Mike Garvey and Brandon Paulseen

Entrepreneurs are driven, focused, and succeed under pressure. Brandon and Mike interview these individuals to find out what makes them tick and how they power through adversity to build their businesses.

  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    Grant Mitchell, CEO & Co-Founder Every Cure everycure.org

    "There was no 'they'. Why Can't we be, THEY!?" -- Grant Mitchell, CEO Every Cure

    Every Cure has powerful solutions for people seeking them and they did not invent them. The most effective soliutions connect individuals in need with those who offer a product-- specifically in this case a repursosed pill.  

    Billions of dollars are spent researching and develeopning pharmacutical drugs and often times that R&D sits on a shelf because it does not know who to give it to.  Developed for one reason, there likely are applications for another solution and "they" do not know that.

    Every Cure became the "They" because their Co-Founder David Fajgenbaum was one of those patients needing the drug that was sitting on that shelf with no one to connect the two.

    It is an origin story our of desparation, courage, application of dedicated intellect, fear and an affliction that would lead to certain death because there was semingly no cure.

    Grant Mitchell lives his life thoughtfully and with intention.  This means he pursues things because one of the disciplines in his life is to "Just Show Up."  And when you show up with intention you see "what you can do in life to create greater surface area."

    When you increase your surface area you can connect people and it leads to solving problems.  Every Cure is solving the biggest problems-- they are saving lives. 

    15 October 2024, 7:12 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Policy with James Franko, President of Kansas Policy Institute kansaspolicy.org

    "It's about your reputation in the marketplace and that sounds scary for lots of people."

    -James Franko, President Kansas Policy Institute


    I always thought honesty was the best policy.  We have to be willing to work towards better policy and that means getting rid of policy that has not worked.  Our Constitution and the Bill of Rights create the framework for good policy.  It is an experiment in self government.  Hanging on to bad policies leads to bad government.  We must continue to experiment and communicate to create policy that protects Constitutional freedoms.  Individually we have the responsibility to act.  It leads to better policy. 

    7 October 2024, 5:19 pm
  • 59 minutes 5 seconds
    Dre Baldwin, Founder, Work On Your Game workonyourgameuniversity.com

    "I noticed opportunities and I would show up." -Dre Baldwin

    Dre never saw failures or disappointment-- he only saw opportunity. As a young athlete with a desire to get better, he sought out opportunities to get himself in position to get better. He was always working on his game and now he wants you to work on your game.


    When you’re stuck, or you can’t seem to get traction, you need to “put yourself on a better roster“ and that means surrounding yourself with better people.

    Dre has built a first class coaching platform. To improve, you need confidence and you need experience. Dre‘s going to help you get both. You will find greater success and a balanced life. Work to collaborate. Work on your mindset. Work on your game.


    30 September 2024, 4:56 pm
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    Luis Rodriguez-- Technologist

    "Innovation gets confused with Invention-- they are not the same words or case." -- Luis Rodriguez

    Luis works to help others understand how and where technology can be used to improve their lives and business.  

    "The scientific method is computational thinking," he proclaims. And it is that computational thinking that needs to be introduced early in the education process so kids have a chance to explain things in this manner. 

    Education and integration of technology must happen at all levels.   As we pursue solving difficult problems we must embrace and apply technology.  Flagship Kansas was created for this purpose.  Luis is making the connections and he is thoughtful in his approach and he wants us to participate.

    23 September 2024, 7:25 pm
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Leadership Kansas, Emerging Leaders panel discussion with Anita Greenwood,CEO & Executive Coach Brandon Gaide, Principal Consultant of Seven Fold & Damon Young, Chief Business Officer of Kansas Leadership Center

    "When you are a game-changer, you may be ahead of the Game." -Anita Greenwood

    "Show me. Don't tell me." -Damon Young

    "A Strategy is a disproportionate allocation of Resources." -Brandon Gaide

    The Emerging Leaders class of 2024 from Leadership Kansas gathered at Groover Labs to share ideas and a discussion with a panel of dynamic thinkers and Leaders.  Damon Young, Brandon Gaide and Anita Greenwood had time to make personal connections with this class of Young Leaders from all across the State of Kansas.  

    We can take of big problems and solve them when we collaborate.  This group of young leaders is not only approachable but also courageous in taking action. Kansas is a unique state, and our future depends on our willingness to embrace challenges and strive for meaningful progress toward greater prosperity.

    I want to thank Manroj Sangha for his Leadership and for the opportunity to host this discussion.  And thank you Groover Labs for hosting. 

    16 September 2024, 2:23 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    David Sasson, Founder OverStockArt.com

    "If you know the odds then maybe you'll never start." 

    -- David Sasson

    David came to this country because he knew the opportunity was better.  Whatever he wanted to do he knew he had a better opportunity in the United States.

    We learn our greatest lessons about opportunity from first generation Americans.  We also see how successful you can become when you do not waste it.


    9 September 2024, 8:10 pm
  • 59 minutes 5 seconds
    Ryan Selenke, Founder Reliant Merchant Services

    "I can find out what their pain points are and go find the right solution." -Ryan Selenke

    Accessibility to fast, accurate and safe payments has opened up opportunities for entrepreneuurs all over the worlrd. When you have the ability to exchange freely on the opend market, your business can scale and rapidly increase it's customers.

    Ryan Selenke founded Reliant Merchant Services because he understood that.  Finding solutions for his customers is his unique ability.  He admits, "no one is goindg into a coffee shop to buy because of a payment system."

    Customers do choose where to send their money based on the experience they have and Ryan wants to help improve the customer experience.

    Most importantly, Ryan impacts lives through he and his wife's dedication to Fostering children.  It is at the foundation of who he is, what he does and why he does it.  I am grateful to share his entrepreneurial journey. 


    3 September 2024, 1:22 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Commander Kirk S. Lippold USN (RET.)

    "I am interested in what facts informed your viewpoint." -- Commander Lippold

    October 12, 2000 the terrorist bombing of the USS Cole while refueling at port in  marked an impotant line in the way the Unites States deals with terrorists.  All terrorism is state sponsored. Therefor, we have to respond differently to protect the United States of America.

    Commander Kirk Lippold was in charge that day.  His leadership that day is proven by the fact that the USS Cole is still in service to our Country today.  That vessel should have sunk.  It was the leadership, training, honor and courage of the Crew that saved the USS Cole.  

    Commander Lippold wrote a fantastic book, Front Burner Al Qaeda's Attack on the USS Cole. And it is an important read for everyone, especially Americans.  In a world full of indoctrination, falsehoods, failed leadership and divisiveness; We the People must take the responsibility to inform ourselves, think empathically and take action.  

    I am grateful to share this conversation with a man of Honor who lives his life with dignity and in service to others-- Thank you Commander Lippold.

    26 August 2024, 3:57 pm
  • 59 minutes 10 seconds
    Tanganyika Wildlife Park with Matt Fouts and Lynnlee Schmidt twpark.com

    "Tanganyika-- It means the origin of Life." -Matt Fouts

    [working with animals]..."it makes you rmember that life's problems are small." -Lynnlee Schmidt

    Being an Entrepreneur is full of challenges. Being a successful Entrepreneur and succesfully transitioning a business and the next Generation grows it exponentially is elite territory.

    Matt Fouts has done that with Tanganyika Wildlife Park, advancing the work his Father pioneered fosterring the relationship between humans and animals.  The experience at Tanganyika is second to none in the United States.  With the unique experiences avaiable to all who visit, they have created "a culture of connecting animals and people together.

    Biophilia is the hypothesis that there is an inate desire for humans to connect with nature.  The hypothesis is tested and proven true every day at Tanganyika.  

    As Cheif of Connections, Lynnlee Schmidt feels the power of these conections between humans and nature with every interaction patrons have at Tanganyika.  "I saw the impact animals were having on people. I gained a whole new appreciation for what we do."

    19 August 2024, 5:37 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Carl Bowden, Founder Exemplify Leadership, Coaching & Consulting

    "When we are struggling, that's where discipline comes in for support." -- Carl Bowden

    Leadership is profoundly misunderstood.  We are each leading in some capacity every day.  Do you recognize it and are you taking it seriously?

    Carl Bowden tells us that "Leadership is not about us, it is about others."

    If we hold ourselves accountable we will serve others and lead in life daily.  Carl's calling is to help individuals and organizations find what they need to lead.  He has unique ways to connect people, activating them as leaders in their own lives so they can be there for others.

    This is what Exemplify is about-- mapping your own leadership adventure.

    12 August 2024, 4:06 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Julie Huls, CEO Waymaker Group

    "We bring a national network of Leaders to support Technology ecosystems." -- Julie Huls, Founder Waymaker Group

    Hailing from the rural heartlands of Illinois, a farm girl like Julie Huls appreciates the importance of natural systems. While technology has the potential to supplant human efforts, a profound understanding of people is crucial to ensure its effective implementation.

    Julie’s prior experience as the CEO of the Austin Technology Council puts her in a very unique position of understanding how technology allows for exponential growth in a very short period of time. 

    Those who sense that technology is propelling them forward at an uncomfortable pace should connect with Julie. Waymaker boasts an exceptional network of leaders nationwide who are well-equipped to assist industries seeking guidance on integrating technology for improved outcomes.


    5 August 2024, 3:38 pm
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