Welcome to SBRReports! Here is where I, Mr. Gamer, will bring you the best of the best gaming news weekly. Ranging from the funny to political, you'll get the news the Start Button Review way, every Friday! #SBRReports
This week we cover:
This week we cover:
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/p7tyD33rEa
This week we cover:
Indie Game: God of Rock
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/cxWhTNrJ
An article of news that we cared about : Nintendo Direct 2/18/2023 (Nintendo Direct 2.8.2023 - Nintendo Switch)
Multiversus Player Count - https://gamerant.com/multiversus-player-count-drop-99-percent/
Live Service Bubble Bursting? - https://www.thegamer.com/live-service-games-cancelled-upcomong-bubble-burst/
This week we cover...
Indie Game: Eastward (Xbox Game Pass) https://eastwardgame.com/
Game Awards 2022
Stupid kid who snuck on stage of the Game Awards: https://www.kotaku.com.au/2022/12/kid-sneaks-onto-game-awards-to-nominate-bill-clinton-is-arrested/
We have a discord! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/cxWhTNrJ
This week we cover
The next "Switch Killer"
ACTIVISION BLIZZARD sexual harassment strike and scandal
This week we cover...
Scientists taught pigs how to play video game
Kingdom hearts comes to PC Epic Store Exclusive
Controversial game from 2000s making a comeback
Jack Black to play Claptrap in Borderlands movie
Hackers reportedly sold CP77 source code
This week we cover
Microsoft's Minecraft World shutting down June 30th
Epic acquires Rad gaming tools
Twitch suspends Trump's account
Katy Perry and Pokemon
PODCAST : https://anchor.fm/mr-gamer
Mr. Gamer's thoughts CyberPunk 2077
Mr. Gamer and Kitty Duval's games that got us through 2020.
Among hits Games
Among Us Switch cross-play with PC
Sony Removes Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store
Epic games store now offers Spotify
Mr. Gamer's 2020
Games that got me through 2020 - Fallout, Minecraft, DnD
Year of Introspection and Growth
2020's karma
Ms. Duval's 2020
Games for 2020 ACNH
Watching Fandom drama
Shameless Plugs
Serna Williams shares her love of video games
KFC lifetime
Mr. Gamer's feelings after 8+ hours of Cyperpunk 2077
Shroud wishes
CP77 can cause serizurs
This week we cover
Mr.G thoughts on the XsX
A ps5 review unit has already died
Ubisoft removes VA
Ubisoft under fire for ablism
Please don't vape the box
Monster hunter movie only has SIX monsters
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