Legio XIII

Legio XIII

Latin Language Podcast — hōc acroāmate Iūlus Craft & L. Amādeus Rāniērius garriunt Latīnē! Subscrībite sultis apud Tūbulum: youtube.com/LegioXIII

  • 9 minutes 11 seconds
    Legio XIII #75 Διάλογος Ἑλληνικός Α' - τίς ἐστιν ἡ κρείττων μέθοδος ᾗ μαθῶμεν τὴν Ἑλληνικὴν γλῶτταν; | 2020-07-03
    Audīre hoc epīsodium licet apud https://youtube.com/LegioXIIIListen to this episode at https://youtube.com/LegioXIII Loquāmur paullum Graecē! 😃 In hōc epīsodiō Lūcius vōs rogat: quae sit methodus optima ad linguam Graecam antīquam discendam? Īnfrā vestrās opīniōnēs scrībitōte! ************* Luke Ranieri Audiobooks in Latin https://luke-ranieri.myshopify.com "Nocte Amīcā Amantibus" ("Can You Feel The Love Tonight?" The Lion King):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LW0Nw7asoE "Et Nīl Est" ("You're Welcome" Moana):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l37cqX2jBhE "Quid Est?" ("What's This?" Nightmare Before Christmas) cantus Nātālīcius! https://youtu.be/OPcy7u1eEmg Fēriae Hiemālēs (Magister Craft): https://youtu.be/K2UETeFEsoQ Linguae Graecae Antīquae prōnūntiātūs tabula: https://bit.ly/ranierigreekpronunciation Linguae Latīnae prōnūntiātūs tabula: https://bit.ly/ranierilatinpronunciation Auctōrum Latīnōrum Graecōrumque tabula: https://bit.ly/ranierilatingreekauthors Lūcius nunc sex seriēs acroāmatum praebet apud suum pāginam Patreon, quōrum multa exemplāria grātīs licet audīre: https://www.patreon.com/lukeranieri/ Progymnasmata Latīnitātis, Jacōbis Pontānī: https://www.patreon.com/posts/27883742 Cōnfābulātiōnēs Tīrōnum Litterāriōrum, Hermannī Schottenniī: https://www.patreon.com/posts/27884103 Latīnae-Graecae locūtiōnēs: https://youtu.be/kaQt4Ormzbs Ācta Diurna Classica Jūlia: https://youtu.be/gx51LLs9W4k Iūlī liber "TEMPLUM ROMANUM":  https://www.magistercraft.com/publications "Odyssēa Magstrī Craft" :  https://youtu.be/yQxlyu8BEmI "Capior Sēnsū" (Hooked on a Feeling):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvS1k-r7dfw _____ http://youtube.com/DivusMagisterCraft  http://www.magistercraft.com  http://youtube.com/ScorpioMartianus http://www.scorpiomartianus.com http://legioxiii.podomatic.com  hic tunicae "LEG·XIII" inscriptae veneunt / T-shirts and other merchandise for sale: https://teespring.com/stores/scorpiomartianus https://www.patreon.com/magistercraft/ https://www.patreon.com/lukeranieri/
    27 December 2023, 8:54 pm
  • 11 seconds
    Legio XIII #74 Dē Methodō "Shadowing" ad linguās discendās (praesentī trānsmissiōne) | 2020-05-18
    Audīre hoc epīsodium licet apud https://youtube.com/LegioXIIIListen to this episode at https://youtube.com/LegioXIII Ecce versiōnem Anglicam quā hanc methodum dēscrībō: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36977871 Gradūs Decem (Anglicē): STEPS TO SHADOWING TECHNIQUE These steps assume you have access to the target language text in a line-for-line translation in a language you know, such as the Assimil books — for the sake of simpilicity, I will call this familiar language "English," but it could be any language you are comfortable with; for Latin, I can recommend my recordings of the Traupman Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency dialogues on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYgC_33Z9Bg&list=PLU1WuLg45SiwIqVslmhJrSc9mUGQ9OVn4 Step 1: Blind Shadowing - listen to the audio of all of the lessons in the target language, before even looking at the text. - while listening, repeat every word and sound you hear as precisely as you can (it sounds crazy, but it works!); you'll be bad at this at first, but you will rapidly improve! - do this for the whole book. Step 2: Look at the English text of every lesson while shadowing the audio of the whole book. - don't look at the target language; the goal here is merely to figure out the global meaning of every dialogue to now understand what you've been babbling for the past several hours. Step 3: Thumb-Reading 1 - using your thumbs on the side-by-side translation, listen to the whole book, while glancing over at the target language Step 4: Thumb-Reading 2 - using your thumbs on the side-by-side translation, listen to the whole book, keeping your eyes on the target language, and merely glancing at the English any time you don't fully understand a thing. Step 5: Shadow Target Language Exclusively - repeat every sound you hear in the text; don't look at the English. Step 6: Begin to try to think in the target language - start with just 30 seconds at a time each day; increase as desired. Step 7: Comparative Textual Analysis - without audio, read the target language using the English to understand the meaning of every word. Step 8: Transcribe entire target language text by hand. - say aloud the longest phrase you can keep in short term memory, then transcribe verbatim. Step 9: Transcribe entire target language text by tying. - say aloud the longest phrase you can keep in short term memory, then transcribe verbatim. - double-spaced; print the text you typed - read this text of yours silently; you'll probably know every word in the whole book and understand nearly everything, but in case you don't, the double-spacing is to give you the chance to insert your notes and English translations as necessary Step 10: Listen to the audiobook for the text again, without shadowing, while you do other things around the house, or exercise, driving, etc. Conclusion, you will have invited the language to live and grow in your mind! 🌱 🌺  Based on these videos by Alexander Aguelles (I recommend watching these videos *after* seeing my video above): • In this video, Alexander looks like a crazy person, shouting in Chinese while walking about. He explains what he's doing in the subsequent videos https://youtu.be/VdheWK7u11w   • Shadowing Q & A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHYDBYHi2bc • Shadowing Explained Step by Step https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=130bOvRpt24 _____ http://youtube.com/ScorpioMartianus http://www.scorpiomartianus.com http://legioxiii.podomatic.com  hic tunicae "LEG·XIII" inscriptae veneunt / T-shirts and other merchandise for sale: https://teespring.com/stores/scorpiomartianus https://www.patreon.com/lukeranieri/
    21 December 2023, 8:07 pm
  • 11 seconds
    Legio XIII #73 LLiNYC 2020 pars 1 cum Mūsā Pedestrī: audī partem 2 apud Mūsam Pedestrem! | 2020-03-23
    Audīre hoc epīsodium licet apud https://youtube.com/LegioXIIIListen to this episode at https://youtube.com/LegioXIII Audī partem 2 apud Mūsam Pedestrem! https://www.spreaker.com/user/11772660/llinyc2020 Luke Ranieri Audiobooks in Latin https://luke-ranieri.myshopify.com "Nocte Amīcā Amantibus" ("Can You Feel The Love Tonight?" The Lion King):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LW0Nw7asoE "Et Nīl Est" ("You're Welcome" Moana):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l37cqX2jBhE "Quid Est?" ("What's This?" Nightmare Before Christmas) cantus Nātālīcius! https://youtu.be/OPcy7u1eEmg Fēriae Hiemālēs (Magister Craft): https://youtu.be/K2UETeFEsoQ Linguae Graecae Antīquae prōnūntiātūs tabula: https://bit.ly/ranierigreekpronunciation Linguae Latīnae prōnūntiātūs tabula: https://bit.ly/ranierilatinpronunciation Auctōrum Latīnōrum Graecōrumque tabula: https://bit.ly/ranierilatingreekauthors Lūcius nunc sex seriēs acroāmatum praebet apud suum pāginam Patreon, quōrum multa exemplāria grātīs licet audīre: https://www.patreon.com/lukeranieri/ Progymnasmata Latīnitātis, Jacōbis Pontānī: https://www.patreon.com/posts/27883742 Cōnfābulātiōnēs Tīrōnum Litterāriōrum, Hermannī Schottenniī: https://www.patreon.com/posts/27884103 Latīnae-Graecae locūtiōnēs: https://youtu.be/kaQt4Ormzbs Ācta Diurna Classica Jūlia: https://youtu.be/gx51LLs9W4k Iūlī liber "TEMPLUM ROMANUM":  https://www.magistercraft.com/publications "Odyssēa Magstrī Craft" :  https://youtu.be/yQxlyu8BEmI "Capior Sēnsū" (Hooked on a Feeling):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvS1k-r7dfw _____ http://youtube.com/DivusMagisterCraft  http://www.magistercraft.com  http://youtube.com/ScorpioMartianus http://www.scorpiomartianus.com http://legioxiii.podomatic.com  hic tunicae "LEG·XIII" inscriptae veneunt / T-shirts and other merchandise for sale: https://teespring.com/stores/scorpiomartianus https://www.patreon.com/magistercraft/ https://www.patreon.com/lukeranieri/
    18 December 2023, 3:44 pm
  • 11 seconds
    Legio XIII #8 De Carminibus Alexandri Veronensis deque Caesaris T. Pullone & L. Voreno [ vidē youtube.com/LegioXIII ]
    Audīre hoc epīsodium licet apud https://youtube.com/LegioXIIIListen to this episode at https://youtube.com/LegioXIII Cavēte! Hoc episodium nōn diūtius in legioxiii.podomatic.com sed apud hunc nexum in Tubulō (YouTube) locātur: https://youtu.be/0F1ddgY73jo  De Alexandri Veronensis Carminibus Latinis Per Se Illustratis loquuntur Iulus et Lucius, atque etiam de L. Voreno & T. Pullone qui in Caesaris De Bello Gallico V.44 narrantur. Alexandri carmina: http://www.carminalatinaperseillustrata.com Alexandri podcast: http://sermonesraedarii.podomatic.com http://youtube.com/ScorpioMartianus  http://youtube.com/DivusMagisterCraft  http://legioxiii.podomatic.com
    17 March 2018, 4:59 pm
  • 11 seconds
    Legio XIII #4 De Bello Punico Primo [ vidē youtube.com/LegioXIII ]
    Audīre licet integrum epīsodium apud https://youtube.com/LegioXIIIListen to this episode at https://youtube.com/LegioXIII Cavēte! Hoc episodium nōn diūtius in legioxiii.podomatic.com sed apud hunc nexum in Tubulō (YouTube) locātur: https://youtu.be/leoYmgZbIaU  De Bello Punico Primo loquuntur Lucius et Iulus hac in emissione deque seminario a Justo acto ac de umbraticis qui Itinera Stellaria diligunt. Hi tres, inter alios, locuturi sunt Neapoli 2° et 3° Martii gratia GrecoLatinoVivo. http://www.magistercraft.com  http://www.scorpiomartianus.com http://www.grecolatinovivo.it
    14 February 2018, 7:01 am
  • 11 seconds
    Legio XIII #3 LLPSI Pars II, Cap. XXXVI "Roma Aeterna" [ vidē youtube.com/LegioXIII ]
    Audīre licet integrum epīsodium apud https://youtube.com/LegioXIIIListen to this episode at https://youtube.com/LegioXIII Cavēte! Hoc episodium nōn diūtius in legioxiii.podomatic.com sed apud hunc nexum in Tubulō (YouTube) locātur: https://youtu.be/F46pLGU9XwM  Julus et Lucius ("Gemini Alterarum Matrum") de libri LINGVA LATINA PER ILLVSTRATA Partis II Capitulo Primo (sive XXXVI seriei) loquuntur, quo capitulo Roma Aeterna describitur Forumque Romanum et eius architectura. http://www.magistercraft.com  http://www.scorpiomartianus.com
    8 February 2018, 4:46 am
  • 11 seconds
    Legio XIII #2 De Bello Gallico, Lib. I, Helvetii [ vidē youtube.com/LegioXIII ]
    Audīre licet integrum epīsodium apud https://youtube.com/LegioXIIIListen to this episode at https://youtube.com/LegioXIII Cavēte! Hoc episodium nōn diūtius in legioxiii.podomatic.com sed apud hunc nexum in Tubulō (YouTube) locātur: https://youtu.be/vKYiPVamdW0  Hac in emissione, Iulus et Lucius de Caesaris libro De Bello Gallico loquuntur, deque proeliis cum Helvetiis quae habita sunt in primo loco Libri Primi. http://www.magistercraft.com http://www.scorpiomartianus.com
    30 January 2018, 6:35 am
  • 11 seconds
    Legio XIII #1 Ad Alpes, Cap. I, II, III [ vidē youtube.com/LegioXIII ]
    Audīre licet integrum epīsodium apud https://youtube.com/LegioXIIIListen to this episode at https://youtube.com/LegioXIII Cavēte! Hoc episodium nōn diūtius in legioxiii.podomatic.com sed apud hunc nexum in Tubulō (YouTube) locātur: https://youtu.be/oC2jmVZCbfs  Hac prima emissione audibili Iulus Craft & L. Amadeus Ranierius exponunt argumentum huius Programmatis Orationum Deductarum Computatris Audibilis Simpliciter Transmissi (PODCAST) sive 'acroama', quo loquuntur de libro nuper edito apud Latinitium.com nomine "Ad Alpes: A Tale of Roman Life."
    21 January 2018, 4:19 pm
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