Beyond The Lede

Beyond The Lede

A weekly podcast hosted by Mike Skinner (@mikeskinnner) & Patrick Foran (@PatrickFO) that discusses current events and big ideas.

  • 19 minutes 41 seconds
    #16 | On Uranium One, the Misery Filter, and Sex Object
    Follow us on Twitter: @PatrickFO & @mikeskinnner On this week’s Beyond the Lede, Patrick goes solo. He covers the scandal, or pseudo-scandal, that is Uranium One and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He then muses upon an opinion piece that he really liked this weekend by The New York Times columnist Ross Douthat titled “the Misery Filter.” In the “Backpages” he recommends a book called Sex Object by Jessica Valenti. Resources and recommendations: “Unpacking Uranium One: Hype and Law,” by Paul Rosenzweig, (October 27, 2017). “Foreign Investment and U.S. National Security,” by Jonathan Masters, and James McBride, (December 14, 2016). “The Misery Filter,” by Ross Douthat, (October 28, 2017). Sex Object: A Memoir (2016) by Jessica Valenti Image Credit:
    1 November 2017, 3:56 am
  • 55 minutes 46 seconds
    #15 | Why Are We Even In Niger? Plus: Neutron Stars, Psychological Effects of Disasters & More!
    Follow us on Twitter: @mikeskinnner & @PatrickFO In this week's episode, we explain why we are even in Niger in the first place. We also give you some updates on Middle East politics after Isis has been demolished and new groups are rising to power. Also, we explain the discovery of the collision of neutron stars and why this matters. In our Beyond The Lede, Mike explains the psychological affects of disasters and tragedies and Patrick talks about a recent talk he attended about Russia. Backpages: The Fog of War (2003)Documentary Welcome To The Universe (2016) by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michael Strauss, and J. Richard Gott Image Credit: MRO Space
    28 October 2017, 2:34 am
  • 52 minutes 5 seconds
    #14 | Iran: Deal or No Deal? Also, Why Free Speech Matters, Educational Media, & More!
    Follow us on Twitter: @mikeskinnner @PatrickFO In this episode of Beyond the Lede, in “the Lede,” we discuss President Trump’s disavowal of the JCPOA, the nuclear agreement between Iran and the West. We discuss the political implications; the possible paths forward from here on out; and we detail a bit of the confusion regarding the details of theagreement, including its “sunset clauses.” Then, we cover Trump’s tweets regarding wanting to revoke the licenses of the networks, such as NBC. That is not how these things work, Mr. President. In our “Beyond the Lede” segments, where we get into individual topics and also a joint-segment, we discuss free speech, and how, in recent polls, Americans on both sides of the aisle are responding with authoritarian tendencies. Mike looks at the pernicious and troubling effects of media and screen consumption on the developing mind. All this and more! References: "Mr. President, Decertify the Iran Deal and Then Walk Away" by Andrew McCarthy, National Review (October 5). “People Literally Do Not Understand What Laws Are or How They Work.” By Oren Nimni, and Nathan J. Robinson. (October 10). “Why Are Millenials Wary of Freedom?” by Clay Routledge, The New York Times (October 14). Recommendations: On Liberty (1859), by John Stuart Mill The audiobook version of The Martian (2011) by Andy Weir Image Credit: The Daily Beast
    19 October 2017, 2:06 am
  • 50 minutes 39 seconds
    #13 | A Civil Discussion About Guns. Also: Puerto Rico, Secretary Rex, & More!
    Follow us on Twitter: @mikeskinnner & @PatrickFO In “the Lede,” we get into the recent mass shooting in America. This time it was on Las Vegas. We get into the politics and policy of gun control and the 2nd Amendment. Then, we have a conversation about Hurricane Maria, which devastated Puerto Rico. We get into the rebuilding of the island and President Trump’s response and handling of the situation. Finally, we briefly muse about rather or not Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will leave anytime soon. In “Beyond The Lede,” we do a joint segment on a recent conversation held by the great Jordan Peterson and the brilliant Camile Paglia. In “the Backpages, we get into our weekly recommendations. References and recommendations: “A Deathly Silence.” (October 5, 2017). YouTube channel: Jordan B. Peterson, “Modern Times: Camile Paglia and Jordan Peterson” (October 2, 2017). Underoath – Define the Great Line (2006) Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution (2014), by John Paul Stevens Image Credit: The Federalist
    11 October 2017, 11:47 pm
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