New Zealand Pubcast

NZ Pubcast

An Irish man and a Canadian - sitting in a pub in New Zealand talking about politics, life, and other topics of vital importance - carrying all the intellectual weight of two guys sitting in a pub.

  • NZ Pubcast - Session 28 - New Zealand Sluts

    Hardly hot on the heels of our last effort, the very latest Session is ready for consumption below friends - best listened to when you're consuming your favourite beverage... (we recommend beer)

    Both Dodge and Shifty have had a hell a last few weeks and obviously have a lot to catch up on in this ever badly recorded obscure podcast where (between gulps of cold lovely beer) the guys discuss the following matters of upmost importance:
    Are all women in New Zealand wanton sluts? Obviously this has been a burning question ever since our first session - we deal with it once and for all:) We hear about the police questioning an entire town in the North Island about some missing war medals The recent result in the Aussie Elections also gets a wee mention - And finally Dodge manages to turn it all around and force Shifty into a discussion on the environment:) Wouldn't be a proper session otherwise right?
    Some links to the stuff we mentioned:
    That blog about the English family who we failed to catch up with can be found here:
    And not forgetting our very good friends over at Kilos of Craic
    Check em out!
    Intro this time comes from Spoon (Me and the Bean) and Kiwi band of the month The Mint Chicks with Crazy Yes! Dumb No! (From album of the same name)
    Click below to start listening -
    Or right click on the link and select 'Save Target As' which will allow you to save the mp3 file to your machine......
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    talkback to [email protected]
    11 December 2007, 4:20 am
  • NZ Pubcast - Session 27 - Welcome back Shifty Rob
    Hiho Pubcast listeners - a very late in the day Session is available for download below - its been a long time since we've posted anything - however this was actually recorded some weeks ago (try 3 weeks ago) so apologies for the non-current-ness of the content...

    A back to basics sess, where Shifty and Dodge become re-aquinted with each other once again... (didn't know who he was when he first showed up:)

    The next Session will come hot on the heels of this one - so keep your ears on the ground and try not to pee yourself while you're crawling towards the exit.


    Intro comes from Bobbi Humphrey - Spanish Harlem and Kiwi tune of the month(?) comes from those fine gentlemen of Opshop with Maybe

    Click below to start listening -

    Or right click on the link and select 'Save Target As' which will allow you to save the mp3 file to your machine......

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    alkback to [email protected]
    10 October 2007, 4:47 am
  • NZ Pubcast - Session 26 - Air NZ taking Aussies to Iraq, Rugby and Happyness
    Greetings once again from the still frosty Christchurch - Pubcasters Dodge, Shifty's Replacement; Andrew the Canadian and Special Guest John Rockwell (the Aussie Kiwi) get together in our old favourite - The Vespa Bar - to talk it up and drink it down for your listening pleasure...

    Air New Zealand has been 'caught' taking Aussie Troops to Iraq for extra pocket money - we find out if anyone in NZ actually gives a f*ck...

    We kick off the Rugby World cup build up - does NZ being red hot favourites mean that they just won't win the title... again?

    Does living in New Zealand make you happy? And what is happyness anyways....

    And where is that pint I ordered..????

    Tunes this time where: Intro: 'Chains' from tha Che Fu - And Outro was 'Turn it around' from The Black Seeds

    Click below to start listening -

    Or right click on the link and select 'Save Target As' which will allow you to save the mp3 file to your machine......

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    Talkback to [email protected]
    28 August 2007, 5:52 am
  • NZ Pubcast - Session 25 - Life without Shifty Rob
    An historic Session stumbles along the pavement towards you, scares your children, falls over and then passes out while peeing itself this week, as NZ Pubcast loses the plot in the absence of the departed Shifty Rob... (don't worry - he's only departed NZ)

    Despite this almost fatal blow, Johnny Dodge and (Rob's replacement) Andrew the Canadian manage to make it to the pub to squeeze out a session for your listening (alcohol drenched) pleasure... where we:

    Talk to local rock and roller Matt from Phoenix 88 about life in NZ - as well his upcoming album release and other stories of a drunken nature...

    We discuss some interesting factoids about NZ - and for the first time ever, we leave the bar... and walk to another bar... to see former pubcast guest Caroline Joy perform for the good people of Fat Eddies...

    Intro tune was provided by the sexy Breeders (Track: Huffer from Title TK) and outro provided by our good mate Matt from Phoenix 88 who expalins all about it...

    Click below to start listening - Or right click on the link and select 'Save Target As' which will allow you to save the mp3 file to your machine......

    or subscribe through itunes


    Talkback to [email protected]
    13 August 2007, 5:48 am
  • Bring on the RUGBY...
    New Zealand is currently gearing itself up for the sporting event to end all sporting events - The Rugby World Cup! Well okay, probably not the biggest sporting event from where you're sitting but believe me, in Kiwiland there's nothing bigger... of course, the All blacks are red hot favourites to win - which means that they'll probably lose to Australia in the last minute of the final...

    We'll be doing a Pubcast dedicated to this in due course - (the world cup doesn't kick off for another few weeks) so as we make you wait until the next session is posted, here's some mightly fine kiwi rugby related funniness to get you through the next few days...

    oh - just so that you're aware - Shifty Rob has pissed off back to Canada for a month (he mumbled something about missing his real home or something) sooo - Canadian Andrew - the canadian guy who's shown up on a couple of past sessions, has stepped up to take his place... We can't wait to talk about Rob while he's not here:)

    Oh - btw - New Zealand ended up winning the Tri Nations and the cup thingy off the Aussies...
    2 August 2007, 5:43 am
  • NZ Pubcast - Session 24 - The Wunderbar

    An inebriated G'day to you all from Christchurch's blow in piss heads as they gather once again to talk shit in a very hard to follow manner...

    Coming to you from The Wunderbar in Lyttleton, Shifty Dodge and special Canadian guest, Andrew (the canadian) chew the fat on settling into life in New Zealand - and Christchurch specifically - why you should be careful buying a car and why new arrivals think alot about things they wouldn't normally think about - like heating...

    NZ makes the The most prosperous country's in the world list - we give you the run down on who's rich and poor...

    And we round things off talking about why lots of Kiwi think their flag is rubbish and want to replace it with something else... (Shock, horror)

    Music this time is provided by the Strokes (Intro) and Goodshirt (outro)

    Click below to start listening - Or right click on the link and select 'Save Target As' which will allow you to save the mp3 file to your machine......

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    Talkback to [email protected]

    13 July 2007, 5:36 am
  • NZ Pubcast - Session 23: Improved Sound... Same Bad Aftertaste

    Mornin’ Y’all…

    That wretched smell from the internet could only mean another episode of NZ pubcast has finally emerged.

    In this session we trawl through the recent Global Peace Index and find out how New Zealand placed. Look into the sinister world of some electricity companies and have a crack at the latest discussion on wind farms - including why one of New Zealand’s most famous hookers is weighing in on this debate.

    And not to be outdone… El Diablo squeaks his way into the show once again with the full support of a nation behind him.

    John Butler Trio supplied their track 'Better Than' for the intro and we were left with Atlas and their chart topper 'Crawl' ringing in our ears.

    Click below to start listening - Or right click on the link and select 'Save Target As' which will allow you to save the mp3 file to your machine...

    ...or subscribe through itunes


    Send suggestions, threats and complaints to: [email protected]

    Small Print: NZ Pubcast ignores all complaints and/or negative feedback - 99.9% of the time

    20 June 2007, 12:12 am
  • NZ Pubcast - Session 22 - Now with 50% more pub noise
    Gday Cobbers - we've made you wait long enough but the latest pubcast is ready to roll... All the way from Baileys Irish Bar in Christchurch, those useless blow in's get into...

    Dealing with the first major consequence of obtaining NZ residency, Dodge relays his recent experience of NZ Jury duty and tells why he never wants to do it again. Ever.

    Shifty wades in with some interesting New Zealand news stories and we once again debate the earth heating up thingy...

    We realise that we've been very slack of late but we promise to up the ante once again with a little more of the regular and a little less laziness in future... (a little mind)

    Music this week is from Finger Eleven- song is Paralizer... and outro comes from Christchurch Local boy made good Craig Smith

    Click below to start listening - Or right click on the link and select 'Save Target As' which will allow you to save the mp3 file to your machine......

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    Talkback to [email protected]
    31 May 2007, 5:24 am
  • Almost there...
    Hi di ho there guys... We recorded the next session last night and so it will be coming your way very shortly... in the meantime...

    Here's a funny from the UK show Balls of Steel - I'm putting this up here because there's a NZ Connection... see if you can spot it!!! (Its a game you see!!!)

    24 May 2007, 5:52 am
  • A Wee Delay

    Suprise, Suprise... There's been a delay once again in the latest posting of NZ Pubcast...

    We know what you're thinkin'... Yes we are lazy... but that's not it... and No... it's not our shite equipment...

    This time it's the MAN, the law, the fuzz, the 5-0... They got Johnny! Pubcast's very own Johnny Dodge is in court... you guessed it - Johnny's on the Jury!

    We will be back very soon... (that is if they don't find out about the REAL Johnny Dodge).

    In the meantime, you can catch me down at any number of pubs... chattin' up the locals...

    Cheers, Shifty
    16 May 2007, 4:08 am
  • NZ Pubcast - Session 21 - Auckland risks a poo eruption and smacking rights in NZ
    The latest rambling bunch of nonsense is available below for download, Pubcasters... in which the boys are joined by some kiwis and a guy from Oldham to talk about how Auckland are building a mountain out of shite... and we discuss the total crazyness that's erupted in NZ over the right to smack your children...

    A note on this session....

    This sess has probably got the worst sound we've ever had on NZ Pubcast - and you know that we've had some pretty bad sound in the past... this was due to a couple of factors... namely:

    The pub was jammed man... it was a friday after work and they just kept coming in... and making loads of noise... bastards.


    Our pc is knackered... Shifty Rob's 'New' laptop doesn't seem to be able to record a session without adding its 'own' sound effects... mikes cut in and out, were on different volume levels and generally acted like a complate pain in the arse...

    This is simply an explaination - not an apology. As you are well aware, we don't apolgise for anything. Except to our girl partners when they are angry at us... and anyone who threatens to sue us - yes, we don't have backbones... your point is???

    Anyways - I promise that we won't be using Rob's laptop anymore for Pubcast recordings - it had its chance but enough is enough... We were almost going to bin this session but because we haven't posted in a while...

    Intro was beastie boys and outro was provided by the very funk tastic Pitch Black

    Click below to start listening - Or right click on the link and select 'Save Target As' which will allow you to save the mp3 file to your machine......

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    Talkback to [email protected]
    26 April 2007, 5:23 am
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