My name is Meltem and I am originally from Istanbul, Turkey. My Spanish partner Lázaro wants to learn Turkish so to help him, I am now creating material that is both entertaining and approachable for beginners. Anyone who is interested in learning Turkish is welcomed to join us! (Only in weekdays)
In this episode, we will cover a very common conversation starter amongst Turks. We will learn a few words and phrases to discuss your marital status.
Zodiac signs are a great conversation starters for Turkish speakers. In this episode, we will go through each zodiac sign and learn how to ask a few basic questions.
In this episode, we talk about Öyle, Şöyle, Böyle. These are three words that are used frequently in Turkish and it's hard to understand their meaning.
To celebrate Turkish Language Day with only 2 days delay (very good for a new mom!), I'm sharing with you a few Turkish words with interesting meanings that are difficult to pronounce.
In this episode, I walk you through the story about Dani and the Dolphin, translate it from Turkish to English (not word by word but just to give you the general idea). I then distinguish between two forms of past tense in Turkish (dı and mış). If you have any questions, or suggestions for future episodes, please find me on Instagram (meltem barcelona)
Hi Listeners,
Thanks so much for checking in with Let's Learn Turkish. This morning, I was pleasantly surprised to hear from Imogen, a Turkish learner who left a voice message. I am sharing it with you so that it inspires you to bring more Turkish into your life.
Stay safe,
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