UNKNOWN — a UFO podcast

Rogue Planet

UFO podcast exploring the strange and fascinating topic of unidentified aerial phenomena.

  • 12 minutes 26 seconds
    Looking Ahead: UFOs in 2025

    In this first 2025 episode of "UFO? UAP? WTF?," host Jason McClellan discusses the state and future of UFO and UAP research as we enter 2025. Jason reflects on 2024, highlighting increased government involvement and ongoing challenges in the field. He addresses misconceptions, the impact of technology on evidence authenticity, and the role of media. He encourages individual research, skepticism, and critical thinking, providing recommendations for navigating the complex landscape of UFO studies.

    19 January 2025, 7:00 am
  • 15 minutes 50 seconds
    Aliens Among Us

    In this episode of UFO? UAP? WTF?, host Jason McClellan examines a staple of UFO lore—the claim that an advanced non-human intelligence is interacting with humans. This claim is in the news again because of recent statements made by aerospace executive and senior military officer Karl Nell. Jason discusses the basis of bold claims like this and the credibility of public figures like Nell who typically make these shocking assertions. Jason also explains the importance of careful scrutiny and independent thought in UFO research.

    3 June 2024, 7:00 am
  • 21 minutes 28 seconds
    The Prevalence of UFO Burnout

    In this episode of UFO? UAP? WTF?, host Jason McClellan addresses the growing frustration and burnout among UFO researchers. He notes that many are stepping back from the subject due to these feelings. The episode covers the Canadian military's reported diminishing UFO interests. Additionally, Jason examines the proposed Kona Blue project by the U.S. Departments of Defense and Homeland Security. He delves into the causes of UFO burnout, criticizing the line between education and indoctrination in the UFO community and advocating for a more honest, objective, and realistic approach to UFO research.

    Kona Blue documents: https://rogueplanet.tv/news/proposed-kona-blue-ufo-project-documents

    30 April 2024, 7:00 am
  • 15 minutes
    The Phoenix Lights

    In this episode of UFO? UAP? WTF?, host Jason McClellan delves into the enigmatic Phoenix Lights incident. He recounts his own encounter with the Phoenix Lights, a significant mass UFO sighting from 1997, and examines the various theories and public reactions surrounding it. Additionally, Jason touches on recent UFO news, including the recent report issued by the Pentagon's UFO office.


    AARO Historical Report: https://media.defense.gov/2024/Mar/08/2003409233/-1/-1/0/DOPSR-CLEARED-508-COMPLIANT-HRRV1-08-MAR-2024-FINAL.PDF

    15 March 2024, 7:00 am
  • 24 minutes 28 seconds
    Alien Bodies and UFOs

    On this episode of "UFO UAP WTF?" host Jason McClellan explores claims of alien bodies recovered from crashed UFOs. He even includes a personal story about the time he held an alleged alien corpse! Crank the volume and join Jason on his mission to cut through the bull, demanding legit research and no-nonsense scrutiny to blast open the wild and mysterious world of UFOs. It's gonna get freaky.


    11 February 2024, 3:45 pm
  • 27 minutes 7 seconds
    2024: An Apex Year for UFOs?

    In this first episode of 2024, host Jason McClellan shares some personal thoughts on where we are with UFOs, what progress has been made, and what we can expect to see this year related to the UFO topic.

    14 January 2024, 6:45 pm
  • 24 minutes 59 seconds
    5 Ways to Improve UFO Research

    Researchers have been trying to solve the UFO mystery for nearly 80 years. Yet, we aren’t really any closer to getting answers. Is it time to rethink how we approach UFO research and modify what we expect to get out of it? Jason McClellan explores that on this episode, with assistance from GenAI.

    10 November 2023, 12:30 pm
  • 21 minutes 3 seconds
    Picking Sides in the Great UFO Debate

    Emotions can run high in a community of people who share a passion. This is certainly true in the UFO community. This community has no shortage of petty squabbles, mudslinging, and taunting. And, for whatever reason, some people feel like an interest in UFOs is a competitive sport that requires picking sides. Guess what? It doesn't.

    3 July 2023, 6:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 20 seconds
    UFOs and Air Safety

    Air safety has become a key issue for some currently pushing for governmental action related to UFOs. Are these efforts really necessary? Is our government really negligent when it comes to air safety? Let’s find out.

    29 May 2023, 7:00 am
  • 16 minutes 10 seconds
    Shooting at UFOs

    The U.S. military began 2023 with a series of incidents in which fighter jets shot down UFOs. These events occurred not long after a Congressional hearing on UFOs at which the claim was made that the US Military hasn’t ever fired at a UFO. This episode explores this inaccurate claim.


    Hosted by Jason McClellan


    Website: https://ufouapwtf.com/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ufouapwtf

    Theme song by Chris Demakes & Jason McClellan

    Produced by Rogue Planet


    Copyright © Rogue Planet 2013-2025

    16 April 2023, 8:30 pm
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