Two overly enthusiastic fangirls discuss Guild Wars 2. Follow on Twitter @hostsofascalon (HaashTag @haashthetag, Allona @onebigpear) or email [email protected]
Bootts, HaashTag, and Allona recap the BIG NEWS about the fourth GW2 expansion, Secrets of the Obscure! And yet they forget to talk about that 4-armed dude in a bunch of the artwork. How? I have no idea.
Bootts, HaashTag, and Allona (mostly) forego regular show topics. Please enjoy their retrospective chat of the past 10 years of GW2!
Bootts and Allona have a fun chit chat about GW2 in general, Dragon Bash and Dungeon changes in particular, and go all in on Carnival weapons... because reasons.
HaashTag, Bootts, and Allona discuss the conclusion of End of Dragons (spoilers if'n you haven't finished) and recap the exciting news from Guild Wars 2 Headquarters!
HaashTag, Bootts, and Allona go over the release of End of Dragons and give their non-spoilery thoughts on what they've experienced thus far. Also... Raaaaammmmaaaaaa.
HaashTag, Bootts, and Allona jump into 2022 with predictions, tips, and nonsense!
... for Allona, who thought this was posted a week ago but missed hitting 'publish'. Bootts and Allona talk about the last Beta event and the medium armour specs.
HaashTag, Bootts, and Allona jibber jabber about new elite specs, Halloween, green screens of death, and – you know – stuff.
Allona and Bootts welcome the return of HaashTag! There was lots to talk about... let's get down to it.
Bootts and Allona recap and opionionize on this week's End of Dragons: First Look livestream... and the new official website (that's maybe just Allona).
Bootts and Allona power through without the delightful HaashTag. There was so much news to discuss that Allona forgot half of the things she had planned to bring up... classic. Bootts, as always, is a font of knowledge.
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