
Hilde and Emily

Welcome to Ceasefire, a podcast discussing American politics seen from the European side of the pond! This podcast is hosted by Emily Charnock, a political historian at Cambridge University, and Hilde Restad, an associate professor of international studies at Bjørknes College in Oslo, Norway.

  • 35 minutes 11 seconds
    Ep. 25 - Brexit, Bernie, Babies!
    Emily and Hilde discuss the latest Brexit developments, and how they might relate to American politics, introduce the study of "fieldology" (i.e. the study of the Democratic field of presidential contenders), and end with a bumpy announcement!
    3 March 2019, 2:56 pm
  • 38 minutes 20 seconds
    What kind of powers can Nancy Pelosi wield against Donald Trump? Is there hope for American conservatism after Trump? Hilde and Emily get into their most predictive mode and set the stage for 2019.
    31 December 2018, 6:48 pm
  • 45 minutes 45 seconds
    Ceasefire special: US-Saudi alliance with Thomas Hegghammer
    The United States and Saudi Arabia are very close allies. But why? Is it about oil, terrorism, Iran, or what? What do the two countries see in each other? Hilde talks to Thomas Hegghammer, a renowned expert on Saudi politics and Islamist extremism. Come for the world-class expertise, stay for Thomas' favorite color and his take on why it is slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi could not have foreseen what was about to happen to him.
    30 November 2018, 5:02 pm
  • 22 minutes 55 seconds
    Ep. 22 - Thanksgiving Minisode!
    In this special holiday minisode, Hilde and Emily discuss what they're thankful for on the American political scene right now, despite the contentious times we're living in, and reminisce about a few of their favorite Thanksgiving foods... There's pecan pie, blue waves, green bean casserole, checks and balances, and more, plus a special appearance by Hilde's mom's dog! Happy Thanksgiving!
    22 November 2018, 7:28 am
  • 40 minutes 9 seconds
    Ep. 21 - Midterm Madness
    Can voter suppression affect the midterm elections? Hilde & Emily explain the voter fraud vs. voter suppression controversy in the United States, and discuss the ridiculous situation happening in Georgia. Predictably, Hilde ends up quoting The Notorious RBG and gets all fired up.
    3 November 2018, 5:39 pm
  • 40 minutes 32 seconds
    Ep. 20 - Race and the Republican Party
    Is the GOP racist? According to ex-GOP'er Max Boot - yes. His mea culpa leads Emily and Hilde to discuss what political scientists and historians have said about the infamous "Southern Strategy" and whether this is still relevant. Can the Republican party today can be salvaged from its white nationalism? Hilde and Emily, uhm, disagree.
    14 October 2018, 5:06 pm
  • 48 minutes 25 seconds
    Ep. 19 - Midterms, millennials, oh my! LIVE PODCAST!
    Recorded live in Oslo, Hilde and Emily discuss America's youngest generations - X,Y, and Z - and how they're shaping US society and politics. We're talking avocado toast, "snowflakes", safe spaces, and more! Plus, a special discussion with American exchange students in Norway, and how young people might affect the 2018 midterm elections. This live event was part of the national research day in Norway, sponsored by the Norwegian Research Council.
    25 September 2018, 8:57 am
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