Drug Dealers to Businessmen Podcast

Duane Cofield

We focus on Ex-Drug dealers who have achieved massive success using the skills they learned in the streets and applied them to business.

  • 39 minutes 56 seconds
    Validation Vs. Confirmation

    Duane speaks on how we sometime seek validation from strangers rather than seek confirmation from the universe. Tap In.

    30 October 2023, 7:19 pm
  • 49 minutes 48 seconds
    What You Do When Nobody Is Watching

    In a world where instant gratification and social validation often take center stage, it's crucial to understand the power of consistent effort, dedication, and resilience when nobody is watching. Join us on The Weekly Tap podcast for an eye-opening episode titled "What You Do When Nobody is Watching." Hosted by the dynamic Duane Cofield, this episode explores the importance of doing the work when nobody is watching.

    30 October 2023, 7:06 pm
  • 37 minutes 12 seconds
    The Universe Might Not Be Ready Yet

    Today Duane speaks on How The Universe Might Not Be Ready Yet for your dreams to be delivered just yet. The bigger your dreams the more time it takes to produce those goals and sometimes the universe is not ready yet. So we will discuss patience and pivots.

    30 October 2023, 6:42 pm
  • 46 minutes 55 seconds
    When You Don't Feel Like Doing It

    Duane speaks on how even when you don't feel like doing it "Do It Anyways". You will experience a little voice that tells you to put things off or don't do anything at all. You do not want to miss this.

    13 September 2023, 7:33 pm
  • 42 minutes 7 seconds
    Thoughts Can Be Your SuperPower

    Duane speaks on how our thoughts can be our superpower. Duane will discuss how our thoughts are developed by our upbringing, who we hang out with and what we ingest in our minds. Tap IN

    13 September 2023, 6:54 pm
  • 53 minutes 29 seconds
    Technology + The Homies + Chat GPT

    In this episode we will dicuss some of the latest technology like AI and where the homies can learn more about how to acheive their dreams or open a business with the techonolgy we have today. Tap In

    29 August 2023, 9:09 pm
  • 41 minutes 34 seconds
    You Can't Let The Enemy In

    Duane discusses the subtleness of the enemy and the tactics he uses to get inside your head and ultimately control your body so You Can't Let The Enemy In. 

    12 June 2023, 5:55 pm
  • 35 minutes 26 seconds
    Expectations + Disappointments

    In this episode of Drug Dealers to Businessmen Podcast Expectations +Disappointments, Duane explores the profound connection between our greatest letdowns and the expectations we set for others. We often hold specific hopes for individuals like our parents, siblings, and more. However, Duane prompts us to consider the possibility that even when those expectations aren't met, perhaps a higher power, like God, still provides us with exactly what we truly need. Join us as we delve into this thought-provoking discussion. Let's start the conversation!

    9 May 2023, 6:52 pm
  • 37 minutes 41 seconds
    Learning Through My L's

    On this episode of the Drug Dealers to Businessmen Podcast Learning Through My L's, Duane dives deep into the valuable lessons we learn from the inevitable setbacks and losses we encounter on our path to success. He reminds us not to let the fear of failure hold us back from taking risks. So, let's engage in an insightful conversation about embracing setbacks and embracing risks on our journey to success.

    9 May 2023, 6:30 pm
  • 42 minutes 26 seconds
    Limits Are Contagious

    Duane speaks on how our limits are contagious, and by spending time with limited people will also limit our growth. Duane will discuss strategies exceeding our limits and how we can change our circle therefore change our limits.

    25 April 2023, 6:14 pm
  • 50 minutes 15 seconds
    God Will Pull You Up When You Are Ready

    When you are ready God will pull you up, not a minute before or a minute too late. You will not want to miss this episode as we will discuss. 

    25 April 2023, 5:52 pm
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