Wait, wait, just give me a second. let me add this to my shopping cart first. You know they are having a really big sale tomorrow, I have to be totally ready. Otherwise the products could be gone in a minute.
Why don’t you use the “Yi Tao”app, just type in 口口送红包, you can get an eight yuan coupon immediately,and sync to all the products in your shopping cart in TaoBao. You can use it tobuy whatever you want and even get cash back.
Black Friday是哪天呢?
Black Friday refers to the day after Thanksgiving. This used to be unofficially or officially the start of holiday shopping season. Almost all stores come out with Door buster Sales with the early bird special to attract consumers to their shop. People stand in line hours before the stores are opened, to grab the bargains of the year. In last few years, we have witnessed a trend towards bringing those Black Friday Sales online before Friday.
In 2009, eBay noticed something interesting: The second Monday in December was its best sales day of the month. The auction site referred to the day as Green Monday,and it didn't take long for other retailers to run with the name and transform it into a shopping holiday.
Cyber Monday is the first Monday after Thanksgiving. It was christened by Shop.org in 2005. Cyber-Monday has begun starting earlier every year.
Why it is called Black Friday?
The black portion of the name, "Black Friday"relates to businesses recording their losses in red ink and gains in black. Black Friday is an Internet term. Prior to it, people used to refer the sales as 'Day after Thanksgiving Sale' or some variation of it.
虽然不能在这个Holiday season飞去美国加入到黑五血拼的大队伍中,但是在转眼就到的双11还是可以通过一淘APP尽享优惠买买买一圈。赶紧拿手机下载一淘APP,在搜索框输入口令“口口送红包”马上领取8元购物红包,同步淘宝购物车都能用,尽兴买买买,还有超级返利哦!
Starbucks’ second-largest market after the US is China, where it has over 3,300 stores and operates with virtually no serious competition.
A Beijing-based startup could change that. Luckin Coffee has opened 525 outlets across China’s major cities less than nine months after its launch. Today the fast-growing company confirmed it’s closed a $200 million funding round giving it a $1 billion valuation. Investors include Centurium Capital, a private equity fund founded by the former China head of Warburg Pincus, and GIC, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund.
In domestic Chinese media, Luckin has aggressively courtedcomparisons to the world’s best-known coffee chain. In May, it even wrote anopen letter accusing Starbucks of “monopolistic behavior” (Starbucks called themove a “publicity stunt”). But Luckin isn’t a Starbucks copycat—rather, itmeshes trends in China’s tech industry with the coffee-shop model mastered byits rival.
First, Luckin Coffee revolves around the smartphone. Whencustomers walk into one of its blue-and-white shops, they’re immediately askedto download the Luckin app to order coffee (assuming they haven’t done soalready). They can pay using WeChat payments or Luckin’s own “coffeewallet”—but not cash. This fits into China’s so-called “new retail” trend, inwhich tech giants like Alibaba and Tencent partner with supermarkets andconvenience stores on mobile payments, analytics, and inventory management.
Luckin has also aggressively promoted its deliveryservices—of its 525 outlets, 231 are kitchens dedicated exclusively to fillingorders placed in offices, homes, or elsewhere. This mimics China’s boom ine-commerce and food delivery, which has thrived on the back of low-wagecouriers.
Oh brown, oh brown, oh I see something brown.
Oh brown, oh brown, oh I see something brown.
Oh pink, oh pink, oh I see something pink.
Oh pink, oh pink, oh I see something pink.
Oh chocolate, oh chocolate, oh chocolate is brown.
Oh doughnut, oh doughnut, oh doughnut is pink.
Green avocado,
Yellow banana,
Red strawberry,
Blue blueberry,
Brown chocolate,
Pink doughnut.
green yellow brown purple blue pink red orange
配唱儿歌:I see something pink《我看到了一些粉色的东西》
Pink orange brown and green粉红色 橙色 棕色和绿色
Pink pink
Orange orange
brown brown
and green green
跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish
The Festival Date Varies Each Year!
"If you don't lose weight in May, only sadness will be left in June"
跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish
跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish
Wedding vows 婚礼誓言
Bride 新娘
Groom 新郎
Harry 王子与Meghen王妃的誓言是怎样的呢?
"I, Harry, take you, Meghan, to be my wife,to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, ...
跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish
Hurry up! The taxi is here.
He can wait a few minutes, i’ll be right there.
I hope that driver doesn’t put the meter on, it’s expensive enough to take a cab.
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