

Global politics from a left perspective. Interviews & long-form discussions on the crises of our times. Let’s move past the age of ’bunga bunga’

  • 4 minutes 34 seconds
    /440/ Dear Tradmother, Why Are You Sad? ft. Amber A'Lee Frost (sample)

    On tradwives, influencers, and boys.

    [Patreon Exclusive]

    Amber is back on the pod, talking to Alex and George about her forthcoming piece on neo-traditionalism and women, in Damage issue 3, which will be on Mothers. We discuss:

    • What are the models of 'tradwives' out there?

    • If homemakers make homes, do tradwives make content?

    • Does the tradwife phenomenon speak to sense of exhaustion with being a neoliberal girlboss?

    • When does internet crap start being real? Do influencers actually influence?

    • What is the political upshot of all this?


    24 September 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    /439/ We Can Shape Our Own Environment ft. Ted Nordhaus

    On "eco-modernism".

    Ted Nordhaus, co-founder and executive director of the Breakthrough Institute, talks to Leigh and Alex the 20th anniversary of "The Death of Environmentalism" and the 10th anniversary of "The Ecomodernist Manifesto". We discuss:

    • The fundamental philosophical differences between "building-out" and "restraint".

    • Whether industrial policy like the Inflation Reduction Act is in line with the ecomodern approach

    • Why environmentalism differs in the US versus Western Europe

    • Why modernisation gets lost in discussions on the environment

    • What techno-optimism and what techno-fixes are

    • What the Abundance Agenda is


    19 September 2024, 5:12 pm
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    /438/ You Are Being Enlisted into the Culture War ft. Andrew Hartman

    On the US culture wars, then and now.

    Historian Andrew Hartman, author of A War for the Soul of America, talks to Alex about how US Americans have been sorted into cultural camps over the past fifty years. We discuss:

    • Who started it? And who perpetuates it?

    • What is the "culture" in the culture war? And is it a war, or a series of skirmishes?

    • Is there something particularly American about culture wars?

    • The culture wars have followed the breakup of liberalism – so, what comes next?

    • Do culture wars necessarily presuppose identity politics?


    17 September 2024, 7:00 am
  • 5 minutes 41 seconds
    /437/ Climate Change Is Not an Information Problem ft. Holly Buck (sample)

    On disinformation, misinformation and the popular will.

    Holly Jean Buck, Assistant Professor of Environment and Sustainability at the University at Buffalo, joins us to talk about her recent pieces arguing that the climate movement's focus on disinformation is misguided. We discuss:

    • What is disinformation and misinformation in the climate context?

    • Are there parallels to be drawn with anti-disinfo campaigns on vaccines during the pandemic?

    • How is the deterioration in trust in elites and scientific institutions to be responded to?

    • What do Holly's focus groups tell her about popular views on climate politics?

    • Does the return to industrial policy mean we should focus on "people who know how to make and run stuff"?

    • And what is solar radiation management, carbon capture and storage, carbon dioxide removal, and related technologies?


    12 September 2024, 6:48 pm
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    /436/ Slovakia's Four World Directions ft. Dominik Zelinsky

    On corruption, charisma, populism & assassination in Slovakia.

    Slovak sociologist Dominik Zelinksy joins us to discuss Slovakia's positioning between East and West. We discuss:

    • Why was Prime Minister Robert Fico a target of an assassination attempt?

    • Whether Fico – not a zany outsider but a competent insider – is a "populist"

    • Why Slovaks are not so anti-Russian, and why they are sceptical of NATO

    • How has anti-corruption politics played a role

    • What is "charismatic mimicry" and why have Western leaders aped Ukraine's Zelenskyy?



    10 September 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    UNLOCKED: /419/ Who Owns Power ft. Fred Stafford

    On the electricity grid and the institutions involved.

    [Episode originally released only to subscribers on 20 June 2024. Join us at patreon.com/bungacast]

    Fred Stafford, a STEM professional, a writer on energy and power, and an editor at Damage, talks to Alex and regular contributor Leigh Phillips about the utility of utilities and his recent essay in the second print issue of Damage, "Deinstitutionalized"./

    • What actually is a utility: is it a question of ownership, structure, purpose..?

    • How did the 70s energy crisis, neoliberal economics, and environmentalism create a perfect storm that broke up regulated utilities?

    • How does the regulatory regime on energy in the US actually work?

    • Why have environmentalists been so keen to line up with neoliberal deregulation and to attack utilities – in Europe as well as the US?

    • Why should the left think about a restoration of the investor-owned utility model, and not just jump straight to public ownership?


    5 September 2024, 3:00 am
  • 5 minutes 40 seconds
    /435/ Reading Club: Stalin's General – Winning WWII (sample)

    On Geoffrey Roberts’ 2013 biography of Field Marshal Zhukov.

    [Patreon Exclusive]

    Who was the Soviet general and architect of Soviet victory on the Eastern Front during the Second World War? We discuss:

    • What does Zhukov’s life tell us about modern warfare?

    • What can we learn about the life and fate of the Soviet regime?

    • How should we view the Ukraine war and renewed geopolitical rivalry between the West and Russia today?

    • What are the popular perceptions and folk memories of world war?  


    3 September 2024, 7:00 am
  • 4 minutes 46 seconds
    /434/ Bodiless Bodies ft. Matthew Thompson & Jonny Gordon-Farleigh (sample)

    On the NGO-isation of the state.

    [Patreon Exclusive]

    Researchers and writers Matthew Thompson and Jonny Gordon-Farleigh join us to discuss their recent Damage article with George Hoare.

    Civil society was once occupied by popular forces that could function as a bulwark against both capitalist marketization and state authoritarianism. Today, it has been colonized by the NGO, which, in turn, colonizes our hollowed-out politics. We ask:

    • What are 'private NGOs', and what are quangos?

    • How has 'projectification' taken over?

    • What does the NGOisation of society mean? How does this kill public accountability?

    • What are concrete examples of this process?

    • What comes next? Any possibility for resurrecting things like Working Men’s Clubs? 


    29 August 2024, 12:44 pm
  • 5 minutes 32 seconds
    /433/ Aufhebonus Bonus – August 2024 (sample)

    On your questions & criticisms.

    [Patreon Exclusive]

    We respond with comments on episodes 420 to 432 and various other points you wanted to us to discuss. In this episode:

    • Does our politics lack self-critique?

    • When did the breakdown of the UK's political system begin?

    • How hegemonic is "settler" discourse?

    • Will there be a coup in France?

    • Do we need more analysis of the PMC?

    • How did victimhood become a means for the expression of political demands?



    27 August 2024, 7:03 am
  • 31 minutes 24 seconds
    /432/ Median Left Thought and its Monsters ft. Ben Burgis (sample)

    On Naomi Klein & Naomi Wolf and "political diagonalism"

    Episode in association with Damage magazine. Patreon Exclusive.

    Ben Burgis talks to Alex and George about his review in Damage of Naomi Klein's Doppelgangers. We discuss:

    • Whether Naomi Klein is representative of the average left-wing position this century

    • What Klein's trajectory and that of Naomi Wolf tell us about contemporary politics

    • What is "pipiking" – Philip Roth's term for making everything a farce?

    • What role do conspiracy theories play for the Right today? For the Left?

    • What's wrong with the idea of "settlers" and "indigenous", and how does it play out with regard to Jews and to Native Americans?

    • Are we right to hold up “proper left” and “proper right” as ideals to which the ideological confusion of our times should return?



    20 August 2024, 7:03 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    /431/ The Myth of Monolithic China ft. Lee Jones & Shahar Hameiri

    On the structure of the Chinese state and its external relations.

    [Patreon Exclusive: for the full episode, go to patreon.com/bungacast]

    We welcome back Lee Jones and Shahar Hameiri to reflect on the outcome of the recent plenum of the Chinese Communist Party and to ask who, if anyone beyond Xi Jinping, is calling the shots.

    • How will the CCP respond to the US election?

    • Why is China not a monolithic, integrated state in the way some think?

    • How important is the the Sino-Russian alliance? Does it matter more to Russia or to China?

    • What happened to "wolf-warrior diplomacy"? Is it still a thing? 

    • What's going on economically with the property bubble, and with Chinese manufacturing over-capacity?

    • Should we be worried about WWIII over Taiwan or the South China Sea?



    15 August 2024, 7:05 am
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