Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

Catherine Turner

Discover the mindset & skillset it takes for you to create your ideal leveraged lifestyle – whatever that might look like for you. Through leveraging Time, Money & Knowledge you can unlock your ultimate lifestyle, not just in business and work, but in your personal life too.

  • 1 hour 39 minutes
    Working remotely in Costa Rica - covid, tourism, business talk with Costa Rica's No 1 podcast host

    In this episode, Catherine is with Adam A. McBride host of ‘The Costa Rica Experience Podcast’.

    As someone who has lived in Costa Rica for over eighteen years and with experience of owning multiple companies Adam shares great advice on the best way to move and experience the best of living in Costa Rica. He explains what’s important when living in Costa Rica and why researching where you want to locate is a vital step in the process.

    This is the best time to do whatever you want to do and the world today offers the opportunity to leverage your life and live the lifestyle you want wherever you want to in the world.



    • Most people are looking for a beach lifestyle and the pacific coast is the most desirable with great locations.
    • You can have a great lifestyle if you have a source of money.
    • New people and foreigners are welcomed in Costa Rica.
    • Seek professional help with official and legal documents, to ensure they are correctly completed.
    • If you value your time then leverage other people so you can spend your time doing what you want to do.
    • Throughout your life, your values will ebb and flow as your life changes.
    • Now you have the flexibility to change direction multiple times in your life.
    • It’s a magical time where you can live the lifestyle you want wherever you want to in the world.
    • The infinite option universe we have created for ourselves leads to a lot of dissatisfaction because there is no certainty.
    • A leveraged lifestyle is about making a decision and then being brave enough to take action and make it happen.
    • Go all in and don’t give yourself an easy way back if you want to have the best chance of success.



    ‘This is the best time to do whatever you want’

    ‘Take a risk and do it, it’s your life do something with it’

    ‘You may start in one location and then change as your lifestyle changes’



    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    iTunes: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw


    Guest Links: Adam McBride - Host of The Costa Rica Experience Podcast

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamamcbride/

    The Costa Rica Experience Podcast 




    Catherine Turner


    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!


    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.


    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.


    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.


    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



    Email: [email protected]





    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    15 September 2020, 11:00 pm
  • 26 minutes 12 seconds
    The 9 Principles of a Leveraged Lifestyle

    Catherine explains the underpinning principles of a leveraged lifestyle and how to go about moving your life to be intentional and leveraged giving you the freedom and choice to live a life you love.

    This is a great opportunity to hear not only about the fundamental elements of a leveraged lifestyle but also how you can use them to create the right leveraged lifestyle for you.

    It can be easy to think that your aspiration should be to seek the same life as someone you admire but listening to this episode will help anyone understand how to be inspired by others but successfully leverage to achieve freedom in the life they have chosen for themselves.



    • Freedom and choice – freedom starts with your mindset and it’s having the ability to choose your life and be free in your mind.
    • Living to your highest values – are you living the life you love? if you are it’s highly likely you’ll be living your life in alignment with your highest values.
    • Designing a life you want – whoever is around you ultimately you are the designer of your life. You need to take the principles of a lifestyle you aspire to and then add the layer that is your choice, uniquely what you want.
    • Mastering your emotions – there are positive and negative emotions learning to master your emotions is about mastering and letting go of the emotions that are not serving you
    • Intentional living – this is about being truly intentional about how you live your life, what you bring into your life, how you spend your time and finances.
    • Playing to your strengths – it’s about doing what you do best, getting in your flow, sharing along the way and delating and outsourcing everything else.
    • Leveraging your network, time and money  – these are key areas in your life to leverage. the people you know can be a great resource and leveraging your time and money will help you to make the most of it and what you want to get from it
    • Systemising, automating and outsourcing – creating systems across all areas of your life to create the lifestyle you want in your life.
    • Paying it forward – once you have the principles of a leveraged lifestyle in place you should have the time available to give back by employing people, through your knowledge, giving philanthropically.



    ‘When you are having moments that are tough it’s likely you are not living in alignment with your values’

    ‘You need to have the tools to design your own life, a life that is chosen by you’

    ‘If you are not intentional in your life it can quickly become cluttered’



    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    iTunes: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw




    Catherine Turner


    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!


    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.


    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.


    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.


    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



    Email: [email protected]















    114LL The 9 Principles of a Leveraged Lifestyle



    Catherine explains the underpinning principles of a leveraged lifestyle and how to go about moving your life to be intentional and leveraged giving you the freedom and choice to live a life you love.

    This is a great opportunity to hear not only about the fundamental elements of a leveraged lifestyle but also how you can use them to create the right leveraged lifestyle for you.

    It can be easy to think that your aspiration should be to seek the same life as someone you admire but listening to this episode will help anyone understand how to be inspired by others but successfully leverage to achieve freedom in the life they have chosen for themselves.



    Freedom and choice – freedom starts with your mindset and it’s having the ability to choose your life and be free in your mind.

    Living to your highest values – are you living the life you love? if you are it’s highly likely you’ll be living your life in alignment with your highest values.

    Designing a life, you want – whoever is around you ultimately you are the designer of your life. You need to take the principles of a lifestyle you aspire to and then add the layer that is your choice, uniquely what you want.

    Mastering your emotions – there are positive and negative emotions learning to master your emotions is about mastering and letting go of the emotions that are not serving you

    Intentional living – this is about being truly intentional about how you live your life, what you bring into your life, how you spend your time and finances

    Playing to your strengths – it’s about doing what you do best, getting in your flow, sharing along the way and delating and outsourcing everything else.

    Leveraging your network, time and money  – these are key areas in your life to leverage. the people you know can be a great resource and leveraging your time and money will help you to make the most of it and what you want to get from it

    Systemising, automating and outsourcing – creating systems across all areas of your life to create the lifestyle you want in your life.

    Paying it forward – once you have the principles of a leveraged lifestyle in place you should have the time available to give back by employing people, through your knowledge, giving philanthropically.



    ‘When you are having moments that are tough it’s likely you are not living in alignment with your values’

    ‘You need to have the tools to design your own life, a life that is chosen by you’

    ‘If you are not intentional in your life it can quickly become cluttered’



    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    iTunes: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw





    Catherine Turner


    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!


    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.


    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.


    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.


    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



    Email: [email protected]




    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    8 September 2020, 11:00 pm
  • 19 minutes 55 seconds
    Special - What Does a Leveraged Lifestyle Mean to You?

    In this special episode Catherine curates responses to the ultimate question – ‘What does a Leveraged Lifestyle Mean to You’ 

    A selection of her many guests who have included millionaires, apprentice finalists, and successful entrepreneurs share their responses about what a leveraged lifestyle means to them and illuminate the most important aspect of any leveraged lifestyle – that it will be different for every individual. 

    The power of a leveraged lifestyle is unique to every individual, listen in and be inspired to answer the question for yourself and start working towards your own leveraged lifestyle.



    • It’s getting more done in less time, making more money on less money, creating a vision and a system to give you the lifestyle you want.
    • You get to build a lifestyle that’s right for you
    • A leveraged lifestyle is about being able to move to the next level.
    • It’s living your perfect lifestyle and being able to only do the stuff you want to do.
    • You are able to have the life you want to live and help others lead a better life.
    • Leveraging is a game-changer, you are systemising your business so it can run without you.
    • It’s being able to live in alignment with your highest values and priorities and work on the things you are passionate about and can have the biggest impact on.
    • It’s about enjoying the journey and making the most of any opportunities.
    • You can leverage your situation to help others.
    • It’s all about freedom and fulfilment and having the choice to do what you want to on your terms.
    • Leveraging your lifestyle is about being honest and brave about what you want when you design the life you want to live.



    ‘It could be running your business from your laptop’

    ‘You can have a lot more choice’

    ‘I’m having a massive impact doing the work I love on my terms’



    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    iTunes: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw


    Episodes to link back to:

    Ep 1, Rob Moore

    Ep 14, Jackie Tomes

    Ep 25, Khadija Khalifa

    Ep 31 Jaimie Sarah

    Ep 44, Business Mentor Crossover - Jay Dhillon

    Ep 55, Katrina Jones

    Ep 64, Dillon Dhanchecha

    Ep 69, Lauren Tickner

    Ep 73, Thomas Skinner

    Ep 74, Sabrina Stocker

    Ep 75. Neville Wright

    Ep 81, Rob Stewart

    Ep 111, Emma Dee



    Catherine Turner


    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!


    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.


    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.


    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.


    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



    Email: [email protected]




    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    1 September 2020, 11:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 35 seconds
    The 5 Steps to Hiring Your Virtual Assistant (VA) ... And The Mistakes We Made Along The Way

    Catherine shares great advice about hiring your Virtual Assistant and as someone who has extensive experience and expertise in the arena of Virtual Assistants shares some key steps that can be followed to make sure you hire a VA that will have a positive impact on your business and immediately increase business productivity.

    Getting it right is key when taking on a VA and Catherine has created a range of resources available in the VIVA club, where you can also find great VA’s who want to get started in your business making a difference now.



    • Improve your business to-do list – know what are you currently doing, what do you should be doing,  and what you want to do so you can prioritise.
    • Categorise tasks as  ‘do’- high value, ‘manage’ – can be done by someone else with management oversight and  ‘leverage’ – low-value tasks that can be outsourced to others.
    • Creating the job description and advert - Creating a detailed job description means your virtual assistant can get straight to work increasing your business productivity.
    • You need to be really clear about the role you have and the skills needed.
    • Systemising for applications – you need to systemise as much as possible. Using tools such as google suite and skype will create a system you can use easily – all available in the viva club.
    • Creating job offer and contract – a starting VA working full time can cost as little as £150 a month. You can hire a VA for a particular project or for ongoing tasks within your business.
    • Reaping the rewards ongoing support and management – reports are a vital part of managing VA’s you need to know what’s going on and can offer support if required.
    • Virtual Assistants make our businesses work and we couldn’t do it without them.



    ‘Hire by role, It helped us to get the right person’

    ‘I can task things at the end of the day and find them completed and in my inbox the following morning’

    ‘You need to invest time and detail in the process to get the right VA and the VIVA club can help with this’



    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    iTunes: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw


    Episode to link back to:

    #011: 5 Proven Steps to Hiring the Right VA 



    Catherine Turner


    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!


    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.


    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.


    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.


    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



    Email: [email protected]

















    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    25 August 2020, 11:00 pm
  • 47 minutes
    From £50 to Thriving Ebay & Etsy Business - Interview with eCommerce Business Owner Emma Dee

    Catherine revisits one of the most downloaded episodes from the last 2 years with guest  Emma Dalton who created the freedom she wanted by moving from the corporate world and creating a successful eCommerce business.

    Emma discusses the turning point and what it actually takes to get started with no money and create the type of business you want.

    They discuss finding your passion and why all the knowledge and experience you have previously has value and can be transferred to new ventures.

    There are always numbers that you have to know and it’s vital that even as a small business you plan as if you are a big business so the right systems and processes are in place, making it easier to successfully grow. This is a great insight with lots of advice on how to get started in business and design the life you want.



    • I didn’t have the money to set up a business but I did have an overriding belief that everything will work out if you work hard enough.
    • The essential numbers are turnover and profit margin growth month on month.
    • The fundamentals are -  what profit am I making now and is it growing month on month?
    • I started with around £50 and I focus on sourcing women’s unique fashion pieces through charity shops, online and car boot sales.
    • If you want to get started, declutter your own wardrobe and treat it as a business. Use it as a learning opportunity to find out about the photography, whether you want to use the auctions or buy it now to sell and to gain experience of the whole selling process.
    • My business moved to the next level when I took a conscious decision to review and put in place the right processes.
    • I’ve leveraged my eBay business activity down to 3 days and increased my income by 3x through processes.
    • Even if you are a small business plan as if you are a big business. if you have the right processes in place at the start it makes it much easier as you grow.
    • Blocking time and being very structured about how I use my time has been the key to be able to use my time efficiently.
    • The hardest part of business is saying ‘no’
    • As an entrepreneur you know you are on a journey and moving ahead but it’s not always possible to see the destination all the time.
    • I’ve always wanted a flexible living life and I want to have integrity in what I do.
    • Find the thing the brings you joy; design the life you want and be honest about what you want.



    Through effective leveraging when I have downtime for me it’s all for me’

     I’ve become much more aware of my values since being self-employed.

    ‘You can just start and you don’t buy any new stock until what you have is sold so there is no new money involved’



    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    iTunes: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw

    Emma Dee Instagram


    Episodes to link back to:

    #030: The number you NEED!

    #020: Passion vs Passive Income



    Catherine Turner


    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!


    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.


    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.


    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.


    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



    Email: [email protected]





    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    18 August 2020, 11:00 pm
  • 21 minutes 57 seconds
    What You Love(Are Good at) Can be Paid For And What The World Needs!

    Cast your mind back to Episode #033 of Leveraged Lifestyle; Catherine explains how finding your Ikigai is an important part of leveraging your lifestyle.

    Catherine has been reflecting on this episode and the content around IKIGAI! Specifically she wanted to preface it and revisit, to open a discussion with you the listeners (so make sure you get in touch and let Catherine know your thoughts and comments)



    • Ikigai, the 4 concentric circles

    The first circle is what you love, the second circle is what the world needs, the third circle is what you can be paid for and the fourth circle what you are good at.

    Overlapping these are passion, mission, profession and vocation. In the centre of the circles is Ikigai.

    • Ikigai

    The Japanese believe that everyone has an Ikigai and it is the reason we want to jump out of bed in the morning.

    There is no secret formula for finding happiness but there is one key ingredient the ability to reach a state of flow and through that state to have the optimal experience to find the Ikigai.

    • Finding your flow
    1. Challenging tasks

    Completing tasks that are just out of your comfort zone.

    If tasks are too easy it can lead to apathy. if the task is too hard you may give up

    If it’s just challenging enough that’s where we find our flow.

    1. A clear objective

    Once the journey has begun its important to keep an overview of the objective but it’s key to focus on the flow.

    When you have a clearly defined objective and focus on the process that’s when you find your flow.

    1. Concentrate on a single task

    Be in a distraction-free environment. You will feel calmer and have better power of retention and you will be able to achieve flow.

    When we are multi-tasking productivity is less and we are more likely to make mistakes and feel stressed.

    • Advantages of finding your flow

    Your mind will be focused on the current task. It enables you to live in the present feel in control. Your mind will become clear and able to deal better with challenges.

    Which activities in your life make you enter flow?

    What do these activities that drive you to flow have in common?

    Why do the activities drive you to flow?

    • When you can answer these questions, you will be able to find your Ikigai


    ‘The more you are in flow the closer you are to your Ikigai’

    ‘Finding that mix of passion, mission, profession’

    ‘More than just systems and processes, Its everything you want to create’

    ‘Feel like there is nothing more important than the single task you have chosen to complete’

    ‘Starting with a ritual and end with a reward’

    ‘Tasks that stretch our skills’


    Book: Ikiagi, The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life - Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles 



    Leveraged Lifestyle Community Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/551963318530196/

    Catherine Turner

    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!

    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.

    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.

    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.

    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.


    Email: [email protected]


    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    11 August 2020, 11:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 40 seconds
    8 Ways To Compare Yourself To Others Productively

    Catherine looks at the ways we all compare ourselves to others - both personally and in business. It’s a part of being human but how can you use it to your advantage?

    This is a great opportunity to reflect on how comparing yourself to others can be a productive process if you understand how you can learn and benefit from the comparison and move yourself and your business forward on your journey to achieve the lifestyle you want.



    • Everyone has their own journey and every journey is different. You can’t know all the challenges others have faced and overcome.
    • It’s important to realise it’s all a part of the process, the journey.
    • Don’t try and do everything ask yourself what will give you the best return on your investment of time and effort?
    • What is going to give you the lifestyle you want?
    • Focus your energy on the area where you are going to get the best return on your investment
    • Use others success as motivation, inspiration and to help you learn.
    • Success leaves clues, look at the journeys other have taken to success what can you learn that will help you?
    • We are all still growing and learning all the time.
    • Persevere with what you are trying to achieve.



    ‘There are parts of their journey that you can’t see and don’t know about’

    ‘The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit’

    ‘Most people only show the good, not the pain and the challenges they’ve been through’



    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    iTunes: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw





    Catherine Turner


    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!


    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.


    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.


    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.


    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



    Email: [email protected]




    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    4 August 2020, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    £6M Property Portfolio Before 30 + £2000 Gift Giveaway - 2nd anniversary special interview with Jackie Tomes

    This episode marks the second year anniversary of the Leveraged Lifestyle podcast and Catherine has some great birthday giveaways for listeners along with one of the most popular guests from the previous 100 plus episodes – Jackie Tomes, Property Strategist.

    Jackie built a portfolio worth over 6 million in just over 6 years and achieved all of this before she reached her thirtieth birthday. Jackie has extensive knowledge and expertise in the property sector and shares some great advice on what makes a difference when you are starting out in property and how to move successfully through the levels of business.

    Jackie wants renting to be better than buying and with a value-driven company she is building new and better ways of doing things and inspiring others.



    • We have built a business that we can remove ourselves from because our vision at the start was about being able to travel.
    • We help others build great property businesses that are systemised and have the right processes in place.
    • It’s about achieving a balance that works for you and if your business is set up in the right way you can be away from it.
    • A leveraged lifestyle is about both mindset and skillset coming together successfully.
    • You have to double up on work to be able to get to a point where you can work less.
    • It’s important that you are able to work smart as well as working hard.
    • How you set up working with your remote team and using technology effectively is key. 
    • When people start in property they often spread themselves across several different strategies but you should have a specific focus.
    • Simplify and focus so that you are able to successfully go through the different stages of business as you grow.
    • When you don’t have any money, you focus on getting money for yourself and that’s not the right approach when working with investors.
    • It’s about asking what value can I give? What can I offer my client?



    ‘The quality of our team who are all behind a shared vision is quite magical’

    ‘It’s all about having a combination of processes, systems and brilliant people in the right roles for them’

    ‘If you rent there is amazing flexibility’

    “I’m on a path to try and live a life I love and am proud of’



    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    Apple: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw




    Jackie Tomes, Founder of the Tomes Homes Group & Property Strategy

    www.property-strategy.com  &   www.tomeshomes.com

    Survive, Adapt & Thrive in property investment in 2020 - reset your investment strategy in response to the current market conditions. 

    Jackie started Tomes Homes in 2013. It took 18 months of working two jobs to create the £16k deposit needed to buy the first investment property in 2014. 

    Since then, Tomes Homes has worked with investment partners to flourish into a property investment group, owning & managing 60+ homes with a portfolio value of £6M+; supported by a team of nine, with family-values at the core. The primary business model is purchasing, renovating & renting out blocks of flats in Kent. 

      Property Strategy works with other property investors on Strategy & Systemisation to help them turn their investing into an efficient, systemised business.  

    Jackie is on a mission to build great property businesses that can redefine the image of the property investment sector and ultimately, through a relentless focus on customer and tenant satisfaction, make renting better than owning.

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jackietomes1
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackie_tomes/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackie-tomes-b059b747/



    Catherine Turner

    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!

    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.

    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.

    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.

    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.




    Email: [email protected]








    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    28 July 2020, 11:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 26 seconds
    5 Ways Clear Your Mind & Reset

    Catherine reflects on how, as an entrepreneur, it can be easy to always be thinking about your business and your family but never yourself. She shares some practical advice that can be implemented to help anyone to take a pause and clear their head.

    Taking action for yourself can be a challenge but clearing your head and enjoying some time exclusively for you will ultimately help both you and your business to perform better.



    • A leveraged lifestyle is about freedom of thought and being able to live the life you want to for you.
    • Creating opportunities to pause, get out of your own head and enjoy being you is a crucial part of a leveraged lifestyle.
    • Get outside, enjoy nature and be present in the moment.
    • Get out and move, our bodies are made to move so any kind of movement is a positive whether its active or relaxation.
    • Meditate to find your inner calm, it’s an opportunity to be still, stop being busy and clear your thoughts.
    • Listen to music, create a playlist and enjoy your favourite songs to help you clear your head.
    • Spend time with family and friends and fill up your levels well-being and positivity.



    ‘Make it about being in the moment’

    ‘Get out there and get moving’

    ‘I’m often in my head thinking about business, family but never just about me’



    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    iTunes: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw



    Catherine Turner


    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!


    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.


    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.


    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.


    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



    Email: [email protected]




    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    21 July 2020, 11:00 pm
  • 19 minutes 19 seconds
    5 Ways to Achieve More - Get Results By Setting Hard Deadlines


    Welcome back to Leveraged Lifestyle’s “Break without a break” where we look back at some of the most impactful episodes of the podcast from the very beginning!  

    In this episode, Catherine takes you through the importance of setting deadlines and gives you five ways to help you set hard and fast deadlines so that you can really get done what you need to, whether that's in business, in your personal life or in work. Hop in to learn about this and much more.



    • Five ways that you can set hard and fast deadlines.
    • Number one is to get a version one out there right now. Don't over-think it. Don't just think I will do it by the end of the week or I’ll do it tomorrow, if you've got some content in you maybe it could be a Facebook Live, a podcast episode, maybe a blog that you've been thinking about for ages, get it written, get it recorded, get your camera out, get your phone out whatever it might be, and just do it right now.


      • Number two is to book something as a reward for getting the thing done. Something really nice, like a holiday, maybe travelling for a few weeks, it could be getting yourself a new piece of equipment, a nice iPad or Mac or something like that, a new phone, something that might also help within the business.
      • Number three is set a day and then get accountable make it public. Let people know that you've got something coming whether that's a new product for your online store whether that's getting your online store set up whether that's on Amazon or Shopify.


    • Number four. How about rather than setting a pleasure award we set up something that's going to cause some pain. One of the ways one of my business mentors do this is when he's writing a book he will set a date and then pay for people to come in to proofread the final draft of the book.
    • Number five is having something in place that can't be moved. Maybe an event date that's out there already booked the venue, maybe it's a book launch and you've got the launch date all set and it's all set up on Amazon. Maybe it's the launch of your products.



    • “There is no better time than now to get something out there.”
    • “When you do something nice, reward yourself.”
    • “Have something in place that cannot now be moved because you just put too much into it.”
    • “There is no better time than now to start creating your leverage lifestyle.”


    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    iTunes: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw



    Catherine Turner


    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!


    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.


    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.


    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.


    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



    Email: [email protected]




    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    14 July 2020, 11:00 pm
  • 40 minutes 11 seconds
    From £300 To £70 Million - Building The Largest Independent UK Baby Business - Neville Wright, Founder Of Kiddicare

    Neville Wright, Founder of Kiddicare is the entrepreneur who started with £300 and built the largest independent UK baby business. A business which when it sold achieved a record-breaking figure.  

    Neville talks about his journey and discusses why his business was different. As Neville built the company he placed a hugely high value on training and staff always knowing more than the customer about the products and he never lost a sale to the internet.

    As many retailers struggle to deliver what the customer wants from a face to face retail experience Neville shares a masterclass in exactly what it takes to be the retailer who is pushing positive boundaries and making the difference that means people keep coming back.



    • We pushed the boundaries and were disruptive in our area of business.
    • When you have entrepreneurial skills, your ambition will mean you have to employ people to maintain and grow your business and you then need to ensure your business can support those people.
    • If you employ people with the same mindset and bring them on the journey with you then it’s possible to grow successfully.
    • Play to your strengths and know when to bring in other people
    • Start with the little things because it’s these that make the difference. Success is the thousand little things around you.
    • Each manager in our business knew exactly what the systems were and every staff member only had one boss, one line manager.
    • The system could be changed quickly if we came up with something better it was flexible enough to be constantly evolving.
    • Business and life  is about persevering and overcoming the challenges
    • It’s a process of business that there are challenges and things have to be got through by finding successful solutions.
    • You have to have people around you who you can help and can help you. the people you surround yourself with have to be those who can pull you up.
    • When you are in a business and you want to grow it, you focus on it.



    ‘You should never have a customer in front of you who knows more about the product than you do’

    ‘You should marry your customer – do your very best to always to keep your customer’

     ‘I take training very seriously and we never lost a sale to the internet’



    The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast

    iTunes: www.bit.ly/itunesllpodcast

    Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

    Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

    VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

    Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

    Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip

    Business SOS: www.business-sos.com

    Utility Warehouse: bit.ly/lluw



    Catherine Turner


    Catherine is the host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!


    Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.


    In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.


    Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skillset it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.


    Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



    Email: [email protected]




    Elevate your Self, Wealth & Health, inspirational, mindset, lifestyle, experts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, woman, public speaking, healthy, body, mind, soul, spiritual, energy, self, worth, development, help, passive income, success: https://www.instagram.com/catherineannt/

    7 July 2020, 11:00 pm
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