Activism 101 with Mike Maharrey

Tenth Amendment Center

The Tenther Grapevine

  • 4 minutes 45 seconds
    Activism 101 Podcast #26: Playing the Long Game

    This is the 26th installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    As I’ve gotten into my activism efforts, I’ve discovered there is a definite ebb and flow. I’m crazy busy for a few days and then suddenly it seems like there isn’t anything to do. There’s a major buzz for a while and then it gets quiet.

    During those down times, it’s easy to get discouraged and think things aren’t going well.

    In this episode of the Activism 101 Podcast, I talk about the importance of playing a long game and not getting too caught up in the events of the moment. (Or lack thereof.)

    The post Activism 101 Podcast #26: Playing the Long Game first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    15 November 2017, 2:03 pm
  • 4 minutes 4 seconds
    Activism 101 Podcast #25: Strategy vs. Tactics

    This is the 25th installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    When most people hear the word “activist,” they probably think of some guy standing on a soapbox yelling through a bullhorn. Activism is people marching and holding rallies. Obviously, that’s not all I’m doing. (Although I have in fact yelled through a bullhorn.) So. what is the difference between these common perceptions of activism and what I’m doing?

    It comes down to understanding the difference between tactics and strategy. In this episode of the Activism 101 Podcast, I talk about it.


    Activism 101 Podcast #6: You Gotta Have a Plan

    The post Activism 101 Podcast #25: Strategy vs. Tactics first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    10 November 2017, 12:20 am
  • 6 minutes 53 seconds
    Activism 101 Podcast #24: Is Social Media Dangerous?

    This is the 24th installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    Is it dangerous to heavily utilize social media in your activism efforts? Couldn’t your privacy be compromised? And what happens if Facebook or Twitter block your accounts?

    Somebody recently asked me these questions, saying he would never rely on social media because he thinks it would be “dangerous” to any activism efforts. In this episode of the Activism 101 Podcast. I address these concerns.


    Activism 101 Podcast #9: Expanding Reach Through Social Media

    Activism 101 Podcast #10: Maximizing Social Media

    Signal An encrypted communications platform


    The post Activism 101 Podcast #24: Is Social Media Dangerous? first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    6 November 2017, 5:39 pm
  • 7 minutes 59 seconds
    Activism 101 Podcast #23: Handling the Media Crush

    This is the 23rd installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    Your activism may never hit the news cycle in a big way, but if it does, be prepared. It will probably sweep over you like a tidal wave.

    I experienced that after sending out a press release announcing the ACLU of Kentucky will represent me in the lawsuit the city of Lexington filed against me. Within a 48-hour period, I did multiple interviews and fielded a slew of questions from various media outlets.

    In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I offer some tips for handling the media crush. I talk about general messaging and focus specifically on what to expect in a TV interview.


    Activism 101 Podcast #20: Local Government Sues Me to Keep Documents Secret

    Activism 101 Podcast #18: Getting on the Radio, and Prepping for an Interview

    TV Interview: Taking on Big Brother at the Local Level

    The post Activism 101 Podcast #23: Handling the Media Crush first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    3 November 2017, 2:33 pm
  • 5 minutes 51 seconds
    Activism 101 Podcast #22: Seize the Day

    This is the 22nd installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    In the last episode, I talked about how the lawsuit the city of Lexington filed against me over an open records request has created some challenges – specifically in keeping focused on our ultimate activism goals. But getting sued has also created some great opportunities – in particular, an appearance on the InfoWars show Real News with David Knight. The key was being willing to move quickly when the door opened.

    In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about the importance of seizing the day and taking advantage of every opportunity as they pop up.


    Interview: Sued by Local Government for Open Records Request on Surveillance

    The post Activism 101 Podcast #22: Seize the Day first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    24 October 2017, 3:37 pm
  • 4 minutes 17 seconds
    Activism 101 Podcast #21: Keeping Your Focus

    This is the 21st installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    If you listened to episode #20, you know the city of Lexington sued me over an open records request I made. As you can imagine, this has become a major focus of my life. Dealing with a lawsuit takes a lot of time and energy!

    In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about the importance of keeping your focus on your activism plan and your ultimate goals when unexpected things (like a lawsuit) pop up in the midst of your work.


    Our Plan

    Episode #6: You Gotta Have a Plan

    The post Activism 101 Podcast #21: Keeping Your Focus first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    21 October 2017, 7:12 pm
  • 6 minutes 9 seconds
    Activism 101 Podcast #20: Local Government Sues Me to Keep Documents Secret

    This is the 20th installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    I knew going into this activism effort there would be surprises and even some setbacks. I didn’t expect this.

    On Oct. 2, I was sitting in my living room watching Netflix when I heard a knock on the door. When I answered, a Fayette County constable served me papers.

    Yes ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been sued!

    The city of Lexington really doesn’t want me to have information on the police department’s mobile surveillance cameras. When I won an open records appeal to the attorney general’s office, the city took it to the next level and sued me.

    As the saying goes, if you’re catching flak, you’re definitely over the target.

    In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about my reaction to the lawsuit.


    More info on the lawsuit

    The post Activism 101 Podcast #20: Local Government Sues Me to Keep Documents Secret first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    9 October 2017, 4:35 pm
  • 4 minutes 17 seconds
    Activism 101 Podcast #19: Let People Help

    This is the 19th installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    Being a control freak can be detrimental to your activism efforts. I know this from experience. I have a tendency to want to try to handle everything on my own. This is not an effective leadership strategy.

    In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about the importance of delegating tasks and responsibilities to other people, and explain how my own unwillingness to let some things go has hindered our work.

    The post Activism 101 Podcast #19: Let People Help first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    6 October 2017, 7:51 pm
  • 8 minutes 6 seconds
    Activism 101 Podcast #18: Getting on the Radio, and Prepping for an Interview

    This is the 18th installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    We recently enjoyed a big publicity breakthrough in our activism work. I was invited to be a guest on a local talk radio show. The appearance went exceptionally well and helped elevate our public profile in the city.

    In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about how I got invited to appear on the radio show, and I offer some tips on how to prepare for a successful interview.


    My appearance on Cruzer and Krew

    Episode #13: Writing a Good Press Release

    The post Activism 101 Podcast #18: Getting on the Radio, and Prepping for an Interview first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    29 September 2017, 6:47 pm
  • 6 minutes 26 seconds
    Activism 101 Podcast #17: What Do You Do when the Cops Won’t Give Up the Documents?

    This is the 17th installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    Back on episode #4, I talked about obtaining documents from government agencies through open records requests. You can gather a great deal of information about government departments and their operations by utilizing the formal FOIA request process. But what do you do when the agency denies your request and hides information behind exemptions in the open records laws?

    You appeal.

    In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about how I appealed and won when the Lexington Police Department denied my request for documents relating to mobile surveillance cameras.


    Episode #4: Give Me Those Documents

    Press release announcing appeal victory

    Kentucky Attorney General Office ruling

    Original open records request letter of appeal

    The post Activism 101 Podcast #17: What Do You Do when the Cops Won’t Give Up the Documents? first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    26 September 2017, 5:43 am
  • 8 minutes
    Activism 101 Podcast #16: What Do I Do When My Event Flops?

    This is the 16th installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

    In the last episode, I talked about putting on events. So, what do you do if you plan a great rally, advertise it all over social media and hardly anybody shows up?

    Yes. This happened. But we were able to make some lemonade out of lemons.

    In this episode of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about some ways you can turn a poorly attended event into a positive experience and still use it to advance your activism.


    My Rally at the SpyPole speech

    The post Activism 101 Podcast #16: What Do I Do When My Event Flops? first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center.
    21 September 2017, 2:52 am
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