Whinstone Hat - https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/whinstone-hat
My designs - https://www.ravelry.com/designers/chrissy-graham
I'm using the Erin Condren planner and dot grid notebook to keep my crafting on track (referral link) -https://www.erincondren.com/referral/invite/christinegraham0427
Entrechat by Lisa Chemery - https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/entrechat-2
Wound Up Fiber Arts - http://woundupfiberarts.bigcartel.com/
Hello Yarn - http://www.helloyarn.com/
Southern Cross Fibers - http://shop.southerncrossfibre.com/
Hey June Handmade - Halifax Hoodie (I show views B and D) - https://www.heyjunehandmade.com/product/halifax-hoodie/
Next up:
Hey June Handmade - Lane Raglan - https://www.heyjunehandmade.com/product/lane-raglan/
Hey June Handmade - Union St Tee - https://www.heyjunehandmade.com/product/union-st-tee/
Hey June Handmade - Hatteras Hoodie (kids version of Halifax) - https://www.heyjunehandmade.com/product/hatteras-hoodie/
I learned to to 'ham-hot' cuffs from the Sewing Out Loud Podcast (mother-daughter!), which can be found at sewhere.com. They have an amazing Facebook group
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/SelfSewnWardrobe/
My favourite leggings pattern is Patterns for Pirates Peg Legs - http://www.patternsforpirates.com/product/peg-legs/