Knesset Corner

Rabbi Dov Lipman

Join former member of Knesset Rabbi Dov Lipman and Scott Kahn as they discuss the latest developments in Israeli politics. For more great podcasts go to

  • 12 minutes 45 seconds
    Episode 13 - Trump's Jerusalem Announcement, The UN Vote, and a Possible Indictment of Netanyahu
    In this episode of Knesset Corner, Rabbi Dov Lipman tells Scott Kahn why President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital is not meaninglessly symbolic, and why the potential for violence in response to announcements like these should not deter Israel or the United States from making them, regardless of whether anything practical changes on the ground. They also discuss the meaning behind the recent United Nations vote against Israel, as well as Prime Minister Netanyahu's strategy in speaking openly about a likely police recommendation that he be indicted.
    24 December 2017, 4:19 pm
  • 11 minutes 29 seconds
    Episode 12 - Trump's Peace Plan, Strange Legislation, and Perhaps an Indictment?
    A recent report suggests that President Trump will soon offer a peace plan that involves American recognition of a Palestinian state, which - if true - portends serious problems for Israel's current governing coalition. Along with controversial proposed legislation that affects criminal investigations, and whispers that an indictment of the prime minister is coming closer, the chance of new elections appears to be growing by the day. Join Rabbi Dov Lipman and Scott Kahn as they discuss these issues, and how they may, in fact, all be related to each other.
    20 November 2017, 4:09 pm
  • 17 minutes 36 seconds
    Episode 11 - Terror in Har Adar, and the Supreme Court Overturns Haredi Draft Exemptions
    Join Rabbi Dov Lipman and Scott Kahn as they discuss the consequences of the recent terror attack in Har Adar, where three Israelis were killed by a terrorist who had been peacefully working in that community for years. They also talk about the Supreme Court decision outlawing the blanket Haredi draft exemption, and what is likely to happen now that the Court has mandated the Knesset to find a new solution based on equality of service.
    28 September 2017, 2:03 pm
  • 13 minutes 8 seconds
    Episode 10 - The Kotel Compromise "Frozen"
    After initially voting for the building of a new area designated for egalitarian prayer at the Western Wall, Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government have rescinded the compromise proposal, causing a tremendous backlash among many Jews, particularly outside of Israel. Why did the same ultra-Orthodox parliamentarians who approved the original bill now threaten to topple the government over it? Does it really matter? Does this ultimately symbolic issue have long-term ramifications for the State of Israel? Join Rabbi Dov Lipman and Scott Kahn as they analyze the issues.
    27 June 2017, 8:18 am
  • 12 minutes 6 seconds
    Episode 9 - President Trump's Visit to Israel
    As President Donald Trump visits Israel and the Palestinian Territories, supporters of Israel have been encouraged by his visit to the Kotel, and slightly dismayed by the antics of MK Oren Hazan. What does this presidential trip tell us about Trump's future policies towards Israel? What may happen as a result of his visit with Palestinian President Abbas - and will it be good or bad for Israel?
    23 May 2017, 8:45 am
  • 12 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode 8 - The Kahlon Tax Plan, and Good News from the Chareidi World
    With a 5 billion NIS budget surplus, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon presented a series of tax cuts and subsidies to help Israel's middle class. Are there drawbacks? Why did he announce his plan without first informing Prime Minister Netanyahu? Rabbi Dov Lipman and Scott Kahn discuss the issues involved. Also in this episode: Israel Army Radio reports that there are more Chareidi officers than ever before in the Israeli army; moreover, the first ever official Chareidi Yom HaZikaron commemoration is taking place next week. What do these and other indicators say about the direction of Chareidi society - and how are these developments related to the intense street protests that have taken place over the past few months?
    25 April 2017, 8:45 am
  • 11 minutes 32 seconds
    Episode 7 - New Realities Under Trump, The Left-Right Divide, and the World Baseball Classic
    In the latest episode of Knesset Corner, former MK Rabbi Dov Lipman discusses Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman's comments about the new political reality (or lack thereof) under President Trump, and the obsolete terminology of "left" and "right" in Israel. He also talks about the amazing performance of the Israeli baseball team in the World Baseball Classic, and what it means for Israel beyond the world of sports.
    9 March 2017, 5:09 pm
  • 13 minutes 22 seconds
    Episode 6 - Netanyahu's Meeting with President Trump, and the Recent Chareidi Street Protests
    Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is meeting with United States President Donald Trump on Wednesday in Washington. How important is this meeting, and what policy changes should Israelis anticipate as a result? What might change in the United States-Israel relationship, and what will likely remain the same? Former MK Rabbi Dov Lipman discusses the upcoming meeting, as well as the recent Chareidi anti-army protests that have been spilling into the streets of religious neighborhoods in Israel.
    13 February 2017, 1:45 pm
  • 12 minutes 4 seconds
    Episode 5 - The Scandals and the Prime Minister: What Should Happen Next?
    More than a whiff of scandal surrounds Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, as the police are currently investigating three different cases in which he is involved. The police and the courts must determine whether there was any illegal activity; nevertheless, former MK Rabbi Dov Lipman argues that even absent criminality, the prime minister clearly engaged in inappropriate behavior in numerous ways - and that it is time for him to step aside for the good of the country. Find out more on the latest episode of Knesset Corner.
    25 January 2017, 11:59 am
  • 11 minutes 53 seconds
    Episode 4 - The Elor Azaria Verdict, and the Recent Knesset Polls
    The news in Israel has been dominated by the recent conviction of Elor Azaria, a soldier on trial for manslaughter after he killed a terrorist who had apparently been neutralized beforehand. What does the trial say about Israeli society? What should be the correct response of politicians and the public? Join Rabbi Dov Lipman and Scott Kahn for an analysis of the verdict, as well as for a discussion of the recent Channel 10 and Channel 1 polls showing big gains for Yesh Atid.
    5 January 2017, 9:44 pm
  • 12 minutes 22 seconds
    Episode 3 - UN Resolution 2334 and John Kerry's Speech
    UN Resolution 2334 condemning Israel passed on December 23, 2016; what should be our response to it? Who is responsible? And has Prime Minister Netanyahu's reaction been appropriate? Join Rabbi Dov Lipman for a discussion of the issues.
    3 January 2017, 1:39 pm
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