Wrestling Cult

Mike Pedroncelli

The Wrestling Cult is your one stop source for wrestling outside of the "big leagues". Steven Ayy from the Deathmatch Newsletter, BahuFMW, Mike Pedroncelli from the Deathmatch Cult and more cover current news and classic discussions of FMW, IWA, W*ing, BJW, Freedoms as well was CZW, GCW, IWA Midsouth, DTU, Zona 23 and so much more with shows like

  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Tales from Swanson and Ritner Episode#5 A special interview with ECW Legend Pitbull#1 Gark Wolfe

    TFSAR episode#5

    11 May 2019, 6:15 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Real Side Media Presents: The Real Side Of Wrestling REDUX s1e4 Interview with John Wayne Murdoch

    In this episode John and Gary talk

    --Mexican tour

    --IWA Mid South

    --Upcoming Dates

    --John past

    __much more.

    10 May 2019, 12:31 am
  • 41 minutes 48 seconds
    Bucky's Road Diaries Episode#12 GCW The Block Is Hot/GCW The Last Ones Left review, Maff/Dickinson War and Veidt/Ryan raise the deathmatch bar

    In this episode of the Road Dairies Bucky talks about

    --Travel to Asbury Park 

    --Mance Warner on the plane

    --Quick review of the Block is hot.

    --Long trip to Chicago

    --The Last Ones Left quick review

    --4AM hotel pizza

    --Upcoming shows Horroslam with SHLAK and H20 Subterranean Violence 5  Double death wars.


    Check us out on the DEATHMATCH CULT!!  facebook group

    As always let us know what you think with feedback to [email protected]

    If you think I have given your life value think about giving me some value back at my Patreon at HTTP://PATREON.COM/DEATHMATCHNEWS with multiple tier levels of support that give access to interview archives, early podcast access and more.

    The History of FMW is just one of the podcasts offered with the Wrestling Cult Podcast Network. We also offer the Deathmatch News Radio where Steve and Mike form the Deathmatch Cult Facebook group discuss the news in deathmatch wrestling from the US, Japan and Mexico as well as UK, South Africa, Australia, Chile and so much more. Mike and Bret also have started a new show called Kawasaki dreaming where they go over classic deathmatch topics from around the world and much more in store.  

    7 May 2019, 11:07 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Deathmatch News Radio #39 | GCW's weekend, Kodaka wins BJW Title, Women's H20

    It was a big weekend and Steve and Mike are back to cover the events including

    -GCW's The Block is Hot in Asbury Park

    -GCW's The Last One's Left in Chicago

    -What do bleachers cost?

    -GCW Warped Tour

    -GCW TOS toughts and picks

    -Sekimoto coming in on July 26

    -Russian Gorky City Wrestling's Slavonic Violence

    -Women's H20 Results



    We are moving Deathmatch News Radio to its own dedicated RSS Feed. This will operate the same way as the current feed and you can listen to us on iTunes, Stitcher and any other podcatcher app you may use. Head on over to https://anchor.fm/s/a0b9ec4/podcast/rss and bookmark that for future use.

    As always we are a listener supported podcast so if you feel we've delivered value to your day think about sending some value to us at http://patreon.com/deathmatchnews

    6 May 2019, 3:33 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    The DEATHMATCH CULT PRESENTS Episode#6 Interview with Corporal Robinson and AWR Owner and Promoter Gary E

    In this interview Mike and T-Maxx 4000 talk to Deathmatch Legend Corporal Robinson and AWR promoter and owner Gary E

    --Corp's retirememnt tour

    --Corp's last deathmatch in AWR

    --After retirement plans

    --Preview the 1st round brackets of the AWR Deathmatch Tournament

    --AWR's future plans

    The State of wrestling in Indianna

    --Issue's with other promoters

    --This and much more.

    Edited by Peter Steinke


    Check us out on the Deathmatch cult group on facebook, Join the CULT!!    https://www.facebook.com/groups/1932846953647946/?ref=bookmarks

    Please send any feedback and or sugestions to the Deathmatch Cult facebook group or message me Mike Pedroncelli or Max Helgesen on facebook.

    If you think I have given your life value think about giving me some value back at my Patreon at HTTP://PATREON.COM/DEATHMATCHNEWS with multiple tier levels of support that give access to interview archives, early podcast access and more.

    The History of FMW is just one of the podcasts offered with the Wrestling Cult Podcast Network. We also offer the Deathmatch News Radio where Steve and Mike form the Deathmatch Cult Facebook group discuss the news in deathmatch wrestling from the US, Japan and Mexico as well as UK, South Africa, Australia, Chile and so much more. Mike and Bret also have started a new show called Kawasaki dreaming where they go over classic deathmatch topics from around the world and much more in store.

    Join me on my website, indiewrestlingintl.wordpress.com/ where I will be covering Japanese wrestling indies such as BJW, Basara, Freedoms, DDT, any news covering deathmatches with videos, articles, news reports, results and so much more! I have also launched a podcast series chronicling the History of FMW and various Independent Japanese Wrestling new updates and analysis with friends I meet that you can find at indiewrestlingintl.libsyn.com/website or on rss atindiewrestlingintl.libsyn.com/rss

    Don't forget to check out bahufmw.com and fmwwrestling.com for all the archived news and results concerning FMW as well as where to buy all the latest Freedoms and classic deathmatch DVD's.

    5 May 2019, 5:32 pm
  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    The DEATHMATCH CULT PRESENTS Episode#5 A Special Interview with "Ready to Die" Eric Ryan, GCW deathmatch superstar

    In this episode of The DEATHMATCH CULT PRESENTS  T-Maxx 4000, Mike, and Sonkin interview Eric Ryan and we talk

    --AIW early years

    --The lego deathmatch in unsanctioned

    --His CZW days

    --GCW matches with Ciclope and many more

    --He wants Gangrel in a dog collar match

    --This and much more


    Edited by Leon Sonkin

    Check us out on the Deathmatch cult group on facebook, Join the CULT!!    https://www.facebook.com/groups/1932846953647946/?ref=bookmarks

    Please send any feedback and or sugestions to the Deathmatch Cult facebook group or message me Mike Pedroncelli or Max Helgesen on facebook.

    If you think I have given your life value think about giving me some value back at my Patreon at HTTP://PATREON.COM/DEATHMATCHNEWS with multiple tier levels of support that give access to interview archives, early podcast access and more.

    The History of FMW is just one of the podcasts offered with the Wrestling Cult Podcast Network. We also offer the Deathmatch News Radio where Steve and Mike form the Deathmatch Cult Facebook group discuss the news in deathmatch wrestling from the US, Japan and Mexico as well as UK, South Africa, Australia, Chile and so much more. Mike and Bret also have started a new show called Kawasaki dreaming where they go over classic deathmatch topics from around the world and much more in store.

    Join me on my website, indiewrestlingintl.wordpress.com/ where I will be covering Japanese wrestling indies such as BJW, Basara, Freedoms, DDT, any news covering deathmatches with videos, articles, news reports, results and so much more! I have also launched a podcast series chronicling the History of FMW and various Independent Japanese Wrestling new updates and analysis with friends I meet that you can find at indiewrestlingintl.libsyn.com/website or on rss atindiewrestlingintl.libsyn.com/rss

    Don't forget to check out bahufmw.com and fmwwrestling.com for all the archived news and results concerning FMW as well as where to buy all the latest Freedoms and classic deathmatch DVD's.

    4 May 2019, 12:38 am
  • 49 minutes 55 seconds
    Bucky's Road Diaries Episode#11 GCW The Block Is Hot/GCW The Last Ones Left preview, ICW Milwaukee 420 classic review

     In this episode of the Road Diaries we cover the following 

    --Preview GCW the block is hot is Asbury Park, NJ

    --Preview GCW the last ones left in Chicago, IL

    --Cover Bucky's travel to New Jersey amd then back to Chicago

    --quick Review of ICW Milwaukee 420 classic

    --This and more


    Check us out on the DEATHMATCH CULT!!  facebook group

    As always let us know what you think with feedback to [email protected]

    If you think I have given your life value think about giving me some value back at my Patreon at HTTP://PATREON.COM/DEATHMATCHNEWS with multiple tier levels of support that give access to interview archives, early podcast access and more.

    The History of FMW is just one of the podcasts offered with the Wrestling Cult Podcast Network. We also offer the Deathmatch News Radio where Steve and Mike form the Deathmatch Cult Facebook group discuss the news in deathmatch wrestling from the US, Japan and Mexico as well as UK, South Africa, Australia, Chile and so much more. Mike and Bret also have started a new show called Kawasaki dreaming where they go over classic deathmatch topics from around the world and much more in store.  

    3 May 2019, 6:53 pm
  • 1 hour 46 minutes
    Deathmatch News Radio #38 | GCW Hall of Fame, Jon Moxley, H20 Results and News

    Steve and Mike are joined by Shahin Shaygan of the THT Podcast and Nuclear Heat Graphics to discuss US deathmatch news.

    We are moving Deathmatch News Radio to its own dedicated RSS Feed. This will operate the same way as the current feed and you can listen to us on iTunes, Stitcher and any other podcatcher app you may use. Head on over to https://anchor.fm/s/a0b9ec4/podcast/rss and bookmark that for future use.

    As always we are a listener supported podcast so if you feel we've delivered value to your day think about sending some value to us at http://patreon.com/deathmatchnews

    -Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose returning to the indies

    -Nick Gage at Starrcast


    -GCW's Deathmatch Hall of Fame

    -Thumbtack Jack doing porn?

    -German Porn Shoots

    -Kodaka in TOS

    -ICW 420 Results

    -Asylum Wrestling Revolution


    -Unsanctioned Pro

    -Trainwreck's Southern Sickness

    -Shark teeth and porcupine quills


    -Eating bugs

    -Casanova Valentine July 4th Party

    -RISE No Ring Deathmatch

    -GCW heading down South

    -Stargate Championship Wrestling

    -H20 Results and News

    -DTU Results

    -Changes to Guanatos Hardcore Crew deathmatch tournament

    -Japan notes

    2 May 2019, 12:11 pm
  • 1 hour 52 minutes
    The DEATHMATCH CULT PRESENTS Episode#4 Two Interview special The Hardcore Ninja#1/The Green Phantom two IWS legends, two interviews.

    Mike from the DMC does a special one on one interview with the Hardcore Ninja#1

    --How he and his brother got the Ninja Gimmicks

    --Memories of the Fan Favourites

    --Working at CZW TOD 1 and the backstage story

    --IWS early on and the locker room

    --Kevin Steen and El Generico

    --and plenty more


    Them Mike, Leon, and T-Max 4000 interview "The Hardcore Hero" Green Phantom

    --Wrestlemania weeekend and his match with Nick Gage and Matt Tremont

    --Working CZW TOD 1 and 3

    --Working Kevin Steen and El Genrico

    --The Deathmatch scene in Montreal

    --How he joined IWS and got his Gimmick

    --A tour of his Kitchen

    --This and much more


    Edited by Leon Sonkin

    Check us out on the Deathmatch cult group on facebook, Join the CULT!!    https://www.facebook.com/groups/1932846953647946/?ref=bookmarks

    Please send any feedback and or sugestions to the Deathmatch Cult facebook group or message me Mike Pedroncelli or Max Helgesen on facebook.

    If you think I have given your life value think about giving me some value back at my Patreon at HTTP://PATREON.COM/DEATHMATCHNEWS with multiple tier levels of support that give access to interview archives, early podcast access and more.

    The History of FMW is just one of the podcasts offered with the Wrestling Cult Podcast Network. We also offer the Deathmatch News Radio where Steve and Mike form the Deathmatch Cult Facebook group discuss the news in deathmatch wrestling from the US, Japan and Mexico as well as UK, South Africa, Australia, Chile and so much more. Mike and Bret also have started a new show called Kawasaki dreaming where they go over classic deathmatch topics from around the world and much more in store.

    Join me on my website, indiewrestlingintl.wordpress.com/ where I will be covering Japanese wrestling indies such as BJW, Basara, Freedoms, DDT, any news covering deathmatches with videos, articles, news reports, results and so much more! I have also launched a podcast series chronicling the History of FMW and various Independent Japanese Wrestling new updates and analysis with friends I meet that you can find at indiewrestlingintl.libsyn.com/website or on rss atindiewrestlingintl.libsyn.com/rss

    Don't forget to check out bahufmw.com and fmwwrestling.com for all the archived news and results concerning FMW as well as where to buy all the latest Freedoms and classic deathmatch DVD's.

    29 April 2019, 5:06 pm
  • 1 hour 36 minutes
    Kawasaki Dreamin Episode#6 the Foreign Invasion

    In this episode of Kawasaki Dreamin Bahu and Mike talk abou the many foreign wrestlers that appeared in FMW over the years and their impact

    --FMW  beginnings and booking Dick Murdoch and Jos Leduc

    --The Florida indy coneection

    --The failed Russian FMW tour

    --The Los Angelos and Mexico shows with El Hijo Del Santo

    --the top 5 foreign wrestlers in the history of FMW by Bahu

    --Sabu's rise to promience

    --This and so much more!!!


     Edited by Peter Steinke/ / Boathaus Music,     

    Check us out on the Deathmatch cult group on facebook.

    You can check out on "I Got Your Five Stars Podcast"

    Please send any feedback and or sugestions to the Deathmatch Cult facebook group or message me Mike Pedroncelli or Max Helgesen on facebook.

    If you think I have given your life value think about giving me some value back at my Patreon at HTTP://PATREON.COM/DEATHMATCHNEWS with multiple tier levels of support that give access to interview archives, early podcast access and more.

    The History of FMW is just one of the podcasts offered with the Wrestling Cult Podcast Network. We also offer the Deathmatch News Radio where Steve and Mike form the Deathmatch Cult Facebook group discuss the news in deathmatch wrestling from the US, Japan and Mexico as well as UK, South Africa, Australia, Chile and so much more. Mike and Bret also have started a new show called Kawasaki dreaming where they go over classic deathmatch topics from around the world and much more in store.

    Join me on my website, indiewrestlingintl.wordpress.com/ where I will be covering Japanese wrestling indies such as BJW, Basara, Freedoms, DDT, any news covering deathmatches with videos, articles, news reports, results and so much more! I have also launched a podcast series chronicling the History of FMW and various Independent Japanese Wrestling new updates and analysis with friends I meet that you can find at indiewrestlingintl.libsyn.com/website or on rss atindiewrestlingintl.libsyn.com/rss

    Don't forget to check out bahufmw.com and fmwwrestling.com for all the archived news and results concerning FMW as well as where to buy all the latest Freedoms and classic deathmatch DVD's.

    28 April 2019, 6:45 pm
  • 1 hour 59 minutes
    The Wrestling Bubble #13 | Young Bucks LIE! Puro Podcasts Suck, FUCK THE AVENGERS

    The pettiest show on the internet are back! We talk

    -The Young Bucks LYING about AAA Ratings

    -Tony Kahn talks ADVERTISING!

    -AEW's vision

    -AEW Double or Nothing Card


    -Puroresu podcasts suck

    -Show resports suck

    -Dean Malenko, Lio Rush, Luke Harper leaving WWE

    -Wrestling outside WWE

    -Wrestling fans don't understand money

    -The Women's Revolution and the ratings downturn

    -The Chicoms and the Globalists

    -Jim Cornette and the Montreal Screwjob

    -CM Punk

    -Fuck the Avengers and the Bugmen

    -Christopher Nolan is overrated

    -Joey Ryan in WWE?

    -Bruce Prichard, Bischoff, Schiavone and Conrad

    -Undertaker off of Starrcast

    28 April 2019, 3:41 pm
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