Inspired Proficiency

Ashley Uyaguari

Inspiration for World Language teachers! From Ashley Uyaguari of Desk-Free.

  • 36 minutes 45 seconds
    Two Way Dual Language with Serena Keeney Horsch

    Detailed show notes to follow at Thank you to our guests and sponsors! 

    12 May 2020, 2:10 pm
  • 42 minutes 11 seconds
    A Proficiency Journey with Ashley's former student Araceli

    Ashley talks about her struggles with distance learning and interviews a former student, Araceli Schmalz, who shares her proficiency journey. Includes a new game from Sarah Breckley and a calm tip from Julie Speno!

    Detailed show notes to follow at

    Season sponsorship brought to you by:

    Episode sponsors:

    29 April 2020, 11:46 am
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Big Experiences for our Learners with Glenda DeHoyos

    Play Inspired Trivia with Wayside at

    Detailed shownotes availble at

    Resources and links mentioned on the show:

    Julie’s mat’s from her TPT store

    Thank you to guests Glenda DeHoyos, Sarah Breckley & Julie Speno! 

    13 April 2020, 1:22 pm
  • 44 minutes 44 seconds
    Classroom Chronicles with Abelardo Almazán-Vázquez

    Play Trivia with Wayside at

    Detailed show notes will be made available soon at 

    1 April 2020, 2:49 pm
  • 58 minutes 21 seconds
    Passion, Play & Proficiency with Gale Stafford

    Play Inspired Trivia with Wayside here:

    Gale Stafford and Ashley discuss their presentation from ACTFL about bringing play and student interests into our teaching.Also includes Sarah Breckley's game segment and Julie's calm tip. 

    Detailed notes to be published soon at Presentation slides are here: 

    26 March 2020, 12:43 pm
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    Special Edition #Covid19WL Episode

    Thank you to our guests! Detailed shownotes will be added within a week at below are links to resources that have been shared by WL teaching community, compiled by Emily Loughlin.

    Thank you to presenting sponsor Wayside Publishing!

    List of links for school closures:

    • Request 2 free weeks of Senor
    • The Comprehensible Classroom and Martina Bex
      • 1o+ days of lessons for Spanish class (and other language activity ideas)
      • Instructional video for how to use 9 activities for ANY text in ANY language 
      • Garbanzo app
    • Fluency Matters courses free to closed schools
    • Duolingo mobile app to practice languages
    • Duolingo podcasts to listen to native speakers and stories in French and Spanish
    • Practice the lyrics to your favorite songs with Lyrics Training
    • National Spanish Exam Practice tests and exercises
    • Edpuzzle, embed questions into videos or use some that someone else has already made
    • Nearpod, interactive learning experiences for students
    • Netflix/ Hulu/ Amazon/ Apple TV, suggest shows for students to watch (maybe even the whole family) or suggest shows that are in English with Target Language audio or subtitles
    • Loteria Google Doodle Game for Spanish teachers
    • Flipgrid ideas, video recording communication tool
    • Newsela resources, news articles in English and Spanish at various reading levels
    • Fluent Key resources, similar to lyricstraining or edpuzzle
    • Sutori
    • Customizable digital graphic organizers
    • Smile and learn, younger learners wanting to practice Spanish and French
    • Free Mundo en tus manos downloads
    • Free access to Basho and friends
    • Free resources from Marina Rose and her department

    2 Free Spanish readers from Jennifer Degenhardt

    Thank you to Joshua Cabral or Wlclassroom, El mundo de Pepita, Jennifer Degenhardt and A.C. Quintero for being regular supporters of Inspired Proficiency. 

    20 March 2020, 5:41 pm
  • 44 minutes 33 seconds
    Corrective Oral Feedback with Joshua Cabral

    A note from Ashley:

    This was recorded before all the schools began closing because of Covid-19. I hope you can still be inspired by what we share, an interview on feedback, a new game and new calm tip! But, I  understand if this is something you prefer to listen to later on. I will share this episode again when things are settled down.

    I will release a special edition #Covid19wl episode by Friday of this week. Featuring Meredith White, Diego Ojeda, Samara Spielberg and Stephanie Carbaneau. Thank you to everyone who has been sharing in this difficult time. Please let me know if you have other requests for the next few weeks. Best, Ashley


    Play Inspired Trivia: Visit Wayside Publishing to answer the trivia questions and enter the prize drawing! Winners announced on Twitter.

    Welcome to Inspired Proficiency and thank you for joining us for episode 5 of season 2. As always, please tweet any takeaways and inspirations to #inspiredproficiency. Don’t forget that Ashley and her podcasts are also on Facebook in the group “Inspired Proficiency Teacher Collaboration” with lots of great ideas for the classroom.

    Ashley just returned from an amazing conference where Stephanie Carbonneau was named the Maine Teacher of the Year.  Congratulations Stephanie! 

    The Corona Virus is affecting us all. If you want to share out how it's affecting you, get on Twitter or Facebook and share your story! Stay healthy and try to be positive! Next week Ashley will put out a special Corona Virus Resources episode so stay tuned!

    Today’s Interview:

    Today Ashley talks with Joshua Cabral of World Language Classroom about Corrective Oral Feedback. Joshua presents at conferences and trains teachers in workshops as well as teaching French and Spanish to grades 1-8 in MA. Joshua is also a huge supporter of the podcast and Ashley is always excited to talk to him. He is doing a lot of traveling and presenting this year. He loves working with teachers and helping them learn and grow! Josh is a big fan of Starbucks, in case you hadn’t heard!


    • Any information you provide to students to show them where they are on their language learning journey
    • Feedback is supposed to help students move faster along the journey towards proficiency
    • Grades and correcting are what we think of a lot as feedback but it doesn’t have to be JUST that


      • Appreciation



      • Coaching



      • Evaluation


    1. Indication of where they are right now
    2. Summative assessments (sometimes)
    3. Proficiency mindset means it's more about where they started and where they want to go and where they are currently and the student is participating in setting these goals
    4. There’s always room for more goals
    • How do we choose what to give feedback on?
      • Errors are when a student has not acquired this skill yet, they’re guessing
      • Mistakes are when they HAVE acquired it, but they have an inaccuracy in the moment
        • Mistakes are more likely to happen in the moment (speaking) but less likely if students have time to think it through properly (writing)
      • FOCUS ON FIXING MISTAKES, not errors
    1. Clarification requests
      1. Avoid the native language as much as possible, keep it communicative in the target language
      2. Take a part of the incorrect sentence and focus on it with a pause or a rephrase to see if they really have acquired it or not to see if they can correct their mistake or if you need to provide more input for their error
      1. Similar to clarifying with a question
      2. Starting the sentence again for the student to repeat with a new order or new mindset, they might be able to fix their mistake again
      3. Changing SOMETHING about it might help them realize they made a mistake and they can have another opportunity
      4. Might be as simple as adding a pronoun they weren’t using, or it could be more complex related to tense
      5. Keep the communication going, avoid the native language
    2. Elicitation
      1. Repeat the sentence back, stress the inaccuracy
      2. It's very likely that a student will be higher at reading and listening than they are at speaking and writing so they will hear the mistake themselves and THEN be able to fix their error after hearing it repeated and stressed
    3. Repetition
      1. It all goes back to the modes where interpersonally they might be lower in their proficiency level, but interpretively they are higher and can now notice the mistake
      1. Recast is saying the correct form for the student
      2. Embedded means recasting the correct way but stretching it to add more information to keep the conversation going
      3. Very personalized feedback 
      4. Can be challenging for the ENTIRE class
    4. Embedded recast
      1. Maybe do it in stations so you can work with small groups
    • Tips for teachers
      • Take a couple days and listen to EVERYTHING students say and practice in your head to see if you can tell the difference between a mistake and an error. THEN stop correcting the errors and focus on the mistakes.
      • Once you’ve had your practice, pick ONE type of feedback to try first. Start small so you’re not overwhelmed and then work your way through all four!

    Game Segment with Sarah Breckley: Musical Story Chairs

    Calm Segment with Julie Speno: Yoga/ Tai Chi

    Resources and links mentioned on the show:

    • Stephanie Carbonneau On Twitter @MmeCarbonneau, Maine Teacher of the Year
    • Larsen, Freeman, and Long researchers
    • Jennifer Gonzalez article “Your Rubric is a Hot Mess; Here’s How to Fix it”
    • Cult of Pedagogy podcast and blog by Jennifer Gonzalez, Single Point Rubrics

    Detailed notes at

    • Yoga with Elmo in Spanish
    • Smile and Learn in Spanish and French


    • Joshua Cabral on Twitter @wlclassroom, on Instagram @wlclassroom, and his website and TPT store
    • Sarah Breckley on Twitter @SarahBreckley and her blog
    • Julie Speno on Twitter @MundoDePepita and her blog
    17 March 2020, 1:07 am
  • 31 minutes 57 seconds
    Be the Calm Classroom with Julie Speno

    Play Inspired Trivia with Wayside at and be entered to win a prize! Thanks to our presenting sponsor Wayside Publishing! 

    Updates for season 5!

    • Sarah is back with 10 more games! YAY!
    • Julie Speno from Mundo de Pepita will talk to us every episode about being calm in the classroom.
    • Thank you to Joshua Cabral and World Language Classroom for your continued support of the podcast. He’ll be the guest on episode 2 of season 5!

    Today’s Interview:

    Julie Speno talks to us today about her why and and other information for a calm classroom. You might know Julie from the first EVER episode of Inspired Proficiency where she spoke about target language use in the classroom. Visit for detailed show notes on Julie’s interview

    Game Segment with Sarah Breckley:

    Twisted Symbols

    Inspired Trivia:

    Visit Wayside Publishing to answer the trivia questions and enter the prize drawing! Winners announced on Twitter.

    Resources and links mentioned on the show:

    • MAFLA Massachusetts Foreign Language Association
    • ACTFL American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
    • FLAME Foreign Language Association of Maine
    • NECTFL Northeast Conference on the Teacher of Foreign Languages 
    • World Language Classroom by Josh Cabral
    • Julie’s first interview on the first episode
    • Julie’s Teachers Pay Teachers shop
    • NNELL National Network for Early Language Learning
    • Wayside Publishing Trivia


    • Sarah Breckley on Twitter @SarahBreckley and her blog
    • Julie Speno on Twitter @MundoDePepita and her blog

    Season sponsorship brought to you by:

    Episode sponsors:

    10 March 2020, 8:30 am
  • 2 minutes 56 seconds
    Season 5 Coming March 10th!

    Ashley Uyaguari gives you some info about what to expect during the upcoming season of Inspired Proficiency! 

    24 February 2020, 2:46 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Real Talk: #Metoo, Equity and Diversity with Jade Cintron
    Featuring an interview with Jade Cintron @erijade, 10th game segment with Sarah Breckley @SarahBreckley. Ashley also shares her gratitude as she wraps up this 4th season. Inspired Proficiency will be back again in March 2020! Detailed show notes available within a week at 
    5 December 2019, 8:55 pm
  • 41 minutes 26 seconds
    Reaching All Students with Jade Collins and Ebony Thornton

    Interviews with Jade Collins @lasecundariajac and Ebony Thornton @EThorntonGHS.

    New game with Sarah Breckley @SarahBreckley

    Detailed shownotes will be on within a week! Share takeaways using #inspiredproficiency email Ashley [email protected] with any questions. 

    27 November 2019, 1:20 pm
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