Podcast Voice Training

Scott Paton & Jesai Jayhmes

Learn how to use your voice to captivate your audience. As Podcasting moves into the mainstream, more and more people want to use the full power of their voice in their podcast. Jeasi and Scott discuss the ways you can improve your vocal power.

  • 14 minutes 46 seconds
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - Volume - Podcast #20
    Improve your Podcasts with tips and tricks from expert public speaking coaches, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton. In this Podcast, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton discuss the persuasive power of volume. Learn how to adjust th evolume of your presentatiopn to fit th emoment in yoru talk or speech.. Call our audio comment line: 206-339-2592 Length: 14:46 Be sure to visit Jan's web site and Scott's Podcasting site today! Click to receive "10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make that Cost them Time and Money" ebook Technorati Tags: public speaking, voice coach, speaking, podcasting, public-speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Presentations.
    2 December 2006, 6:57 pm
  • 16 minutes 27 seconds
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - Gestures for Success - Podcast #19
    Improve your Podcasts with tips and tricks from expert public speaking coaches, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton. In this Podcast, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton discuss gestures and how they are so important for connecting with your audience regardless of whether you are podcasting or on stage or just presenting to your co-workers.. Call our audio comment line: 206-339-2592 Length: 16:27 Be sure to visit Jan's web site and Scott's Podcasting site today! Click to receive "10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make that Cost them Time and Money" ebook Technorati Tags: public speaking, voice coach, speaking, podcasting, public-speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Presentations.
    7 September 2006, 6:07 am
  • 15 minutes 2 seconds
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - Presenting Greatness Unleashed - Podcast #18
    Improve your Podcasts with tips and tricks from expert public speaking coaches, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton. In this Podcast, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton discuss what makes the difference between a good speaker and a great speaker. Learn how to connect with your audience. Call our audio comment line: 206-339-2592 Length: 14:32 Be sure to visit Jan's web site and Scott's Podcasting site today! Click to receive "10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make that Cost them Time and Money" ebook Technorati Tags: public speaking, voice coach, speaking, podcasting, public-speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Presentations.
    5 September 2006, 3:28 am
  • 21 minutes 34 seconds
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - Speaking reviews - Podcast #17
    In this Podcast, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton with Special Guest, Shane James of Weight Loss and the MInd Podcast, discuss the speakers at a local success conference. Harv Eker, David Craig, Bill Rancic and others Call our audio comment line: 206-339-2592 Length: 21:34 Be sure to visit Jan's web site and Scott's Podcasting site today! Click to receive "10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make that Cost them Time and Money" ebook Technorati Tags: public speaking, voice coach, speaking, podcasting, public-speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Presentations, Harv Eker
    3 September 2006, 1:12 am
  • 16 minutes 57 seconds
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - Timing and Time - Podcast #16
    Improve your Podcasts with tips and tricks from expert public speaking coaches, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton. In this Podcast, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton discuss time. How important is it to start on time? Do you wait for stragglers? How to make sure everyone is back in the room on time after a break. How to effectively plan your presentation to make sure you finish on time with all your major points covered. Length: 14:32 Be sure to visit Jan's web site and Scott's Podcasting site today! Click to receive "10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make that Cost them Time and Money" ebook For FREE! Call our audio comment line: 206-339-2592 Technorati Tags: public speaking, voice coach, speaking, podcasting, public-speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Presentations.
    16 August 2006, 7:58 pm
  • 13 minutes 38 seconds
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - Great Story Telling Tips - Podcast #15
    Improve your Podcasts with tips and tricks from expert public speaking coaches, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton. learn how to give compelling presentations and influence your audience. In this Podcast, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton discuss how to use story telling to turbo-charge your podcasts. Length: 14:32 Be sure to visit Jan's web site and Scott's Podcasting site today! Technorati Tags: public speaking, voice coach, speaking, podcasting, public-speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Presentations.
    12 August 2006, 4:58 am
  • 13 minutes 38 seconds
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - Story Telling for Success ful Podcasts - Podcast #15
    Improve your Podcasts with tips and tricks from expert public speaking coaches, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton. learn how to give compelling presentations and influence your audience. In this Podcast, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton discuss how to use story telling to turbo-charge your podcasts. This is one Podcast you won't want to miss! Length: 14:32 Be sure to visit Jan's web site and Scott's Podcasting site today! Technorati Tags: public speaking, voice coach, speaking, podcasting, public-speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Presentations.
    12 August 2006, 4:48 am
  • 15 minutes 2 seconds
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - Audience Participation - Podcast #14
    Interactivity between the speaker and the audience can be a challenge for the best speakers. In this Podcast, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton discuss audience participation. How much interaction should you have between yourself and your group? What should you do if you get a question you don't know the answer to?. Be sure to visit Jan's web site and Scott's Podcasting site today! Length: 15:02 Technorati Tags: public speaking, voice coach, speaking, podcasting, public-speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Presentations.
    1 August 2006, 11:47 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - The 4 P's - Podcast #13
    Pitch, Pace, Power and Pause Discover how mastery these 4 P's will set you heads and shoulders above your competition. Take your Podcasts to the next level with this Mastery secret. Scott Paton and Jan Janzen discuss this important issue. Their answers may surprise you. Discover the secret to making a huge income as a Public Speaker. Length: 15:31 Technorati Tags: public speaking, voice coach, speaking, podcasting, public-speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Presentations.
    20 July 2006, 12:17 am
  • 3 minutes 28 seconds
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - Dynamic Conclusions - Podcast #12
    Public speaking, presenting to a group, motivating your co-workers all require one thing: strong call to action. Have you captivated your audience only to lose them in the dying seconds of your speech/podcast? Listen in as Jan Janzen and Scott Paton reveal the secrets to a powerful conclusion. Length: 14:32 Be sure to visit Jan's web site and Scott's Podcasting site today!
    17 July 2006, 2:16 am
  • 16 minutes 35 seconds
    Voice Coaching for Podcasters - Great Introductions - Podcast #11
    The most important part of any presentation, whether it is public speaking, a keynote speech, live training, or a teleseminar, is the introduction. In this Podcast, Jan Janzen and Scott Paton discuss how to make a great first impression. Length: 16:35
    14 July 2006, 4:44 pm
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