We Need To Talk About Ghosts

Ghost stories, Paranormal, Hauntings

One mans attempt to convince himself that it wasn't just the wind...

  • 30 minutes 14 seconds
    1 Year Old Ghosts? & "Oddity" Preview

    Hello lovely ones!

    Today we hear of a spooky 1 year old with a penchant for sofas, we discuss why dropping laptops isnā€™t fun, and even do our very first ā€œPre-viewā€ of something, and following Beā€¦Kevs Reddit Corner there is a rather large announcement!

    Kev x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 300+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:


    22 July 2024, 2:48 pm
  • 29 minutes 17 seconds
    Roman Soldiers & "50 Real Ghost Stories Of First Respondersā€ Audiobook Review

    Hello lovely ones!

    Today we gear of Roman soldiers in ā€œdeneā€™sā€ (not ā€œjeansā€) and then talk about the marvellous audiobook ā€œ50 Real Ghost Stories Of First Respondersā€ before once more cuckooing the corner of Reddit to hear some of the noise happening in that area of the interweb!

    Kev x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 300+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:


    15 July 2024, 9:27 am
  • 32 minutes 58 seconds
    Will The Pod Gods Allow This to Even Air?

    Hello lovely ones!


    The Pod Gods? Yeah, theyā€™ve never really been big fans of Kevā€™s but oh my lord, God knows what Iā€™ve done to incur the current run of luck Iā€™m having in regards to technology!

    Wheres a gang of luddites when you need them? Amyway, HOPEFULLY, you get this you lovely folk!

    Kev x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 300+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:



    8 July 2024, 12:19 pm
  • 32 minutes 2 seconds
    Subconscious Psychic Attack? & "The First Omen" Review

    Hello lovely ones!


    A FULL return??!!! (well, sans Bekah) but a FULL return with patreon songs, reviews and everything??? Kev you utter animal!

    Basically normality resumes (Hazzar!)

    Kev x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 300+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:


    1 July 2024, 9:24 am
  • 31 minutes 20 seconds
    BIG solo Reddit Corner time!

    Hello lovely ones!


    So I promised to return on this date, and therefore mote it be! (wellllll, kinda)

    This IS a new episode, but its all handheld as the remnants of the last few weeks are picked up and (hopefully) dealt with.


    Kev x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 300+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:


    24 June 2024, 12:52 pm
  • 35 minutes 7 seconds
    Announcements & Fortean Tales

    Hello lovely ones!


    So, in a break to our regular nonsense, today we have both an announcement, and a Patreon episode as opposed to the standard show. Reason being, as you may know my Dad is currently receiving end of life care, and therefore its been a challenge to have everything done and out what with X amount of hours spent at his bedside in a different area, meaning having to move in to is home to try and record, sleeping on the couch fully dressed in case a certain call arrives through the night etc etcā€¦

    So the announcement is that the show from today will be taking a 3 Monday hiatus. This (thankfully) falls in line with the End of Seasons for the other 2 shows and therefore the hiatus should A) Allow me to breathe, and B) Ensure there is little disruption as possible to our wonderful Patreons (Who allow this show to be ad-free).

    Thanks for your understanding, and see you soon!


    Kev x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 300+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:


    27 May 2024, 7:52 am
  • 35 minutes 16 seconds
    A Spooky Vacation & "The UFO Files" FT Review

    Hello lovely ones!


    Today we review ā€œThe UFO Filesā€, a one-off special edition of everyoneā€™s favourite fortean magazine, which is blatantly Fortean Times! We also head off to a place a dare not attempt to spell for a very spooky vay-cay (I hate myself for writing that) before I once more steal the keys to the tower of terror and cuckoo the throne ā€˜pon she herself usually regales the tales.


    Kev x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 300+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:


    20 May 2024, 10:30 am
  • 39 minutes 16 seconds
    Haunted Liverpool Theatres & Ibintang77 Review

    Hello lovely ones!


    Today we review ā€œInbintang77ā€ an Instagram account?!?!? Ā Whatever next! Plus, due to being johnny move around pants, we go on a tour of haunted Liverpool theatres instead of hearing one of your tales. And finally returning t her rightful throne is non other than she who puts theā€Bā€ in ā€œBRCā€ thatā€™s right, the nomad that is Bekah returns to discuss her (my) findings on Reddit!


    Kev & Bek x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 300+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:


    13 May 2024, 12:08 pm
  • 41 minutes 13 seconds
    A Co-worker Says Goodbye, & "Derren Brown Investigates...The Ghosthunter" Review

    Hello lovely ones!


    Today we review ā€œDerren Brown Inestigatesā€¦The Ghosthunter!ā€ and its ace! Also we hear a chilling tale from our listener Lisa, before finally cuckooing Bekahā€™s throne for the final time for Kevins Reddit Corner!

    All in all, a nice little episode me thinks!


    Kev x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 200+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:



    6 May 2024, 9:55 am
  • 40 minutes 10 seconds
    A Haunted Shower & A review Of "Immaculate"

    Hello lovely ones!


    Today we review ā€œImmaculateā€ and do I give any spoilers? Nope! (Probably 100% yes).

    We also get a great little tale from our wonderful listener Patricia, and I use my lockpicking skills to breach the tower of terror and regale a tale (on Bekahā€™s behalf) from the annals of reddit!

    Stay safe, see you soon,


    Kev x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 200+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:


    29 April 2024, 9:48 am
  • 39 minutes 16 seconds
    A Haunted Holiday & "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire" Review

    Hello lovely ones!


    Today we review the brill ā€œGhostbusters: Frozen Empireā€ as well as hearing why you should ALWAYS believe a Scouse nan. Plus, in BRC we hear of a very weird case from an (apparently) very well off redditor, and we discuss Londonā€¦LONDON???!!! (That will make sense later)

    Stay safe, see you soon,


    Kev & Bek Ā x


    Donā€™t forget, you can get over 200+ hours of content over at our Patreon below:


    22 April 2024, 12:55 pm
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