What confidence looks like, plus a young adult’s journey with chronic pain, and how to honor God in everyday life.
Featured musical artist: Mosaic MSC
Roundtable: Confident Relationships, Work and Identity
What is confidence, and how do you get it? It’s probably more than Julie Andrews dancing around a Salzburg fountain and chirping, “I have confidence!” Yet it seems that some elements of confidence can be learned, if not merely wished into existence. Our guests share tips for being more confident on the job, in relationships, and in understanding who you are.
Culture: Young Adults and Chronic Pain
Olivia Feller started having weird symptoms in her teens. Doctor after doctor failed to provide a diagnosis, cure, or even relief, and eventually Olivia’s pain became debilitating. College was a blur of medical appointments, skipped classes and missed milestones and events. Olivia, still on her journey, learned to face pain and chronic illness head-on as she turned to the only one with the answers — God himself. She shares what worked, what didn’t work, and how God, friends and others were her strength when she had none.
Hold Hope: Encouragement for Christians with Chronic Pain
Inbox: How Do I Honor God?
What does it mean to “honor God” and others in the life we live and the choices we make? It’s a big question that one of our counselors sheds some light on.
The difference between rest and procrastination, plus a challenge to go 40 days alcohol-free, and do girlfriends need to submit to their boyfriends?
Featured musical artist: Danen Kane
Roundtable: Are You Resting or Procrastinating?
When you’re working hard to reach new goals, it’s important to pace yourself and not burn yourself out. But can you tell the difference between true rest and straight-up procrastination? Our guests share their best insights on when it’s time to take a break versus when it’s time to get off the couch and get busy.
Culture: The Case for Sobriety
Christy Osborne had long been a casual drinker, but when her mother died, she became alcohol-dependent. Her downtime, social time and vacation time revolved around booze. Although Scripture isn’t absolute on the issue of drinking in moderation, Christy knew that alcohol had become central to her life. She explored what sobriety might look like: how it would affect her health, relationships and mindset. Now a sobriety coach, Christy joins us to share her journey and suggestions for making an objective assessment of our relationship with alcohol.
Inbox: Should a Woman Submit to Her Boyfriend?
Scripture tells wives to submit to their husbands. In dating, does that same principle apply between women and their boyfriends? Counselor Brenda Huerta weighs in.
Embracing changes in a new year, plus what grief looks like, and do you hate responsibility?
Featured musical artist: Ginny Owens
Roundtable: New Year, New Opportunities
A new job. An engagement. Starting a dating relationship. Moving to a new place. One of the beauties of life is the chance to grow, try new things, and step into adventure. But with change comes a whole new set of challenges. To share wisdom on getting through adjustments you’ll make this year, our guests discuss what lessons they’ve learned through life’s transitions.
Culture: The Process of Grief
Grief comes in many forms. Whether death, injury, disappointment or betrayal, grief often arrives unannounced and without an instruction manual. Rather than progressing in a straight line or on a specific timetable, grief moves in cycles. At least that’s what counselor and educator Dr. Ray Mitsch says. The victim of a serious accident that has him in constant pain, Dr. Mitsch walks us through how to navigate the different components of grief, how to comfort the grieving, and when to know it’s time to get professional help in processing loss.
The Seasons of Our Grief: Embracing the Journey
Inbox: I Don’t Like Responsibility
Being a grownup means taking responsibility for everything from life skills to decisions to how we treat others. That doesn’t mean it’s easy, though. If you’re responsibility-averse, you’ll be encouraged by the words of counselor Jeff Brown.
Article: Adult Before 30?
Intentional relationships with non-Christians, plus what happened after Jesus’ birth, and when friends deconstruct their faith.
Featured musical artist: James Peden
Roundtable: Out of the Christian Bubble
Many of us have at least one friend, family member or coworker who’s not a Christian. But if we’re honest, we tend to spend most of our time with other believers; between family, church, ministry opportunities and small group, it’s easy to stay in a faith-filled comfort zone. What are intentional ways to mix it up, branch out, and get out of the Christian “bubble”? Our guests discuss ways they’ve learned to step out of their routines, build community, and be a light for Christ.
Culture: First Christmas, Then Herod
If you were part of our Advent text experience, you heard regularly from John Greco. This week he reflects on lessons he’s learned from his extensive study of Advent, and why it’s good for Christians to think of the Christmas story in the bigger context of history. To that end, he’ll read a short excerpt from his book “Rediscovering Christmas” titled “The Nightmare After Christmas.”
Rediscovering Christmas: A Twelve-Day Journey to the Manger
Inbox: When Friends Leave the Faith
How do you respond when a friend announces, “I’m done being a Christian”? One of our counselors weighs in.
Article: When a Pastor Like Josh Harris Abandons Christianity
How to be a fun date, plus sharing Jesus with the cynical and deconstructed, and how do you accept your current situation in life?
Featured musical artist: Ellie Holcomb
Roundtable: Fun Date Ideas
Dating doesn’t always have to be serious. In fact, your ability to have fun as a couple is a good litmus test for whether you should marry. Our guests share their best strategies for staying chill in the dating process, as well as some of their most creative date ideas.
Culture: The Gospel for Young Adults
Aaron Pierce grew up a missionary kid in Amsterdam and saw his parents share the gospel with people in some of the darkest corners of the city. He’s now part of his parents’ ministry, specializing in reaching non-religious young adults with the hope of Jesus Christ. In his experience, what are the most natural, “just be yourself” ways to reach your peers? You’ll probably need to get out of your comfort zone, but chances are you’ll have conversations that are meaningful and eternity-focused. Join the conversation to hear some of Aaron’s best stories and suggestions.
Not Beyond Reach: How to Share Jesus with the Young, the Deconstructed, and the Non-Religious
Inbox: Accepting Where You Are
Your current season of life might be great or it could be a mess. Regardless of your circumstances, how do you come to terms with where you are today? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.
Guest: Tim Sanford
Article: Managing Anxiety
Article: How to Develop a Resilient Mindset
Sibling time over the holidays, plus trading anxiety for peace, and should you change jobs to advance your career?
Featured musical artist: About a Mile
Roundtable: Sibling Connections at Christmas
What are your sibling dynamics like during the holidays? Some of us have great relationships with our brothers and sisters, but for others, interactions and conversations can be shallow, awkward, or even tense. Our guests share both good and difficult moments they’ve had with their siblings; if you aren’t sure how to connect meaningfully with your family this Christmas, you’ll be encouraged by our discussion.
Culture: What God Does With Anxiety
Rates of anxiety among young adults are at an all-time high. How do we cope? Do we white-knuckle it and hope things get better? Not according to Whitney Lowe, who argues that God not only can but wants to take our anxiety if we’ll bring it to Him. Join us for practical suggestions for setting our minds on God and bringing peace to our minds and hearts.
Set Your Eyes Higher: A 40-Day Reset to Slow Your Anxiety and Fix Your Focus on God
Inbox: Will Changing Jobs Put Me Ahead?
Some suggest that if you change jobs, you’ll advance in your career more quickly. But is that actually true? Career expert Marshonda Dixon weighs in.
Serious strain between parents and adult children, plus why church history matters, and should you do a missions trip when your parents disapprove?
Featured musical artist: Jonathan Cain
Roundtable: “Mom and Dad, We’re Done”
The holidays should be a joyous time of gathering with family and friends, but all too often they are marked by absence, distance and strife. For some, the choice to “cancel” family members — including your own parents — brings confusion, hurt and relational wreckage. Our guests this week are parents with strained or non-existent relationships with their adult children. They share the details behind their unique journeys, their hope for reconciliation, and how they’re choosing to rely on the Lord as they wait.
Culture: Why Care About Church History?
We know about the New Testament apostles. You’ve likely heard of Martin Luther and John Calvin. But for what purpose? Does learning about church history (and a bunch of dead guys) inform and shape our lives today? Historian and blogger Bill Petro joins us to give a crash course, explaining why church history is not only instructive, but also fascinating.
Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity
Inbox: My Parents Dissed My Missions Trip
She wants to go on a missions trip but her parents are opposed out of concern for her safety, among other things. Is going the right or wrong decision? Missionary Wendy Hamon spent years in difficult and dangerous overseas situations; she offers advice.
Your home is a great place to gather, plus living each day with heaven in mind, and how to make your faith your own.
Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome
Roundtable: Invite People to Your Home
Do you enjoy hosting parties and get-togethers, or does the thought of people at your place intimidate you? With the holidays upon us, now’s a great time to have people over. But hospitality isn’t just for special occasions. Whether big or small, planned or impromptu, creating space and structure for people to eat, connect, feel loved and heard is something the early church modeled well. But what can it look like for us — for you — today? Our guests have creative ideas for sharing their space and fostering connection with all sorts of people; listen in as they share the challenges and benefits of gospel hospitality.
Culture: Why Eternity Matters Today
Does the reality of heaven influence the way you live right now? Do you even think about heaven and its impact on your daily choices? Pastor Mark Bates explains how where we’ll spend eternity should influence our relationships, careers, priorities, and the everyday decisions before us. If you’re wondering why heaven matters, this discussion will encourage you.
Inbox: Your Parents’ Faith, or Yours?
You may have grown up in church — even walked an aisle or prayed a prayer. At some point, though, you have to take ownership of your faith and make it not just something you’ve “inherited,” but something you’ve internalized. How do you do this? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
Living on purpose while you’re single, plus ways to help the homeless and poor around you, and what’s a Christian’s obligation to evangelize?
Featured musical artist: Austin Stone Worship
Roundtable: Purpose in Singleness
You may want to get married, but is there a way to maximize your singleness while you wait? Our guests, all single, share their best strategies for finding community, chasing after growth, meeting people, and serving others in a season of singleness. If you feel your life lacks purpose or has stalled out, you’ll be inspired by their thoughts.
Culture: Wise Ways to Help the Homeless
You stop at an intersection and a homeless person is there, holding a sign asking for help. How do you respond? We know the Bible tells us to love and care for the poor among us, but how can we do this with compassion and effectiveness? Travis Williams leads the multi-outreach Springs Rescue Mission, a place of hope for addicts, the mentally ill, homeless and others. Every day he sees these challenges first-hand, and he offers ideas to help Christians move the needle of care in our own communities.
Listen, Love, Repeat: Other-Centered Living in a Self-Centered World
Visit Springs Rescue Mission’s Website
Inbox: Do I Need to Preach on Street Corners?
Is aggressive, public evangelism the call of every believer — even to the point of preaching on street corners? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
Overcoming faith doubts and trials, plus Joshua Rogers on a Christian’s rights at work, and seeking healing from sexual trauma before marriage.
Featured musical artist: Abandon
Roundtable: When Your Faith Is Challenged
What’s been the biggest test to your faith? A tragedy? Unanswered questions? Scientific claims? We’ve all faced moments that forced us to ask honest questions about God, the Bible, and the Christian faith. Our guests share about weathering big spiritual challenges, and what helped them overcome their doubts to trust God more fully.
Culture: A Christian’s Rights in the Workplace
If you work in a secular environment, are you required to leave your faith at home? What legal rights do you have to express what you believe? Conversely, what can your employer require of you? Boundless contributor Joshua Rogers is an attorney who has these conversations every day. He gives us honest advice for living out your faith and values on the job while loving others in the process.
No Reason to Hide: Standing for Christ in a Collapsing Culture
Link to Article: How to Defend Your Faith Without Being a Jerk
Inbox: Addressing Sexual Trauma Before Marriage
Past sexual trauma can do untold damage to your body, mind and emotions. If you’ve experienced this trauma, how do you appropriately seek healing before getting married? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
Navigating dating as a woman in your 30s, plus a psychiatrist’s tips for getting mental health care, and giving church community a second chance.
Featured musical artist: Hollyn
Roundtable: Dating in Your 30s (Girls’ Edition)
What is dating like in your 30s compared to your 20s? Is the pressure higher? The disappointments greater? Or do time and maturity actually help in the pursuit of a relationship? Join our two-part series where 30-something daters share advice from their own experiences. This week, it’s the ladies’ turn. (Men were last week!)
Culture: Tips for Accessing Mental Health Care
We know about today’s sky-high rates of anxiety, depression and other mental health struggles, but how do you start the process of getting the care you need? Psychiatrist Karl Benzio helps us understand the ins and outs of therapy, medication, psychology vs. psychiatry, counseling vs. therapy — and most importantly, how to know what you need, and when. This will save you some copays for sure, so grab a pen and paper and listen in!
Are You Really OK?: Getting Real About Who You Are, How You’re Doing, and Why It Matters
Learn About the Honey Lake Clinic
Inbox: Small Group Second Chances
Our listener is feeling pressured to jump back into church community groups, but it never seems to go well for them. What’s the best approach going forward? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
Hear Our Gary Thomas Interview
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