NPC Update-1

National Press Club

Tune in to the Update-1 audio podcast for insight into news, politics, entertainment and sports. A production of the National Press Club, Update-1 provides a forum for listeners to learn more about newsworthy stories originating from the Club's facilities, as well as broader topics related to journalism, communications, freedom and transparency. For straightforward insight beyond the headlines, turn to Update-1.

  • 20 minutes 40 seconds
    Helping Homeless Veterans in the Nation's Capital

    The focus is on veterans in the latest episode of the Update-1 podcast. Gemma Puglisi talks with Veterans on the Rise Executive Director, David Kurtz, who shares the work the 30-year-old nonprofit has done to help homeless veterans in our nation's capital.

    From the launch of the organization back in 1989 by four veterans who took a stand against veteran homelessness, through today, including the Supreme Court ruling on homelessness, Kurtz shares how Veterans on the Rise has helped vets through a range of services from physical and mental health, life skills and employment training.  More importantly, what can we do to help Vets.

    15 September 2024, 6:14 pm
  • 28 minutes 58 seconds
    Aviation Editor Reflects on Trends, Career Path and Journalism Business

    From humble beginnings as a blogger in trade media to noteworthy stints at the Wall Street Journal and CNN, Jon Ostrower has covered the aviation industry with an unrivaled passion. Now as founder and editor-in-chief of The Air Current, he's built an award-winning, subscription-based media outlet that continues to grow. Yet fundamental challenges persist for him and other publishers. In this edition of Update-1, Ostrower explains to NPC Broadcast/Podcast Team co-chair Adam Konowe why companies and individuals must do more to support legitimate journalism, as well as his approach to covering everything from the Farnborough International Airshow to a recent NTSB hearing in Washington.

    3 September 2024, 7:59 pm
  • 19 minutes 7 seconds
    Staying Cyber Safe in 2024

    How secure is your data? In this episode of Update-1, Press Club member and cybersecurity industry analyst Richard Stiennon speaks with NPC Broadcast Podcast team member Shannon Fisher about the dynamic nature of the IT industry and his annual security yearbook. Stiennon's book, "Security Yearbook 2024: A History and Directory of the IT Security Industry," is an in-depth look at the ever-shifting world of cyberthreats and the industry experts trying to stop them. Stiennon offers practical suggestions for newsrooms, journalists, companies, and individuals to keep their data secure.

    21 August 2024, 12:59 pm
  • 22 minutes 13 seconds
    Meteorologist Talks About Being Harassed for His Work on Climate Change

    Weather forecasters and climatologists have received pushback for their work on climate change. But for meteorologist Chris Gloninger, the harassment became extreme. He discusses his experience with NPC Broadcast Podcast Committee member Tom Young in the latest edition of Update-1. Gloninger says newsrooms fail to do their jobs if they let extremists dictate what they will and will not cover.

    8 August 2024, 2:52 pm
  • 24 minutes 27 seconds
    NPR Producer Discusses His Career, Offers Advice To Aspiring Journalists

    How do reporters remain professionally composed while covering stories of great emotion? That's one of the topics Broadcast Podcast Committee member Lincoln Smith discusses with NPR's Casey Morell on this edition of Update-1. Morell, a producer of NPR's Politics Podcast, highlights his career, including his previous work for Nevada Public Radio, and talks about how Peter Jennings was a key influencer in his career. He also offers advice to aspiring journalists.

    26 July 2024, 3:40 pm
  • 22 minutes 23 seconds
    Senior Journalist Discusses His New Book About Covering the President

    You hear and see them all the time -- White House correspondents covering the president of the United States. But what is it really like to report on the president on a daily basis? On this edition of Update-1, senior journalist Steve Herman talks with Broadcast Podcast team co-chair Mike Hempen about his new book, "Behind the White House Curtain," which explains the inner workings of the White House press corps. Herman, the chief national correspondent for Voice of America, was VOA's White House correspondent for the Trump administration and the first eight months of President Biden's term. He talks about the relationship between the president and the press, the challenges he faced and why the job isn't as glamorous as many people think.

    9 July 2024, 1:35 pm
  • 19 minutes 48 seconds
    NGPA Executive Director Advocates for Equality on the Flight Deck

    Aviation has struggled for years to recruit and retain pilots, mechanics and others, despite the allure of participating in a vital industry moving millions of passengers and tons of cargo safely every day. In this edition of Update-1, NPC Broadcast/Podcast co-chair Adam Konowe speaks with Justin Ellixson-Andrews, executive director of the National Gay Pilots Association, which represents aviators and other like-minded professionals and enthusiasts from the LGBTQ+ community. Topics covered include the organization’s founding, current services offered, advocacy strategy including events, DEI-related challenges in an increasingly polarized political climate, as well as the opportunity to attract and retain a new generation of aviators.

    21 June 2024, 1:36 pm
  • 15 minutes 46 seconds
    Exiled Foreign Journalist Tells Story and Hopes To Return Home

    Juan Lorenzo Holmann lives in suburban Washington, D.C., but hopes to one day return to his native Nicaragua. He's the general manager of La Prensa, a newspaper started by his grandfather and the oldest in Nicaragua. On this edition of Update-1, Holmann talks to Broadcast Podcast co-chair Mike Hempen about being charged with money laundering and spending nearly two years in prison before being forced into exile and stripped of his citizenship.

    14 June 2024, 1:46 am
  • 15 minutes 55 seconds
    NPC Member Discusses His Experience with Clogged Arteries in New Book

    National Press Club member Will Driscoll discusses the risks of clogged arteries and the medical procedures that are available to check your arteries in his newly released book, "Your Arteries: An Owners Manual." In this edition of Update-1, Driscoll talks with NPC Broadcast Podcast member Bill Loveless about his own experience with clogged arteries, why he decided to write the book and the list of medical journals he reviewed in the process.

    27 May 2024, 7:58 pm
  • 20 minutes 28 seconds
    Defending Press Freedom in South Asia

    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is an international non-profit and non-governmental organization focused on safeguarding the right to freedom of information.  Headquartered in Paris France, RSF "defends the right of every human being to have access to free and reliable information,"  As of April 2024, RSF reports 503 journalists and media workers around the world have been unjustly detained. In this edition of Update-1, Broadcast Podcast Committee member Lincoln Smith talks with Celia Mercier, the head of RSF’s South Asia desk, about RSF and her work, including her focus on press freedom in South Asia.

    9 May 2024, 6:17 pm
  • 15 minutes 49 seconds
    Space Reporter Offers Glimpse Into His Beat and Event Journalism

    Trade shows and other industry-specific events have experienced a post-pandemic renaissance and the Space Symposium held in Colorado Springs is no exception. The annual event attracts a dynamic mix of established and emerging companies, non-profit organizations, civilian government agencies, plus U.S. and allied military staff. In this episode of Update-1, NPC Broadcast/Podcast Co-chair Adam Konowe speaks with Garrett Reim, space and emerging technologies editor for the Aviation Week Network, about his path in journalism, differences between coverage for mainstream media and the trades, as well as trends he’s tracking at the event. Reim also offers tips for professional communicators, as well as his perspective on the impact of increasing environmental advocacy on perceptions of the aerospace industry.

    22 April 2024, 2:34 pm
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