A weekly challenge show hosted by Merlin Mann and Alex Cox.
This week's challenge: something involving Valley of the Dolls (1967).
(Recorded Wednesday December 18, 2024.)
Merlin edited this and then got it out as soon as possible. Also, the announcer for this episode is named "Imogen," and we like them. Further notes to follow, as time allows.
Also? We love you. Thanks for being our dear pal.
Hey, it's been a while, so have a free bonus episode.
Recorded Wednesday December 11, 2024.
Merlin edited this and then got it out as soon as possible, purely for his own sanity.
Notes to follow, as time allows.
Also? We love you. Thanks for being our long-suffering pal.
This week's challenge: use voice to text.
You can support Do By Friday and find The Aftershows at giveusyourfuckingmoney.com.
Produced and Edited by Alex Cox
Recorded Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024.
Next week's challenge: find five funny hellos.
This week's challenge: get somebody excited about something.
You can hear the aftershow and support Do By Friday on Patreon!
Produced and Edited by Alex Cox
Recorded Wednesday, October 16th, 2024.
Next week's challenge: exclusively use voice to text.
This week's challenge: make a puzzle.
You can support Do By Friday and find The Aftershows at giveusyourfuckingmoney.com.
Produced and Edited by Alex Cox
Recorded Wednesday, October 11th, 2024.
Next week's challenge: get somebody excited about something.
This week's challenge: use Claude.
You can find The Aftershows at giveusyourfuckingmoney.com.
Produced and Edited by Alex Cox
Recorded Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024.
Next week’s challenge: make a puzzle.
This week's challenge: watch Chimp Crazy.
You can hear the aftershow and support Do By Friday on Patreon!
Produced and Edited by Alex Cox
Recorded Wednesday, September 11th, 2024.
Next week's challenge: chair yoga.
This week's challenge: make a lil’ movie.
You can hear the after show and support Do By Friday on Patreon!
Produced and Edited by Alex Cox
Recorded Wednesday, September 4th, 2024.
Next week's challenge: watch (Chimp Crazy)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimp_Crazy].
This week's challenge: play the New York Times games.
You can hear the Aftershow and support Do By Friday on Patreon!
Produced and Edited by Alex Cox
Recorded Wednesday, Wednesday, August 28th, 2024
Next week's challenge: make a lil’ movie.
This week's challenge: throw a surprise party.
Merlin edited this one, so be nice.
Listen to the aftershow and support our program at https://patreon.com/dobyfriday
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