ASHRM Podcasts

American Society for Healthcare Risk Management

An inside look at the issues and solutions faced by healthcare risk management professionals as they promote safe and trusted healthcare at their hospitals, practices and health centers.

  • 18 minutes 13 seconds
    What is CMS Section 111 Reporting and what does it have to do with me?
    Medicare Secondary Payer Act and the subsequent liens, set-asides, and payment reporting can be confusing. What is a second payer? What qualifies for reporting? Follow a discussion about CMS section 111 reporting as we ask and answer the hard questions. Presenters: Erin Rowan Myers, JD, CPHRM, AIC, AINS, AIS, ARM Amy L. Uldrick, MSN, RN, CPHRM
    28 October 2019, 5:17 pm
  • 10 minutes 14 seconds
    Emotional Connection Process for Dealing with Difficult Conflicts
    Dr. Lola Gershfeld has revolutionized the field of board and team dynamics. Through her dedicated practice and research in innovative approaches, she has harnessed the power of emotional connection to develop and rebuild strong emotional bonds through the Emotional Connection process or EmC - the only model of conflict repair whose approach has been tested and shown to create lasting change.In this podcast, you will be introduced to the EmC process that can help you to be much more effective in dealing with conflicts.
    24 September 2019, 8:35 pm
  • 12 minutes 47 seconds
    Five Things Risk Managers Need To Know About Human Trafficking
    An exploration of human trafficking prevalence and specific situations which exist that may promote this form of human slavery. Best practices will be described for healthcare facilities regarding screening and intervention for this vulnerable population to reduce risk and provide patient-centered care. Kathryn Schaefer MSN RN CPHRM Sr. Manager, Accreditation & Compliance Med-IQ
    17 June 2019, 3:14 pm
  • 6 minutes 13 seconds
    Risk and Quality Collaboration - A Vital Contributor to Patient Safety
    The Patient Safety movement has dramatically increased the demands on the Risk Management and Quality Departments, but resources have generally not increased to meet the demands. Collaboration between Risk Management and Quality enables both departments to meet the increased demands through decreased redundancy and improved efficiency, and to avoid the pitfalls of silo-ed investigations and policy development. Risk Management and Quality collaboration more efficiently fosters the reduction of patient harm and improves the quality of healthcare delivery - both vital to improved Patient Safety. Elizabeth Gardner, BSN, MA, CPHRM Manager of Patient Safety and Quality Ob Hospitalist Group, Inc.
    4 June 2019, 3:32 pm
  • 11 minutes 6 seconds
    Lost ADL Property in the Hospital Setting: The Impact on the Patient and Facility
    A description of one risk manager's successful process for handling investigations of lost ADL property and review of the new CMS guidelines that will impact facility responsibility. Grace T. Jones, CPHRM, MBA-HMC Regional Director of Patient Safety and Risk Management Baptist Health System Paul McElwain East Regional Specialist Baptist Health Systems Constance A. Endelicato, J.D., CPHRM Partner Wood Smith Henning & Berman, LLP
    20 May 2019, 6:01 pm
  • 8 minutes 57 seconds
    Connecting a Good Catch to a Culture of Patient Safety
    A group of leading health care risk management professionals share their "good catch" success stories. Myka Whitman, BSN, RN, CPHRM, CPPS Director Patient Safety and Risk Management Mercy Hospital-HCA Kimberly. A. Miller, RN, MBA, CPHRM, CPPS, LSSBB Director of Quality Methodist Stone Oak Hospital Carrie Gray BSN, RN, CPHRM Corporate Director of Risk Acadia Healthcare Dana Faber, MS PSL, RN, CPHRM Patient Safety/Risk Manager The Doctors Company
    8 March 2019, 3:20 pm
  • 17 minutes 57 seconds
    Learning Health Systems (LHS) and What They Mean to You (Part 2 of 2)
    The knowledge transfer time from bench to bedside is about 17 years, resulting in delayed adoption of innovative best practices. The proliferation of clinical knowledge challenges the medical community to manage the clinical knowledge, refine current practices based on best scientific outcomes and provide "best practice" interventions to patients. The Learning Health System (LHS) framework provides a structure for conducting faster, better research and transfer new evidence at the point of care & treatment. Actions to be taken by Risk Managers to support the LHS are reviewed. Judith R. Sands
    20 April 2018, 8:51 pm
  • 11 minutes 40 seconds
    Learning Health Systems (LHS) and What They Mean to You (Part 1 of 2)
    The knowledge transfer time from bench to bedside is about 17 years, resulting in delayed adoption of innovative best practices. The proliferation of clinical knowledge challenges the medical community to manage the clinical knowledge, refine current practices based on best scientific outcomes and provide "best practice" interventions to patients. The Learning Health System (LHS) framework provides a structure for conducting faster, better research and transfer new evidence at the point of care & treatment. Actions to be taken by Risk Managers to support the LHS are reviewed. Judith R. Sands
    20 April 2018, 8:49 pm
  • 13 minutes 52 seconds
    Making the Connection between Patient Safety & Patient Experience
    Don't harm me, heal me, be nice to me….isn't that really what every patient wants? We believe so at CHRISTUS Santa Rosa. Nearly two years we began a program where we blended Patient Experience Expertise with Patient Safety Expertise to form a single program called One Path Partners. This program has successfully helped us to improve our patient safety culture as well as reduce patient harm and as a result legal expenses. There is no doubt that good quality cost less and this is just one more example of how when we partner with the frontline associates, our patients do receive safer care and a better experience. Kim Miller RN, MBA, CPHRM, CPPS Chief Quality Officer CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Health System Mindy G Spigel RN, MSN, CPXP Director of Patient Experience CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Health System
    9 March 2018, 5:33 pm
  • 21 minutes 5 seconds
    Tee Up an Effective Cross Functional Team
    This podcast contains strategies for assembling an effective cross-functional team. Lee Hamilton Sr. Vice President, Health Management Services AGI Consulting, Oklahoma City, OK
    11 September 2017, 2:04 pm
  • 13 minutes 55 seconds
    Eighteen Fingers Pointing - A Dangerous Story of Throw 'Em Under the Bus
    The story of how six defendants, all facing exposure, learned to put their differences aside in a heart-wrenching wrongful death action. Constance Endelicato Partner Wood, Smith, Nenning, & Berman, LLC Lee McMullen Senior Risk Management and Patient Safety Cooperative of American Physicians
    23 August 2017, 7:42 pm
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