Writing family history - Audio

This album contains extracts from interviews with a wide range of people talking about family history. Some history is recalled in oral form, some in photographic and some in written form, as biographical or autobiographical evidence. Many aspects of this approach to writing are discussed in illuminating and perceptive depth, giving wide-ranging yet informative coverage of the topic. This material forms part of the course A173 Start writing family history.

  • 44 seconds
    Writing family history
    A short introduction to this album.
    7 July 2009, 7:34 pm
  • Transcript -- Writing family history
    Transcript -- A short introduction to this album.
    7 July 2009, 7:34 pm
  • 8 minutes 49 seconds
    Working with childhood
    Childhood is a crucial aspect of the biographer’s art, but context, bias and interpretation can often hinder the writer. These interviews discuss ways of avoiding common problems.
    7 July 2009, 7:33 pm
  • Transcript -- Working with childhood
    Transcript -- Childhood is a crucial aspect of the biographer’s art, but context, bias and interpretation can often hinder the writer. These interviews discuss ways of avoiding common problems.
    7 July 2009, 7:33 pm
  • 7 minutes 23 seconds
    Approaching the writing process
    What is the best way to start writing a family history? This discussion highlights working methods and practices, offering advice on drafting, sources and note-taking.
    7 July 2009, 7:32 pm
  • Transcript -- Approaching the writing process
    Transcript -- What is the best way to start writing a family history? This discussion highlights working methods and practices, offering advice on drafting, sources and note-taking.
    7 July 2009, 7:32 pm
  • 9 minutes 15 seconds
    Writing autobiography
    Three famous biographers, Ex-Speaker Betty Boothroyd, broadcaster Peter White and writer Martin Amis all discuss their experiences writing autobiographies.
    7 July 2009, 7:31 pm
  • Transcript -- Writing autobiography
    Transcript -- Three famous biographers, Ex-Speaker Betty Boothroyd, broadcaster Peter White and writer Martin Amis all discuss their experiences writing autobiographies.
    7 July 2009, 7:31 pm
  • 11 minutes 9 seconds
    Interviewing for source material
    When writing on a topic with little research, interviewing witnesses and relatives becomes paramount. Many pitfalls await interviewers, as well as the pleasure of getting it right.
    7 July 2009, 7:30 pm
  • Transcript -- Interviewing for source material
    Transcript -- When writing on a topic with little research, interviewing witnesses and relatives becomes paramount. Many pitfalls await interviewers, as well as the pleasure of getting it right.
    7 July 2009, 7:30 pm
  • 10 minutes 45 seconds
    William Taylor interview: part one
    To demonstrate interviewing technique and responses, this track makes use of an interview with William Taylor, born in 1919.
    7 July 2009, 7:29 pm
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