Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine

The podcast for those who make and drink great beer.

  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    399: James Herrholz of Corporate Ladder Lays it on Thiccc With Award-Winning Pastry Stouts

    “If you’re a brewer and you’re not making things that you really want to make, or things you want to experiment with and learn more about, then what are you brewing for,” asks James Herrholz, Chief Creative Officer for Corporate Ladder Brewing in Palmetto, Florida. While some may feel “forced” to brew crowd-pleasing adjunct-laden stouts, Herrholz signed on for the challenge, and approaches the style with zeal and a drive to make the very best. Over the past six years, he’s seen incredible results from this dogged and open-minded focus—three GABF medals, including a gold in 2022, while the brewery has maintained its spot on Untappd as the highest-rated brewery in the state of Florida.

    In this episode, Herrholz maps out their approach to pastry stout (barrel-aged and not), and along the way he touches on:

    • using three primary base recipes to adjust for sweetness, roast, and caramel depth
    • building ranging malt bills with as many as 15 to 18 different malts
    • using SRM as a proxy for bitterness when considering dark malt impact on recipes
    • managing the impact of dextrose in adjunct ingredients
    • splitting different malts between multiple mashes while using long boils to increase Maillard flavors
    • promoting attenuation through oxygenation, over pitching, and staging sugar additions
    • maximizing extraction through “spinning” while adding adjuncts in bags in brite tanks
    • flavor and aroma variations in vanilla due to origin and crop year variations

    And more.

    This episode is brought to you by:

    G&D Chillers ( G&D Chillers Elite 290 Micro-series line utilizes a natural refrigerant, features a more compact design with variable speed fans, and offers near-zero global warming potential. The future of sustainable refrigeration is here! Learn more about G&D’s Elite 290 line and visit GDCHILLERS.COM.
    Berkeley Yeast ( Stop worrying about diacetyl with Berkeley Yeast’s line of Fresh™ strains. These revolutionary yeast strains are engineered to produce the ALDC enzyme inside the cell, preventing diacetyl before it forms. That means no more lengthy diacetyl rests—just clean, crisp beer that’s ready for packaging sooner. Learn more at
    Old Orchard ( As breweries expand beyond beer into other segments like mocktails and CBD beverages, Old Orchard is here to help. Whether trending flavor additions or nostalgic favorites, the next best thing is around the corner at Old Orchard. More information and free samples are waiting at
    Indie Hops ( Strata, Indie’s original hop release, is now available in cold-side flowable hop oil form—Strata HyperBoost—in coordination with Yakima Chief Hops. Indie Hops T90 pellets establish the multi-layered Strata experience, while cryogenic CGX pellets in coordination with Crosby Hops, and now Strata HyperBoost with YCH expand the possibilities. Learn more about Strata and Indie’s more recent hop releases at
    Ss Brewtech ( Featuring a laser-welded cooling jacket for efficient and precise temperature control, an innovative silicone racking arm, and a carbonation stone that allows you to carbonate right in the fermenter, Unitank 2.0 is engineered to help you get the most out of your fermentations! Visit Ss to learn more!
    Isuzu Trucks ( Whether you are looking for a self-distribution solution or one to deliver supplies, there is an Isuzu truck that will fit your needs. Go to to check out their impressive lineup or visit an Isuzu dealer today to find out why now, more than ever, Isuzu trucks are the trucks you trust for the work you do!
    Brewer's Retreat ( Tickets for the Craft Beer & Brewing 2025 Brewer’s Retreat in Asheville and Mills River, North Carolina are on sale now and going fast. Brew on homebrew systems with some of the most inspiring craft brewers in the U.S. Learn more and secure your tickets at

    Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

    7 February 2025, 8:00 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    398: River North Explores the Outer Limits of High ABV Brewing

    Over the past few years, Denver's River North Brewery has collected accolades from top beer competitions around the world—four GABF medals, four World Beer Cup medals, four European Beer Star medals just to name a few—and beers like Father Time and Anniversary 11 have earned top scores from our blind panel. They most recently earned midsize brewery of the year honors at the inaugural Colorado Brewers Cup. While they brew a wide range of beers, including frequent medal winner Nightmare Fuel coffee stout, they're probably most well-known for the beers that push into the peaks of the ABV range—stouts, Belgian-style strong ales, and barleywines that regularly hit 15% and higher.

    In this episode, founder Matt Hess and head brewer Matt Malloy share their techniques for making beers that not only turn heads for the their sky-high numbers, but also remain drinkable and as balanced as such beers could be. From controlling fusel alcohols through careful fermentation management, to building layers of flavors through malt selection, they share insights garnered from ten years of pushing the envelope. In this episode, they touch on:

    • using very high pitch rates and over-oxygenation to maintain healthy yeast
    • employing dehusked malts to soften roast character in big stouts
    • pushing yeast into an additional growth phase to increase cell count
    • keeping osmotic pressure low and feeding fermentations
    • selecting and adding coffee into stout
    • managing the oxidative process in barrel aging

    And more.

    This episode is brought to you by:

    G&D Chillers ( G&D Chillers Elite 290 Micro-series line utilizes a natural refrigerant, features a more compact design with variable speed fans, and offers near-zero global warming potential. The future of sustainable refrigeration is here! Learn more about G&D’s Elite 290 line and visit GDCHILLERS.COM.
    Berkeley Yeast ( Stop worrying about diacetyl with Berkeley Yeast’s line of Fresh™ strains. These revolutionary yeast strains are engineered to produce the ALDC enzyme inside the cell, preventing diacetyl before it forms. That means no more lengthy diacetyl rests—just clean, crisp beer that’s ready for packaging sooner. Learn more at
    Old Orchard ( As breweries expand beyond beer into other segments like mocktails and CBD beverages, Old Orchard is here to help. Whether trending flavor additions or nostalgic favorites, the next best thing is around the corner at Old Orchard. More information and free samples are waiting at
    Indie Hops ( Strata, Indie’s original hop release, is now available in cold-side flowable hop oil form—Strata HyperBoost—in coordination with Yakima Chief Hops. Indie Hops T90 pellets establish the multi-layered Strata experience, while cryogenic CGX pellets in coordination with Crosby Hops, and now Strata HyperBoost with YCH expand the possibilities. Learn more about Strata and Indie’s more recent hop releases at
    Ss Brewtech ( Featuring a laser-welded cooling jacket for efficient and precise temperature control, an innovative silicone racking arm, and a carbonation stone that allows you to carbonate right in the fermenter, Unitank 2.0 is engineered to help you get the most out of your fermentations! Visit Ss to learn more!
    Isuzu Trucks ( Whether you are looking for a self-distribution solution or one to deliver supplies, there is an Isuzu truck that will fit your needs. Go to to check out their impressive lineup or visit an Isuzu dealer today to find out why now, more than ever, Isuzu trucks are the trucks you trust for the work you do!
    Brewer's Retreat ( Tickets for the Craft Beer & Brewing 2025 Brewer’s Retreat in Asheville and Mills River, North Carolina are on sale now and going fast. Brew on homebrew systems with some of the most inspiring craft brewers in the U.S. Learn more and secure your tickets at

    Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

    31 January 2025, 10:00 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    397: Brewing Scientist and Historian Greg Casey Builds a Case for the Worldwide Impact of American Lager Brewing

    “If you like beer," says Greg Casey, "There’s no better time in the history of mankind to be living in the United States, right now.”

    And if anyone is qualified to make such a statement, it's Casey. After decades leading yeast and quality programs for some of the biggest brewers in the Western hemisphere, Casey retired to work on his passion project—telling the story of American brewing from the 1830's to the present in a way that showcases its innovation as well as the interplay through that history with parallel brewing cultures and industries in Europe.

    In this episode, Casey hits on turning points in American lager brewing history, outlining the contexts and driving factors in large scale recipe changes, consumer preferences, ABVs, and more. Along the way, he discusses:

    • differences in 1800's beer drinkers in Europe and America
    • American brewers' development of pale beer without chill haze
    • the two prominent yeast lineages in American lager brewing
    • "flowering times" through American brewing history where beer, in general, became lighter
    • early attempts to ban corn and rice via congressional action
    • the impact of the pork industry on brewery closures in the 1940's
    • the long history of using offbeat ingredients in American beer

    And more.

    This episode is brought to you by:

    G&D Chillers ( G&D Chillers builds with non-proprietary parts, expert craftsmanship and constant innovation! G&D’s in-house Engineering crew have been piping breweries, wineries and distilleries for over 30 years. They offer FREE piping design and consultation with the sale of every chiller they build. Reach out for a quote today.
    Berkeley Yeast ( Stop worrying about diacetyl with Berkeley Yeast’s line of Fresh™ strains. These revolutionary yeast strains are engineered to produce the ALDC enzyme inside the cell, preventing diacetyl before it forms. That means no more lengthy diacetyl rests—just clean, crisp beer that’s ready for packaging sooner. Learn more at
    Old Orchard ( Every beer menu could use a refresh button on the fruit flavors. That's why it's time to revisit Old Orchard's flavored craft juice concentrate blends, where the latest additions include Fruit Punch, Guava, Kiwi, and Pomegranate. More information and free samples are waiting at
    Indie Hops ( Strata, Indie’s original hop release, is now available in cold-side flowable hop oil form—Strata HyperBoost—in coordination with Yakima Chief Hops. Indie Hops T90 pellets establish the multi-layered Strata experience, while cryogenic CGX pellets in coordination with Crosby Hops, and now Strata HyperBoost with YCH expand the possibilities. Learn more about Strata and Indie’s more recent hop releases at
    Ss Brewtech ( Featuring a laser-welded cooling jacket for efficient and precise temperature control, an innovative silicone racking arm, and a carbonation stone that allows you to carbonate right in the fermenter, Unitank 2.0 is engineered to help you get the most out of your fermentations! Visit Ss to learn more!
    Isuzu Trucks ( Whether you are looking for a self-distribution solution or one to deliver supplies, there is an Isuzu truck that will fit your needs. Go to to check out their impressive lineup or visit an Isuzu dealer today to find out why now, more than ever, Isuzu trucks are the trucks you trust for the work you do!
    Brewer's Retreat ( Tickets for the Craft Beer & Brewing 2025 Brewer’s Retreat in Asheville and Mills River, North Carolina are on sale now and going fast. Brew on homebrew systems with some of the most inspiring craft brewers in the U.S. Learn more and secure your tickets at

    Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

    24 January 2025, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    396: Matt Manthe, Formerly of Odd Breed, Is Drawn to Doing the Hard Things

    At its height, Pompano Beach’s Odd Breed in Pompano Beach was one of the best-regarded breweries in Florida, winning four GABF medals over a span of three years, and shipping mixed-culture beers to fans around the world. However, real-estate market forces ultimately worked against the niche brewery, and founder and brewer Matt Manthe closed up shop in the summer of 2024.

    That’s no reason not to talk brewing, however, and Manthe learned plenty over his years shepherding his mixed cultures from homebrew to commercial scale, changing and adapting processes along the way. While he’s now brewing classic lager and ale styles in the mountains of Colorado—at Dillon Dam, about 70 miles west of Denver—mixed-culture beers still hold a strong place in his heart.

    In this episode, he discusses:

    • building a mixed culture through homebrewing
    • shifting from mixed-culture to Saccharomyces fermentation to control acid production
    • choosing primary strains, from London Ale III to 34/70, to optimize flavor, manage acidity, and more
    • boosting hops with specific flavors and aromas for fermentation precursors
    • challenges with fruit processing and refermentation
    • the importance of not letting barrels sit unfilled
    • blending very different base beers to achieve a finished product that’s greater than the sum of its parts

    And more.

    This episode is brought to you by:

    G&D Chillers ( G&D Chiller’s Elite 290 series chiller uses propane as a natural refrigerant with extremely low global warming potential. This natural, highly efficient refrigerant with near zero GWP will help lower your facility’s energy costs and impact on the environment. Visit to learn more!
    Berkeley Yeast ( Superbloom strains make classic hops flavor; Fresh strains keep diacetyl low even with large hop additions; Tropics strains make a tropical bouquet reminiscent of the finest southern hemisphere hops. Mention this podcast for 20% off your first order.
    Old Orchard ( Berry Blend, Blood Orange, Lemonade, and Tart Cherry are the latest additions to our lineup of flavored craft juice concentrate blends. To learn more and request your free samples, head over to
    Indie Hops ( breeds new hop varieties to help brewers captivate beer lovers. Brewers worldwide trust Indie’s unique varieties — Strata, Lórien, Luminosa, Meridian and Audacia — to modernize, brighten and diversify their beer lineup. Visit to discover what’s new in hop flavors.
    Ss Brewtech ( Featuring a laser-welded cooling jacket for efficient and precise temperature control, an innovative silicone racking arm, and a carbonation stone that allows you to carbonate right in the fermenter, Unitank 2.0 is engineered to help you get the most out of your fermentations! Visit Ss to learn more!
    Isuzu Trucks ( Whether you are looking for a self-distribution solution or one to deliver supplies, there is an Isuzu truck that will fit your needs. Go to to check out their impressive lineup or visit an Isuzu dealer today to find out why now, more than ever, Isuzu trucks are the trucks you trust for the work you do!

    Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

    17 January 2025, 7:00 am
  • 56 minutes 14 seconds
    395: For Marcin Chmielarz, Baltic Porter Day is Every Day

    Mark it down: Baltic Porter Day this year is January 18, always the third Saturday of this month. This year’s will be the 10th edition of a commemoration that began in 2016 in Poland, where rich, hefty, cool-fermented porters reign supreme. Marcin Chmielarz has worn many hats in the industry—bar manager, brewer, video blogger—but one of his most notable achievements is helping to draw Poland’s attention to its own distinctive porters.

    In this episode, Chmielarz digs into the history of the style from the Polish perspective, while also highlighting the ingredients and techniques behind it—featuring great malt complexity but smooth character, high gravities, and patient fermentation with lager yeast. He also discusses modern iterations, including those that are dry-hopped, barrel-aged, or flavored with ingredients such as Polish smoked plums.

    Along the way, the conversation also hits upon:

    • Baltic porter as a worthy technical challenge for brewers
    • the origins of porter in Poland and the Baltic region
    • why brewers in the region shifted to using lager yeast
    • the importance of both balance and richness in the malt bill
    • brewing Baltic porter with smoked malt
    • the challenges of barrel-aging Baltic porter
    • what happens on Baltic Porter Day, in Poland and beyond

    And more.

    This episode is brought to you by:

    G&D Chillers ( G&D Chiller’s Elite 290 series chiller uses propane as a natural refrigerant with extremely low global warming potential. This natural, highly efficient refrigerant with near zero GWP will help lower your facility’s energy costs and impact on the environment. Visit to learn more!
    Berkeley Yeast ( Superbloom strains make classic hops flavor; Fresh strains keep diacetyl low even with large hop additions; Tropics strains make a tropical bouquet reminiscent of the finest southern hemisphere hops. Mention this podcast for 20% off your first order.
    Old Orchard ( Berry Blend, Blood Orange, Lemonade, and Tart Cherry are the latest additions to our lineup of flavored craft juice concentrate blends. To learn more and request your free samples, head over to
    Indie Hops ( breeds new hop varieties to help brewers captivate beer lovers. Brewers worldwide trust Indie’s unique varieties — Strata, Lórien, Luminosa, Meridian and Audacia — to modernize, brighten and diversify their beer lineup. Visit to discover what’s new in hop flavors.

    Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

    10 January 2025, 7:00 am
  • 59 minutes 59 seconds
    394: Marcin Ostajewski of Browar Grodzisk is Spreading the Gospel of Grodziskie

    The city of Grodzisk Wielkopolski was once a major center of brewing in 19th century Poland, but political unrest, world wars, communism, and then misguided capitalism all played parts in closing the previous chapter of the city’s brewing history in the early 90’s. But the rise of craft beer also led to a resurgence in interest for obscure styles like the smoked wheat beer that made the city famous, and by 2016 a new group of owners relaunched the original Grodzisk brewery with a heartfelt mission—to share this homegrown Polish beer style with the world. In this episode, head brewer Marcin Ostajewski shares history and process for the style, as well as ways that modern brewers are keeping the style vibrant and alive through modern variations.

    Through the episode, Ostajewski discusses:

    • rebuilding the historical grodziskie recipe through historical sleuthing and first hand reports
    • cofermenting grodziskie with two ale yeasts over hundreds of generations
    • brewing with tomyski hops
    • working with a maltster to produce oak smoked wheat malt where the malt is dried through the smoking process rather than smoked after kilning
    • using long mashes to insure success
    • brewing grodziskie with aged hops for additional preservative qualities from beta acids
    • polishing the beer’s clarity to reduce potential foaming with the very high carbonation
    • brewing modern flavored versions of grodziskie

    And more.

    This episode is brought to you by:

    G&D Chillers ( G&D Chiller’s Elite 290 series chiller uses propane as a natural refrigerant with extremely low global warming potential. This natural, highly efficient refrigerant with near zero GWP will help lower your facility’s energy costs and impact on the environment. Visit to learn more!
    Berkeley Yeast ( Superbloom strains make classic hops flavor; Fresh strains keep diacetyl low even with large hop additions; Tropics strains make a tropical bouquet reminiscent of the finest southern hemisphere hops. Mention this podcast for 20% off your first order.
    Old Orchard ( Berry Blend, Blood Orange, Lemonade, and Tart Cherry are the latest additions to our lineup of flavored craft juice concentrate blends. To learn more and request your free samples, head over to
    Indie Hops ( breeds new hop varieties to help brewers captivate beer lovers. Brewers worldwide trust Indie’s unique varieties — Strata, Lórien, Luminosa, Meridian and Audacia — to modernize, brighten and diversify their beer lineup. Visit to discover what’s new in hop flavors.

    Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

    3 January 2025, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    393: Your Favorite Craft Beer & Brewing Podcast Episodes of 2024

    This final episode of 2024 is our chance to look back at the conversations that resonated most with you, the listeners. Here, we count down the ten most-dowloaded episodes of the past year, with excerpts from each. The countdown includes:

    This episode is brought to you by:

    G&D Chillers ( At G&D Chillers they always strive to Build Great Chillers. Partner with them as you Build Great Beer. Choose G&D Chillers on your next Expansion or Brewery start up and receive 1 free year of Remote control and Monitoring of your new G&D Chiller!
    ProBrew ( “ProBrew is excited to now offer 2-4 week lead times on all in-stock ProFill Rotary Can Filler and Seamers. This special lead time is only while supplies last, so send us an email at [email protected] or call us at 262-278-4945. ProBrew, Brew YOUR Beer.”
    Old Orchard ( Berry Blend, Blood Orange, Lemonade, and Tart Cherry are the latest additions to our lineup of flavored craft juice concentrate blends. To learn more and request your free samples, head over to
    Omega Yeast ( Experience distinct transparency and juiciness with Omega Yeast’s DayBreak-V. We've genetically eliminated haze in the popular British-V strain, allowing you to preserve the fruit-boosting prowess while achieving crystal clarity. Learn more at [email protected].
    Five Star Chemical ( Our cleaning solutions are specifically formulated to meet the unique needs of breweries, ensuring that your equipment stays clean and free of harmful bacteria and contaminants. From cleaning fermenters to kegs, we have a solution for every step of the brewing process.
    RSS Maclin ( provides the training and resources breweries of all sizes need to ensure the exceptional quality of your product remains the same from beginning to end. For more information, visit or email [email protected]
    Indie Hops ( breeds new hop varieties to help brewers captivate beer lovers. Brewers worldwide trust Indie’s unique varieties — Strata, Lórien, Luminosa, Meridian and Audacia — to modernize, brighten and diversify their beer lineup. Visit to discover what’s new in hop flavors.
    Berkeley Yeast ( Superbloom strains make classic hops flavor; Fresh strains keep diacetyl low even with large hop additions; Tropics strains make a tropical bouquet reminiscent of the finest southern hemisphere hops. Mention this podcast for 20% off your first order.

    Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

    27 December 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    392: Zichovec Nods to Czech Tradition While Exploring Modern Craft Beer

    It’s easy for New World brewers to lump Czech beer into the “historical” category, but—while many prominent brewers there focus intently on the lagers we all love—a growing contingent are also tackling evolving styles such as hazy IPA, fruited sour, pastry stout, and more—and they’re often doing it in their own ways.

    In Louny, a historic town about 40 miles northwest of Prague, Pivovar Zichovec is just such a brewery. Lager is their biggest category, but they’re not locked solely into traditional styles, and they’ve been exploring just how far they can go in making trendier styles such as hazy IPA, but using Czech ingredients and processes.

    In this episode, Zichovec’s Martin Urban, Adam Huml, and Honzik Petru discuss:

    • brewing with experimental Czech hops
    • evaluating the impact of decoctions through triangle testing
    • adding barley flakes to mitigate higher modification in lager grain bills
    • favorite newer Saaz varieties for lager
    • brewing fresh-hopped Czech pale lager
    • why direct-fired kettles matter for decoction
    • hazy IPA with modern Czech varieties such as Ceres and Saturn
    • using enzymes to unlock thiols
    • brewing with help

    And more, including this take from Huml: “When you’re doing a triple decoction and you don’t have [a direct-fired kettle], you’re just burning gas.”

    This episode is brought to you by:

    G&D Chillers ( At G&D Chillers they always strive to Build Great Chillers. Partner with them as you Build Great Beer. Choose G&D Chillers on your next Expansion or Brewery start up and receive 1 free year of Remote control and Monitoring of your new G&D Chiller!
    ProBrew ( “ProBrew is excited to now offer 2-4 week lead times on all in-stock ProFill Rotary Can Filler and Seamers. This special lead time is only while supplies last, so send us an email at [email protected] or call us at 262-278-4945. ProBrew, Brew YOUR Beer.”
    Old Orchard ( Berry Blend, Blood Orange, Lemonade, and Tart Cherry are the latest additions to our lineup of flavored craft juice concentrate blends. To learn more and request your free samples, head over to
    Omega Yeast ( Experience distinct transparency and juiciness with Omega Yeast’s DayBreak-V. We've genetically eliminated haze in the popular British-V strain, allowing you to preserve the fruit-boosting prowess while achieving crystal clarity. Learn more at [email protected].
    Five Star Chemical ( Our cleaning solutions are specifically formulated to meet the unique needs of breweries, ensuring that your equipment stays clean and free of harmful bacteria and contaminants. From cleaning fermenters to kegs, we have a solution for every step of the brewing process.
    RSS Maclin ( provides the training and resources breweries of all sizes need to ensure the exceptional quality of your product remains the same from beginning to end. For more information, visit or email [email protected]
    Indie Hops ( breeds new hop varieties to help brewers captivate beer lovers. Brewers worldwide trust Indie’s unique varieties — Strata, Lórien, Luminosa, Meridian and Audacia — to modernize, brighten and diversify their beer lineup. Visit to discover what’s new in hop flavors.
    Berkeley Yeast ( Superbloom strains make classic hops flavor; Fresh strains keep diacetyl low even with large hop additions; Tropics strains make a tropical bouquet reminiscent of the finest southern hemisphere hops. Mention this podcast for 20% off your first order.

    Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

    20 December 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    391: Kevin Ely of Wooly Pig Finds Small Tweaks That Make Big Impacts in Robust, Farm-Brewed Lagers

    Kevin Ely spent many years running the brewhouse at Uinta’s production brewery in Salt Lake City, but family brought him to a farm in rural eastern Ohio. Built next to the farm where his wife grew up, Wooly Pig Farm Brewery is the result of applying big-brewery-systems thinking to the smallest, most self-sufficient farm scale. From embracing the imperfect but interesting well water on the farm to side-streaming brewhouse waste via their drove of Mangalica pigs, he’s using every tool available to reduce waste and costs while making the highest-quality beer.

    In this episode, Ely discusses:

    • making farmhouse lagers on a small scale without sacrificing quality
    • gently handling everything—from milling grains to fermenting beer via carefully boiled wort—for a more delicate beer
    • using slightly higher-kilned pilsner malt for better flavor and fullness
    • building character into dunkel with rye malt
    • evaluating water sources and managing their unusual well water
    • creating engaging beer experiences at the farm
    • using livestock to process organic waste from the brewery

    And more.

    This episode is brought to you by:

    G&D Chillers ( At G&D Chillers they always strive to Build Great Chillers. Partner with them as you Build Great Beer. Choose G&D Chillers on your next Expansion or Brewery start up and receive 1 free year of Remote control and Monitoring of your new G&D Chiller!
    ProBrew ( “ProBrew is excited to now offer 2-4 week lead times on all in-stock ProFill Rotary Can Filler and Seamers. This special lead time is only while supplies last, so send us an email at [email protected] or call us at 262-278-4945. ProBrew, Brew YOUR Beer.”
    Old Orchard ( Berry Blend, Blood Orange, Lemonade, and Tart Cherry are the latest additions to our lineup of flavored craft juice concentrate blends. To learn more and request your free samples, head over to
    Omega Yeast ( Experience distinct transparency and juiciness with Omega Yeast’s DayBreak-V. We've genetically eliminated haze in the popular British-V strain, allowing you to preserve the fruit-boosting prowess while achieving crystal clarity. Learn more at [email protected].
    Five Star Chemical ( Our cleaning solutions are specifically formulated to meet the unique needs of breweries, ensuring that your equipment stays clean and free of harmful bacteria and contaminants. From cleaning fermenters to kegs, we have a solution for every step of the brewing process.
    RSS Maclin ( provides the training and resources breweries of all sizes need to ensure the exceptional quality of your product remains the same from beginning to end. For more information, visit or email [email protected]
    Indie Hops ( breeds new hop varieties to help brewers captivate beer lovers. Brewers worldwide trust Indie’s unique varieties — Strata, Lórien, Luminosa, Meridian and Audacia — to modernize, brighten and diversify their beer lineup. Visit to discover what’s new in hop flavors.
    Berkeley Yeast ( Superbloom strains make classic hops flavor; Fresh strains keep diacetyl low even with large hop additions; Tropics strains make a tropical bouquet reminiscent of the finest southern hemisphere hops. Mention this podcast for 20% off your first order.

    Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

    13 December 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    390: Sam Calagione Says the Spice Must Flow

    Dogfish Head has a reputation for pushing the envelope with culinary ingredients in their beer, and that penchant for experimentation was incorporated into the program at this year’s Brewer’s Retreat through this panel discussion on spices (and brewing with them), moderated by Dogfish Head founder Sam Calagione and featuring Ethan Frisch of single-origin spice purveyor Burlap & Barrel along with the dynamic duo of Dogfish Head R&D—Mark Safarik and Bryan Selders.

    In this episode, they discuss:

    • finding flavor inspiration around the world
    • sour, sweet, and savory spices
    • the truth about cinnamons
    • origins, processing, flavors, and uses for a variety of popular spices
    • insight into the ways that Dogfish Head uses various spices and ingredients in its beer

    And more.

    This episode is brought to you by:

    G&D Chillers ( At G&D Chillers they always strive to Build Great Chillers. Partner with them as you Build Great Beer. Choose G&D Chillers on your next Expansion or Brewery start up and receive 1 free year of Remote control and Monitoring of your new G&D Chiller!
    ProBrew ( “ProBrew is excited to now offer 2-4 week lead times on all in-stock ProFill Rotary Can Filler and Seamers. This special lead time is only while supplies last, so send us an email at [email protected] or call us at 262-278-4945. ProBrew, Brew YOUR Beer.”
    Old Orchard ( Berry Blend, Blood Orange, Lemonade, and Tart Cherry are the latest additions to our lineup of flavored craft juice concentrate blends. To learn more and request your free samples, head over to
    Omega Yeast ( Experience distinct transparency and juiciness with Omega Yeast’s DayBreak-V. We've genetically eliminated haze in the popular British-V strain, allowing you to preserve the fruit-boosting prowess while achieving crystal clarity. Learn more at [email protected].
    Five Star Chemical ( Our cleaning solutions are specifically formulated to meet the unique needs of breweries, ensuring that your equipment stays clean and free of harmful bacteria and contaminants. From cleaning fermenters to kegs, we have a solution for every step of the brewing process.
    RSS Maclin ( provides the training and resources breweries of all sizes need to ensure the exceptional quality of your product remains the same from beginning to end. For more information, visit or email [email protected]
    Indie Hops ( breeds new hop varieties to help brewers captivate beer lovers. Brewers worldwide trust Indie’s unique varieties — Strata, Lórien, Luminosa, Meridian and Audacia — to modernize, brighten and diversify their beer lineup. Visit to discover what’s new in hop flavors.
    Berkeley Yeast ( Superbloom strains make classic hops flavor; Fresh strains keep diacetyl low even with large hop additions; Tropics strains make a tropical bouquet reminiscent of the finest southern hemisphere hops. Mention this podcast for 20% off your first order.

    Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

    6 December 2024, 9:30 am
  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    389: An International Look at Brewing Barrel-Aged Stout with Firestone Walker, Omnipollo, and FrauGruber

    Barrel-aging is nothing new for Firestone Walker’s Matt Brynildson. He got his first exposure to the process while working for barrel-aging pioneer Goose Island in Chicago, and for the better part of two decades has been exploring the impact of wood, aging, and blending in the development of beer flavor at Firestone Walker. A post-pandemic initiative at the Paso Robles brewery, the Brewmaster’s Collective, has created new occasions to explore processes and approaches through collaborations with a range of brewer friends, and in this episode Brynildson is joined by two collaborators—Henok Fentie of Stockholm, Sweden’s Omnipollo, and Enzo Frauenschuh of Gundelfingen, Germany's FrauGruber. Together, they take a look at the similarities and differences in barrel-aged stout brewing in the United States and Europe. Along the way, they discuss:

    • building recipes that can support strong flavors
    • finding the balance between sweetness and drinkability
    • artful flavor composition
    • maintaining some semblance of house character through collaborations
    • expressing barrel notes cleanly through lean and well-attenuated beers
    • temperature impact on barrel expression
    • varying ingredients based on the continent
    • developing flavorful bases both through English malts and with blends of Pilsner and Munich malts
    • managing barrel-entry gravity for long term success
    • planning for adjuncts in recipe design
    • adjunct addition processes and extraction efficiency

    And more.

    Note: Firestone Walker is a media partner of Craft Beer & Brewing

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    29 November 2024, 8:00 pm
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