gives some great guidelines and examples from Scripture regarding the gift of prophecy. Have you ever received a prophecy that you knew was from the Lord? Did it, as Derek said, "build up, stir up and cheer you up?"

  • Gifts of the Spirit (9)

    More often than not, the gift of tongues is shunned and at the very least misunderstood. Why would God give such a gift to the Body of Christ? You can find out today. Lay aside any preconceived ideas and listen as Derek goes through the Scripture line-upon-line to help us understand this gift.

  • Gifts of the Spirit (10)

    Interpretation of tongues is the ability, supernaturally given by the Holy Spirit, to present in a known language the meaning of something that has previously been given out in an unknown language. The person who brings the interpretation may be the same person who gave the utterance in the unknown tongue or it may be another person. The Scripture leaves room for either possibility.

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