Lets Create A Better World

Progressive Radio network

This radio show focuses on issues such as access to education, discrimination, economic development, health care, nutrition, food safety, environmental issues, and the social and economic future.

  • 59 minutes 49 seconds
    Let's Create a Better World - 03.29.21

    Ed Fitz Patrick, an avid follower of Gary Null and his work, called me for help because his wife was dying of leukemia. This was serious and I could only to give me a little bit of advice and then I called Luanne Pennesi. She gave him some advice then sent him a protocol.  Gary Null also helped, but it wound up with Edwin doing most of the work following the information given him. I went through some of the best books and healed her back to life. If Ed can do this most of you out there can do it to.

    29 March 2021, 12:55 pm
  • 53 minutes 45 seconds
    Lets Create A Better World - 12.23.20
    The holiday season can be a blessing, but for many Americans it can be very stressful.  January can be a time for change.  These subjects will be discussed in depth with Veronica Gabrielle, spiritual teacher, counselor and author.     Our show, “ Let’s Create A Better Worldl”, It’s now only on the archives, the online and the telephone.  Both are on 24 hours a day.  The telephone archive number is 701 719-0994.  You can hear The five most recent shows on that number.
    23 December 2020, 8:27 pm
  • 51 minutes 53 seconds
    Let's Create A Better World - 10.09.20
    This is a can’t miss show.    Today I am joined by my producer Greg LaMastro.   History books and the leadership in this country have ignored indigenous people. For many years and even up to today’s leadership, thinking about indigenous people it has been that they are animals and savages.    Discussions on todays show include...   How Columbus came here and killed more than half of the natives.    Slavery was an entrenched way of life in America with many of the early presidents including Washington and Jefferson being slaveowners.    Many activists are taking down statues some of the so-called heroes.    Finally, current affair items including a prediction on the presidential election.    Our show is only on the archives, online and telephone, 24 hours a day  The number to call for the telephone archives is 719-701-0994
    9 October 2020, 6:20 pm
  • 54 minutes 36 seconds
    Let's Create A Better World - 05.13.20
    Luanne Pennesi , Super health coach and coordinator of the Gary Null health retreats gives a complete discussion on how to prevent getting the coronavirus among the many topics are the environment, food, supplements and living quarters.   Your living space, your body and everything around you helps with healing.    Our show, Let’s Create A Better World, it’s on two separate 24 hour archives,  the online one, and you can also call the telephone archives, 701-719-0994.    Peace, Love and a time to learn everything about preventing sickness and death.
    13 May 2020, 7:23 pm
  • 54 minutes 15 seconds
    Let's Create A Better World - 03.02.20
    The health field is exploding from products for body, mind and spirit. It’s one of our favorite subjects and initial I go back-and-forth with Sylvia Ortiz, a pioneer in the health field and a person that goes to major health trade shows.   We talk about how the health field has changed for the better, organics, super foods, supplements, memory loss, minerals, weight loss, and the causes of death. Sylvia is the founder a great company called MacroLife Naturals, and she is also considered the mother of super foods.
    2 March 2020, 2:09 pm
  • 49 minutes 52 seconds
    Let's Create A Better World - 12.09.19
    More people in this country and around the world want change, not small change but big change.              The renowned medium, psychic Darshini is our guest on the show. I, Bobby Elias, the host of the show open up with a summary of the protest movement for the past 60 years. This include that have been excluded, Native Americans Latinos and blacks and other people.Non-white.    Also we talk about the wars, women’s movements and civil rights in general. Darshini gives her case as we go into a lively Back-and-forth discussion. Then Darshini goes into her predictions on weather and disasters. She has been very very accurate.
    9 December 2019, 6:36 pm
  • 57 minutes 9 seconds
    Let's Create A Better World - 09.30.19
    One of the best shows ever covering new research on health and longevity. Dr. Christine Horner, MD and award-winning author left the plastic surgeon field to go into research on holistic health, Supplements and ancient healing.  Dr. Horner went in depth with her research on the following subjects. Anti-aging, Beauty, Sleep,  The Immune System and the Nutrients to heal it, Super foods, ancient healing including Super foods, and Ayurveda.   https://www.drchristinehorner.com/   Christine Horner M.D.
    30 September 2019, 1:19 pm
  • 56 minutes 57 seconds
    Let's Create A Better World - 03.13.19
    Veronica Gabrielle is our first guest, Veronica discusses her new book, "Ungluing the Mind", an explanation of theta healing and more.    Veronica Gabrielle contact info... 951-966-2749 https://www.veronicagabrielle.com/   In the second half of the show, Dr. Ren co-hosted and introduced Dawna Campbell explain what theta healing is and its benefits.   Dawna Campbell http://www.thetahearthealing.com/   Dr. Ren http://laurenlaurino.com/
    13 March 2019, 5:39 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Let's Create A Better World - 02.21.19
    Two guests with some interesting information for our February show, let's create a better world. Our show is now on only once a month and on the online and telephone archives. Darshini, who has the highest accuracy predictions, gives her psychic predictions for the year on weather and disasters and also get some pointed information on the New York area.  The second half of the show features Sylvia Ortiz, a Pioneer on putting together green and red superfoods and also the inventor of the rebounder, talks about a plant-based diet and also some other interesting takes on holistic health.   Sylvia can be contacted at 800-521-5867 https://macrolifenaturals.com/   Darshini Email:  [email protected] https://www.darshini-in-spirit.com/
    21 February 2019, 5:32 pm
  • 56 minutes 23 seconds
    Let's Create A Better World - 01.17.19

    This is the January 2019 edition of Let's Create A Better world. 
    This show is on once a month and on the online archives and also on the telephone archives, 701 719-0994. 
    Dr. Lauren Laurino, Dr. Ren, America's holistic sweetheart, points out the importance of a deficiency of vitamins, especially vitamin D.
    Doctor Ren also discusses the fast-growing changes in health and Body Mind spirit. Doctor Ren is a naturopath who just moved from New Jersey to the Seattle Washington area. She is in her mid-30s. 

    17 January 2019, 2:11 pm
  • 56 minutes 43 seconds
    Let's Create A Better World - 12.03.18

    Luann Pennesi, holistic health nutritionist and counselor and the coordinator of the very successful health retreats with Gary Null, is our guest for a special holiday show. Luann discusses many topics on the ups and downs of the holidays, included the commercialization, stress drinking and she give some great ideas on some healthy foods that can be served during get-togethers. 

    Luanne can be reached at 903 881-7008 and at
    email - [email protected]

    Our show, Let's Create A Better World, is now on once a month on the archives. It can be reached on the Web at...


    Also, 24 hours a day you can call a number and hear the show on the telephone archives, with five of the most recent shows at 701-719-0994.

    3 December 2018, 5:24 pm
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