Dr. Lynn Marie Morski is a physician, attorney and lifelong quitter. Through her “Quitting by Design” website she helps people carve out successful lives through strategic quitting. Her goal is to destigmatize quitting and illustrate what a useful tool it can be in creating a fulfilling life. In this show, she interviews people who have used strategic quitting successfully in their paths with the goal of providing listeners actionable advice to help them quit their way to success.
Well friends, all good things must come to an end...or must they? Take a listen to how the Quit Happens podcast got started, what role it served, and why I'm considering quitting my own quitting podcast!
Chris Marhefka had the American dream. He owned a number of successful businesses, he had a happy marriage, heck, he was even on TV at one point! But when he dove into personal development, he realized how many of the things that seemed to be perfect were actually holding him back from his full potential and a life lived in true alignment. So he quit...and quit and quit and quit...his way to a new level of happiness.
To follow Chris on IG @chrismarhefka and learn more about working with Chris at trainingcampforthesoul.com
Check out the full episode post here
Keep up with everything Quit Happens here
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Podcast production support by the fine folks at Counterweight Creative
Is there a pandemic? YES. Do we have to spend our quarantined days in fear? NO In this episode, I discuss why people try to get others to consume fear and why unnecessarily consuming fear is counterproductive to you staying healthy.
If you've faced quitting a job to strike out on your own but feared letting go of that steady paycheck and stability, this episode is for you. Trainer, nutritionist, and all-around health expert Kyle Brown tells us how a near-death experience led him to face that fear and make the quit... and the incredible things that have happened since!
Check out the full episode post here
Keep up with everything Quit Happens here
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Podcast production support by the fine folks at Counterweight Creative
Well friends, big updates in my life - many quits on the horizons. And lessons to be learned in quitting attachments that may be holding you back!
Ever had to make a quit that could impact your entire family? Kettlebell sports champion and trainer extraordinaire Mike Salemi did, and he shares how he was able to preserve his relationships while doing what he knew was best for himself and his future.
Check out the full episode post here
Keep up with everything Quit Happens here
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Podcast production support by the fine folks at Counterweight Creative
In today's episode, I answer a listener question on how to know when to QUIT something before you've even agreed to it...meaning how to know when to say NO now so you don't have to face a QUIT later! Do you have a question! Message me on facebook, instagram, or Quitopia (the facebook group for all things strategic quitting) and I'll answer it on an upcoming episode!
Many people feel like their job has to be all or nothing. This is especially true in very demanding fields like medicine and law, where the expectation is that the hours are long and the work is intense. However, today's guest, Dr. Nisha Mehta, is here to dispel that myth. She was able to go from working full-time (with many fruitful side gigs further adding to her workload) to an arrangement that kept her from burning out and made her able to take the time to care for her own health.
Check out the full episode post here
Keep up with everything Quit Happens here
Follow Lynn Marie on Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram
Podcast production support by the fine folks at Counterweight Creative
Making resolutions for the new decade? Well how about making some promises to QUIT the things that aren't working for you and leave them in this decade? Mindsets, habits, jobs, relationships - if they're not taking you places you want to go, maybe don't take them into 2020! Lynn Marie discusses her two big quits as we move into the 20s!
This holiday season, are you stressed about presents? Dreading family gatherings? Feeling lonely? Refusing to let yourself stop working? Well then you're in luck, because I have just the holiday quits for you! Take a listen to my favorite quits to make the holiday season brighter for everyone!
You can be in one of the best jobs ever, but when you feel out of alignment, start relying on willpower to get you through a day, or feel like your best energy could be spent elsewhere, it might be time to seek new opportunities. Joe DiStefano has had fabulous career opportunities come his way but ultimately knew that he was happiest on his own with his health company, RUNGA, and podcast, Stacked.
Joe was instrumental in developing the training program for a popular obstacle and strength course. These types of training programs, and others, like Crossfit, have been massive in getting more people interested in fitness who never have been before. But Joe feels that certain types of fitness, especially ones where you treat your body pretty brutally, can be counterproductive to wellness.
So Joe decided to listen to and trust what his gut was saying, that working for this type of company isn’t the right business for him. The decision came parallel with a willpower decision; he felt like he wasn’t living in line with his passion and his best energy was being spent away from his career. When the job you’re doing is taking more energy to get there and more willpower to see through a day, it’s impacting your performance, the energy at the company, and ultimately, your entire career.
Joe knew he needed to invest his energy into something that wasn’t a struggle to get through. Motivation is good in theory, but shouldn’t be necessary in practice. Instead of quitting for the sake of quitting or to make a bilateral move, Joe made a strategic quit that was going to improve the quality of his life and career.
The thing that holds back most people who are thinking about quitting is the thought that if they go, they won’t have their benefits, or secure income, or the money to keep paying the loan on the latest Mercedes. But there is so much abundance in the universe, we just need to trust.
And quit that scarcity mindset!
What helps Joe is actually picturing the worst-case scenario. By thinking about how you would handle the worst thing that could happen if you quit, you’ll probably realize it won’t be as bad as you fear.
We also talk about moving forward after a business disaster, finding incredible opportunities, and the most valuable skill we can all nurture.
Are you scared of quitting what doesn’t serve you anymore? Do you find that you need to rely on your willpower to get you through the day more often than not? How can you be more mindful with your career intentions? Let us know in the comments on the episode page!
In This Episode:
“When you’re doing something you’re meant to do and you’re in alignment and you are honest with yourself, willpower and “motivation” isn’t a thing.” (17:35)
“Maybe you just have a purpose to share, like Mozart did… You’re never going to be able to put your best energy into those things if you’re using willpower. Because willpower is not really a thing, that’s called resistance.” (20:38)
“You’ve got to be open to whatever happens and be very aware of the worst-case scenario.” (40:41)
Then you’re in luck! Because my online course, Make Quit Happen, is available to start now! It’s a six-week program in which each week we tackle a different step in the strategic quitting process so that at the end of the course you know WHAT you need to quit, you have overcome any quitting-related FEARS, and you’ve got HOW to make the quit happen all planned out!
Sign up Sign Up Here!!
Listen to Stacked, Joe's Podcast
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Check out the full episode post here
Keep up with everything Quit Happens here
Follow Lynn Marie on Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram
Podcast production support by the fine folks at Counterweight Creative
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