Tai Chi Chinese

Victor Wu

Learn the Chinese behind Tai Chi. In each bite sized episode, I explain the Chinese behind a popular Tai Chi term, like Parting the wild horse’s mane (episode 7) or White crane spreads its wings (episode 9).

  • 3 minutes 22 seconds
    15: 🐴🐎 High pat on horse | 高探马 Gāo Tàn Mǎ
    高探马 Gāo Tàn Mǎ: High pat on horse | 高 Gāo: Tall, high | 高级 Gāo Jí: Senior, high-ranking | 高层 Gāo Céng: Higher level, senior official | 高手 Gāo Shǒu: Master, expert | 高速 Gāo Sù: High speed | 高血压 Gāo Xuè Yā: High blood pressure | 高兴 Gāo Xìng: Glad, happy, cheerful | 探 Tàn: Scout, spy, explore, stretch forward, visit | 探索 Tàn Suǒ: Explore, seek truth | 探讨 Tàn Tǎo: Inquire, investigate, examine | 探访 Tàn Fǎng: Visit, visit someone’s home | 探病 Tàn Bìng: Visit a sick person | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinese |
    13 May 2018, 1:43 pm
  • 3 minutes 55 seconds
    14: ☁️👋 Cloud hands | 云手 Yún Shǒu
    云手 Yún Shǒu: Cloud hands, wave hands like clouds | 云端 Yún Duān: Place high in the clouds | 云端运算 Yún Duān Yùn Suàn: Cloud computing | 云计算 Yún Jì Suàn: Cloud computing | 云储存 Yún Chǔ Cún: Cloud storage 云彩 Yún Cǎi: A mass or shred of cloud | 云朵 Yún Duǒ: A mass or shred of cloud | 云雾 Yún Wù: Clouds and mist | 云烟 Yún Yān: Clouds and mist | 云层 Yún Céng: Cloud layer | 云上 Yún Shàng: Above the clouds | 云海 Yún Hǎi: Sea of clouds | 云集 Yún Jí: Come together, converge | 云梯 Yún Tī: Extension ladder, firefighting ladder 行云流水 Xíng Yún Liú Shuǐ: Free flowing, smooth like clouds and water | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinese |
    6 May 2018, 10:44 am
  • 4 minutes 5 seconds
    13: 🐴🐎 Single whip | 单鞭 Dān Biān
    单 Dān: Single, only, odd, form | 单手 Dān Shǒu: Single-handed, with one hand | 单身 Dān Shēn: Single, unmarried | 单亲 Dān Qīn: Single parent | 单方面 Dān Fāng Miàn: Unilateral, single-sided | 单独 Dān Dú: Alone, by oneself | 打斗 Dǎ Dòu: Fight | 单打独斗 Dān Dǎ Dú Dòu: Fight alone, work on a task by oneself | 单车 Dān Chē: Bicycle | 单数 Dān Shù: Odd number | 单位 Dān Wèi: Unit, apartment unit | 单张 Dān Zhāng: Flyer, leaflet | 菜单 Cài Dān: Menu | 鞭 Biān: Whip, segmented iron weapon (archaic) | 鞭打 Biān Dǎ: Whip, thrash, flog | 鞭策 Biān Cè: Spur on, encourage | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinese |
    29 April 2018, 1:29 pm
  • 2 minutes 38 seconds
    12: 👋🐦 Grasp the bird’s tail | 揽雀尾 Lǎn Què Wěi
    揽雀尾 Lǎn Què Wěi: Grasp the bird’s tail | 揽 Lǎn: Grasp, pull, hug, take on | 揽抱 Lǎn Bào: Hug, embrace | 揽权 Lǎn Quán: Seize power | 揽客 Lǎn Kè: Attract customers | 雀 Què: Bird, small bird | 雀鸟 Què Niǎo : Bird, birds | 麻雀 Má Què: Small bird, sparrow, Mahjong | 雀巢 Què Cháo: Bird’s nest (Cantonese), Nestle company | 鸟巢 Niǎo Cháo: Bird’s nest, Olympic stadium in Beijing | 尾 Wěi: Tail | 尾巴 Wěi Bā: Tail | 尾椎骨 Wěi Zhuī Gǔ: Caudal vertebrae, tailbone | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinese |
    22 April 2018, 2:34 pm
  • 4 minutes 21 seconds
    11: 🎶🎸Play the lute | 手挥琵琶 Shǒu Huī Pí Pá
    手挥琵琶 Shǒu Huī Pí Pá: Play the lute | 手 Shǒu: Hand, hands, arm | 挥 Huī: Wave, brandish, display | 挥手 Huī Shǒu: Wave | 挥舞 Huī Wǔ: Wave, brandish, dance | 挥别 Huī Bié: Wave goodbye | 挥剑 Huī Jiàn: Wave or swing a sword 挥刀 Huī Dāo: Wave or swing a knife, saber | 挥琴 Huī Qín: Play an instrument, usually string instrument | 指挥 Zhǐ Huī : Direct, direct traffic, conduct an orchestra, director, conductor | 琵琶 Pí Pá: Lute | 批 Pī: Strike, slap, scrape | 把 Bǎ: Hold, grasp, pull | 枇杷 Pí Pá: Loquat | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinese |
    15 April 2018, 3:11 pm
  • 4 minutes 14 seconds
    10: 🏃👣 Brush knee twist step | 搂膝拗步 Lǒu Xī Ào Bù
    搂膝拗步 Lǒu Xī Ào Bù: Brush knee twist step | 搂 Lǒu: Hug, embrace, drag, pull | 搂抱 Lǒu Bào: Hug, embrace | 膝 Xī: Knee | 膝盖 Xī Gài : Knee | 膝头 Xī Tóu: Knee | 膝下 Xī Xià: At the knee (in reference to children) | 拗 Ào: Bend, twist | 拗断 Ào Duàn: Break by twisting | 拗柴 Ào Chái: (Slang) Twist or sprain ankle | 步 Bù: Step, stage | 步行 Bù Xíng: Walk | 步法 Bù Fǎ: Footwork (sports, dancing) | 步伐 Bù Fá: Steps, march, pace | 步骤 Bù Zhòu: Steps, procedure | 步步高升 Bù Bù Gāo Shēng: Rise steadily | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinese |
    8 April 2018, 11:01 am
  • 4 minutes 21 seconds
    9: 🐥 White crane spreads its wings | 白鹤亮翅 Bái Hè Liàng Chì
    白鹤亮翅 Bái Hè Liàng Chì: White crane spreads its wings | 白 Bái: White, empty, plain | 白色 Bái Sè: White color | 白领 Bái Lǐng: White collar (worker) | 白发 Bái Fà: White hair | 白血球 Bái Xuè Qiú: White blood cell | 白眉拳 Bái Méi Quán: Bak/Pai Mei martial art | 白天 Bái Tiān: Day, daytime | 白日梦 Bái Rì Mèng: Daydream | 黑白不分 Hēi Bái Bù Fēn: Not distinguishing right from wrong | 鹤 Hè: Crane | 纸鹤 Zhǐ Hè | 亮 Liàng: Shine, light, brighten, reveal | 亮光 Liàng Guāng: Light, beam of light | 天亮 Tiān Liàng: Dawn | 亮丽 Liàng Lì: Bright and beautiful | 亮起 Liàng Qǐ: Lift/raise your voice (volume) | 亮出 Liàng Chū: Show out, reveal suddenly | 翅膀 Chì Bǎng: Wing | 鱼翅 Yú Chì: Shark fin | 展翅 Zhǎn Chì: Spread wings, figuratively soar upward | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinese |
    1 April 2018, 8:58 am
  • 4 minutes 58 seconds
    8: 🏀⚽🏈 Carrying the ball | 抱球 Bào Qiú
    抱球 Bào Qiú: Carrying the ball | 抱 Bào: Hold or carry, hug | 拥抱 Yōng Bào: Embrace | 抱抱 Bào Bào: Hug, embrace | 抱起 Bào Qǐ: Carry, lift up | 抱紧 Bào Jǐn: Hold tight | 抱怨 Bào Yuàn: Complain, grumble | 抱负 Bào Fù: Aspiration, ambition | 抱歉 Bào Qiàn: Apologetic, regretful | 道歉 Dào Qiàn: Apologize | 球 Qiú: Ball, globe, sphere | 地球 Dì Qiú: Earth | 全球 Quán Qiú: Global | 雪球 Xuě Qiú: Snowball | 足球 Zú Qiú: Football, soccer | 美式足球 Měi Shì Zú Qiú: American football | 棒球 Bàng Qiú: Baseball | 板球 Bǎn Qiú: Cricket | 篮球 Lán Qiú: Basketball | 网球 Wǎng Qiú: Tennis | 壁球 Bì Qiú: Squash | 高尔夫球 Gāo ěr Fū Qiú: Golf | 乒乓球 Pīng Pāng Qiú: Ping pong | 曲棍球 Qū Gùn Qiú: Field hockey, ice hockey | 冰球 Bīng Qiú: Ice hockey | 羽毛球 Yǔ Máo Qiú: Badminton | 排球 Pái Qiú: Volleyball | 球迷 Qiú Mí: Sports fan | 球队 Qiú Duì: Sports team | 球场 Qiú Chǎng: Sports stadium | 球赛 Qiú Sài: Sports game or match | 球衣 Qiú Yī: Sports uniform | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinese |
    25 March 2018, 10:18 am
  • 6 minutes 13 seconds
    7: 🐴 Parting the wild horse’s mane | 野马分鬃 Yě Mǎ Fēn Zōng
    野马分鬃 Yě Mǎ Fēn Zōng: Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane | 野 Yě: Open country, wild, untamed, uncultivated | 野外 Yě Wài: Countryside, outdoors | 野餐 Yě Cān: Picnic | 野兽 Yě Shòu: Wild animal, beast | 野蛮 Yě Mán: Uncivilized, barbaric | 马 Mǎ: Horse, a surname | 马力 Mǎ Lì: Horsepower | 马路 Mǎ Lù: Road, street | 马车 Mǎ Chē: Buggy, chariot, horse carriage | 马铃薯 Mǎ Líng Shǔ: Potato | 分 Fēn: Separate, part, fraction | 分开 Fēn Kāi: Separate, part | 分离 Fēn Lí: Separate | 分裂 Fēn Liè: Split, break up, schism | 分钟 Fēn Zhōng: Minute | 分配 Fēn Pèi: Distribute, assign, allocate | 分类 Fēn Lèi: Classify | 鬃 Zōng: Bristles, mane | 鬃毛 Zōng Máo: Mane | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinesepodcast |
    18 March 2018, 7:38 am
  • 4 minutes 21 seconds
    6: 🙌 Raising the hands to begin | 起势 Qǐ Shì
    起势: Qǐ Shì: Commencing posture, first movement of the 24 form in Tai Chi | 起 Qǐ: Rise, start, origin | 起落 Qǐ Luò: Rise and fall, takeoff and landing, ups and downs | 起立 Qǐ Lì: Stand up | 起床 Qǐ Chuáng: Get out of bed | 起步 Qǐ Bù: Starting steps, start, set into motion | 起飞 Qǐ Fēi: Take off (as in an aircraft), shoot up | 起火 Qǐ Huǒ: Start a fire, catch fire, get angry | 起初 Qǐ Chū: Beginning, at first, at the outset | 起源 Qǐ Yuán: Origin, source, originate, come from | 起点 Qǐ Diǎn: Starting point | 起因 Qǐ Yīn: Root cause | 势 Shì: Power, situation, gesture | 势力 Shì Lì: Power, influence | 权势 Quán Shì: Power, influence | 情势 Qíng Shì: Situation, circumstance | 来势 Lái Shì: Momentum of something approaching, situation of something approaching | 势必 Shì Bì: Undoubtedly, certainly | 手势 Shǒu Shì: Hand gesture, hand position, skill, technique | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinesepodcast |
    11 March 2018, 5:24 am
  • 5 minutes 39 seconds
    5: ✋ Combat application | 散手 Sǎn Shǒu
    散手 Sǎn Shǒu: Combat applications in martial arts | 散 Sǎn: Break up, disperse, scattered | 散乱 Sǎn Luàn: Disordered, messy | 散沙 Sǎn Shā: Scattered sand, disorganized | 散工 Sǎn Gōng: Odd job, temporary work | 散光 Sǎn Guāng: Astigmatism | 散文 Sǎn Wén: Essay, prose | 散步 Sàn Bù: Go for a walk, take a stroll | 分散 Fēn Sàn: Scatter, disperse, separate | 散打 Sǎn Dǎ: Variant of 散手 | 打 Dǎ: Strike, hit | 打拳 Dǎ Quán: Practice martial arts, box | 打电报 Dǎ Diàn Bào: Send a telegram | 打电话 Dǎ Diàn Huà: Make a phone call | 打字 Dǎ Zì: Type, usually on a keyboard | 打篮球 Dǎ Lán Qiú: Play basketball | 打网球 Dǎ Wǎng Qiú: Play tennis | 打鼓 Dǎ Gǔ: Play drums | 打入 Dǎ Rù: Infiltrate, move in, banish | 武术 Wǔ Shù: Martial arts, the modern sport of Wushu | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinesepodcast |
    4 March 2018, 1:23 pm
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