Modern Learners

Modern Learners

Education is at a crossroads, and it’s becoming more and more clear that a full reimagination of school is now needed to best prepare our children for a fast-changing, globally-networked world of learning, work, and life. In our Modern Learners podcast, we discuss how these principles can provide a framework for educational change in your school.

  • 12 minutes 43 seconds
    27. Permission, Protection, and Policy Reduction
    I’m in a group chat with several of my favorite fellow educational leaders where we help each other work through issues stemming from a variety of topics. But one recent question posed to the group really got to the heart of so much of what is facing educators in the United States: Fear. Fear has a profound impact on public education, often holding back progress and innovation. From curriculum choices, to developing a supportive school culture, to the fear instilled by standardized testing for both students and teachers, fear in educational environments limits critical thinking, disengages students, and keeps teachers stuck with outdated methods and practices. Overcoming these fears involves fostering a supportive environment that encourages risk taking, values diverse viewpoints, and prioritizes the well being of both students and teachers. But it is possible to create change in our educational systems and there are three essential Ps that can help us do it. [fusebox_track_player url="" title="27. Permission, Protection, and Policy Reduction"] LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE TO HEAR: Why Permission is crucial to cultivating an environment where students and teachers can innovate Why teachers need Protection from punitive consequences in order to take risks and create opportunities for growth How Policy Reduction helps educators be more agile and responsive in implementing new ideas Questions for educators and leaders to help identify where and how to bring more of the 3 Ps into schools LEARN MORE ABOUT MELISSA EMLER AND MODERN LEARNERS: Modern Learners Modern Learners Community
    17 July 2024, 7:06 am
  • 17 minutes 42 seconds
    26. Revisiting the Immunity to Change Map
    Navigating the complexities of organizational change and personal growth can be challenging. Often we find ourselves stuck, unable to move forward because we haven't truly embraced the power of learning. But by fostering a culture of learning in our organization, by prioritizing the personal and professional growth of the people in our organizations, we can overcome the obstacles that hold us back.  As Modern Learners embarks on our project with the New York State Department of Education, we know that working with educators and administrators to reimagine assessment is asking for a lot of growth and change.  One of the first exercises we’ll do with the seventeen schools participating in the PLAN Pilot Program will be to lead them through the Immunity to Change map, developed by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey. Today, I am revisiting the Immunity to Change framework and outlining this process that helps people and organizations find the clarity that they need to make real change happen. And feel free to grab a pen and a piece of paper and follow along with me as you listen! [fusebox_track_player url=""  title="26. Revisiting the Immunity to Change Map"] LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE TO HEAR: Why a commitment is not the same thing as a goal or an outcome How the Immunity to Change map helps parse out behaviors from the emotions that drive them How to identify and test the assumptions underlying your competing commitments RESOURCES: Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock Potential in Yourself and Your Organization, Lisa Lahey, Robert Kegan LEARN MORE ABOUT MELISSA EMLER AND MODERN LEARNERS: Modern Learners Modern Learners Community
    3 July 2024, 7:01 am
  • 13 minutes 46 seconds
    25. The PLAN Pilot Work with the New York State Education Department
    [fusebox_track_player url=""  title="25. The PLAN Pilot Work with the New York State Education Department "] I want to share an exciting project that Modern Learners will be doing. We’ve been selected by the New York State Education Department to be the Technical Assistance Center for the PLAN Pilot work. This is a big deal. PLAN stands for Performance-Based Learning and Assessment Networks. The work of the PLAN Pilot is to create a network of schools that will explore assessment strategies that foster high quality instructional opportunities where the learner is at the center of the learning experience. I believe this work has the potential to be the most impactful work that my team will do in our entire careers. Supporting a state that has standardized tests in place as a graduation requirement with the work of reimagining their assessment system is wildly exciting. And a little bit scary.  The idea of the Regents Exams going away is unimaginable to some. However, New York’s Blue Ribbon Commission has been planting the seeds for that work, and in a call last week, it was mentioned that the Blue Ribbon Commission would be beginning discussions as early as June 2024. Though our project is separate from the work of the Blue Ribbon Commission, it is intended to help New York plan and prepare to support the schools in the event that the Blue Ribbon Commission charts an alternative path to graduation. The primary objectives of the PLAN Pilot are three-fold. To build capacity and knowledge. The pilot seeks to build a strong, shared knowledge base of performance-based learning and assessment among students, educators, families, and communities. There is a lot of information that needs to be elevated in relation to this work, because shifting our brains from thinking about the Regents Exam as a graduation requirement to more of a performance-based assessment will raise a lot of questions and uncertainties. So we will build capacity and knowledge to help calm fears and build more certainty. This involves developing assessment literacy so that stakeholders understand and can effectively use performance data to enhance teaching and learning. Professional learning and support. I’m really excited about this because educators will engage in high-quality professional learning experiences. I believe that in all systems, everyone is a learner. We have to stop being teachers first and become learners first in order to experience the shifts in the field that we’re hoping for. These include school-based and network-wide trainings, professional developments, and participation in a community of practice. The collaborative environment will be designed to increase and continuously improve the capacity to develop and use high-quality, performance-based approaches to learning and assessment. Systemic change and sustainability. The pilot aims to establish a sustainable and systemic change in educational assessment by supporting schools in creating transition plans and budgets that ensure the longevity of performance-based learning and assessment practices. This involves working with technical assistance centers like the ones we at Modern Learners will be hosting and building to provide ongoing support and resources. We want to support schools and districts with operationalizing the systems that will need to be implemented in schools.  By having a Technical Assistance Center, you can build out supports that can help multiple schools at one time and do so in a way that is strategic, predictable, and consistent. That is our goal. The PLAN Pilot imagines that we will have enhanced learning opportunities where the focus is on creating authentic learning experiences that engage students more deeply and meaningfully. Performance-based assessments allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills through real world tasks and projects,
    19 June 2024, 7:01 am
  • 16 minutes 49 seconds
    24. Studium and Punctum, and How to Make the Story Yours
    Documenting our processes and outcomes when we’re doing change work is vital. I recently encountered a philosophical concept that perfectly helps illustrate this, and today, as part of our ongoing series of explainers, I want to talk through the ideas of studium and punctum and how they can be applied to our work in and out of the classroom. [fusebox_track_player url=""  title="24. Studium and Punctum, and How to Make the Story Yours"] LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE TO HEAR: Philosopher Roland Barthe’s definition of studium and punctum What we can learn about the use of studium and punctum from Taylor Swift How employing studium and punctum will impact how we at Modern Learners document our process of reimagining assessments in New York state RESOURCES: The Writing Teacher's Guide to Pedagogical Documentation: Rethinking How We Assess Learners and Learning, Angela Stockman Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, Roland Barthes LEARN MORE ABOUT MELISSA EMLER AND MODERN LEARNERS: Modern Learners Modern Learners Community
    5 June 2024, 7:01 am
  • 24 minutes 55 seconds
    23. What is the Difference Between Learning Design and Lesson Planning?
    Learning design and lesson planning might sound interchangeable, but they have distinct uses and purposes in education. So what’s the difference? In today’s episode, I’m responding to a listener question and parsing out these two concepts. I’ll talk about why, how, and when both of them apply to our learning environments, along with key questions and practical considerations for each phase. [fusebox_track_player url=""  title="23. What is the difference between Learning Design and Lesson Planning?"] LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE TO HEAR: How the end user is the key differentiator between learning design and lesson planning How learning design addresses questions of goals, access, and strategies to foster effective and engaging learning experiences How learning design helps us think through the how and why of teaching particular content, for both teachers and students The difference between assessment of learning and assessment as learning Why learning design needs to happen well in advance of lesson planning How lesson plans put learning design into action in the classroom LEARN MORE ABOUT MELISSA EMLER AND MODERN LEARNERS: Modern Learners Modern Learners Community
    22 May 2024, 7:01 am
  • 13 minutes 19 seconds
    22. All Change Is Linguistic
    All change is linguistic. It’s something that I frequently remind people of, but what do I really mean when I say that? The words we use have meanings. Changes in our language reflect the deeper cultural shifts at play and help us dismantle barriers and promote understanding. In this episode, I want to take a moment to dig into how linguistic changes bring us closer to our goal of more equitable, accessible, and supportive learning environments. [fusebox_track_player url=""  title="22. All Change Is Linguistic"] LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE TO HEAR: How the language we use embodies our values and commitments to change How seemingly simple shifts in language help us create more supportive, inclusive learning environments How language drives change in narratives and pedagogical approaches to our students RESOURCES: Community: The Structure of Belonging, Peter Block LEARN MORE ABOUT MELISSA EMLER AND MODERN LEARNERS: Modern Learners Modern Learners Community
    8 May 2024, 7:01 am
  • 40 minutes 15 seconds
    21. Enhancing People Experiences in Events and Community Engagement with Gina Bianchini
    As part of our series on event planning and community, Gina Bianchini, founder and CEO of Mighty Networks joins me to talk about why People Magic is more than a set of tools, but a guiding philosophy of making valuable connections between people. She also explains why many online groups are using their platforms “off-label,” and how Mighty Networks is changing the game in community engagement. [fusebox_track_player url=""  title="21. Enhancing People Experiences in Events and Community Engagement with Gina Bianchini"] LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE TO HEAR: Why member to member connection is the most important factor to the success for online communities and events How Mighty Networks has reimagined the member profile as a site for engagement and connection with other users The coming role of AI in community moderation How communities get people out of the constant churn of social media content creation LEARN MORE ABOUT Gina bianchini Mighty Networks Connect with Gina on LinkedIn LEARN MORE ABOUT MELISSA EMLER AND MODERN LEARNERS: Modern Learners Modern Learners Community
    10 April 2024, 7:00 am
  • 11 minutes 38 seconds
    20. Off The Cuff: On Accessibility
    In this installment of Off the Cuff Rants on Learning, I’m sharing my unfiltered thoughts and perspectives on accessibility. A recent experience speaking at an event has accessibility and universal design for learning on my mind, and I want to invite you to consider these issues with me. Let’s think through how we can remain true to our values of inclusion even when the pressure is on, the tech isn’t working, or other obstacles crop up. [fusebox_track_player url=""  title="20. Off The Cuff: On Accessibility"] LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE TO HEAR: The incident with a tech issue and an event organizer that left me feeling shaky  Our responsibility around accessibility LEARN MORE ABOUT MELISSA EMLER AND MODERN LEARNERS: Modern Learners Modern Learners Community
    27 March 2024, 7:01 am
  • 15 minutes 14 seconds
    19. Off The Cuff: On Bullying
    In this installment of Off the Cuff Rants on Learning, I’m diving into the deep end and offering my unfiltered thoughts, passion, and perspectives on a topic that keeps me up at night: Bullying. These rants aren’t about getting it right on the first try, but about unpacking concepts and facing uncomfortable truths so that we can reflect and revolutionize our understanding of the challenges classrooms face every day. Let’s start the conversation. [fusebox_track_player url=""  title="19. Off The Cuff: On Bullying"] LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE TO HEAR: How I handled reports of bullying as principal of a small, rural school What students can gain by going through a conflict resolution process Why students need to learn conflict management How current systems disempower students who are being bullied LEARN MORE ABOUT MELISSA EMLER AND MODERN LEARNERS: Modern Learners Modern Learners Community
    13 March 2024, 7:01 am
  • 39 minutes 45 seconds
    18. The Community Factory: Crafting Intimate Events for Meaningful Connections with Nicole Osibodu
    Welcome back to our series on creating impactful events. In the last episode, Liz Lathan asked the question, “You know what would be really fun?” To which I said, “Inviting Liz’s business partner at The Community Factory to talk more about fun and spontaneity in events and dream about what events could be!” So today, Nicole Osibodu joins me to dig into creating events that aren’t cookie-cutter and build real connections between attendees. She’ll also share about the first secret business trip and being barefoot in the boardroom. Nicole Osibodu is a hug-addicted visionary and human catalyst with a flair for the unconventional. Her strength is building and growing businesses through community that converts! For Nicole (and Maya Angelou), the road to success is paved by the people that are part of our communities. Together, we create memorable moments that live on forever in the stories we tell. She’s been fortunate to have been on teams that have built incredible moments for impactful organizations like The White House, Harpo Productions, created the world’s first secret business trips and even Austin's first women's professional sports team. [fusebox_track_player url=""  title="18. The Community Factory: Crafting Intimate Events for Meaningful Connections with Nicole Osibodu"] LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE TO HEAR: Creating a formula that makes each event feel unique and impactful How Nicole and Liz pulled off bringing 80 notoriously Type A professionals on a secret trip Why Nicole creates collaborative events that include herself, the attendees, and even the location owners and managers The lasting impact in life and business of the tight-knit bonds Nicole’s events create How Nicole embraces being a “walking blooper reel” in her brand on LinkedIn LEARN MORE ABOUT Nicole osibodu The Community Factory Connect with Nicole on LinkedIn Instagram: @thecommunityfactory LEARN MORE ABOUT MELISSA EMLER AND MODERN LEARNERS: Modern Learners Modern Learners Community
    28 February 2024, 8:02 am
  • 42 minutes 41 seconds
    17. Creating Fun Events That Meet Your Goals With Liz Lathan
    When dreaming up memorable events, today’s guest’s favorite question to start with is, “You know what would be really fun?” In this episode, we talk about bringing a flair of fun and spontaneity to your events, how creating shared experiences among peers builds community, and the time she ended up hosting a wedding at a corporate event. Liz believes that conversations can change the world when you facilitate an open exchange of ideas, and that's what The Community Factory's Spontaneous Think Tanks aim to do. By bringing people together to share challenges and solutions, magical moments of co-creation can emerge. Watching the connections get made and community form right before her eyes lights her up every day. [fusebox_track_player url=""  title="17. Creating Memorable and Fun Events That Meet Your Goals With Liz Lathan"] LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE TO HEAR: Why what happens in “the box” is more important than what the container looks like The challenges of creating community experiences at live events in the post-COVID world How to create a “Spontaneous Think Tank” that engenders real connection and conversation How building emotional connections at your event benefits your brand Breaking away from the keynote, breakout, expo conference format Why the fun has to be tied to memorable content Five key Cs for building community at your events LEARN MORE ABOUT Liz lathan The Community Factory Connect with Liz on LinkedIn LEARN MORE ABOUT MELISSA EMLER AND MODERN LEARNERS: Modern Learners Modern Learners Community
    14 February 2024, 8:01 am
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