Fastest Way To Learn Sales | Training, Coaching & Motivation

Saqib Irfan

Grow the sales person in you. Advance your sales career. Become more efficient in sales, and learn from someone who has already been down that path!

  • 11 minutes 1 second
    The Five Benefits of Goal Setting that will Transform Your Life!
    Goal setting can transform your life.   In today's episode, you will learn 5 major benefits of goal setting. 1. Imagination 2. Balanced Success 3. Reality Check 4. Positive Self-Talk 5. Managing Self Created Objection The Motivational Quote shared is by Maxwell Waltz.  An American Surgeon and author of Pshycho-Cybernetics, which according to him is a system of ideas that he claimed could improve one's self-image drastically and helping one to lead a fulfilling life.    THE QUOTE:  "A man is functionally like a bicycle. Unless he is moving onwards & upwards toward an object - A Goal - he is  going to falter & fall" Instagram: @FastestWayToLearnSales  Website:   Email: [email protected] Fastest Way To Learn Sales is hosted by Saqib Irfan a Saskatoon-based Sales Podcaster.
    6 December 2019, 10:19 pm
  • 11 minutes 22 seconds
    How to set personal and sales goals - 4 Best Practices

    The year 2020 is just around the corner, and this is the best time to start working on your goals.

    You can set goals any time of the year and start at any time, however, using the new year as a benchmark, I find gives time to prepare for the new goal that you have set and keeps you on track. 

    The quote shared is by Mark Victor Hansen

    "By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands - your own" 

    Fastest Way To Learn Sales is a Sales Motivation, Training and Coaching Podcast.

    Instagram: @FastestWayToLearnSales


    Email: [email protected] 

    Hosted by: Saqib Irfan

    City: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada 

    29 November 2019, 5:23 am
  • 13 minutes 40 seconds
    How To Sell To A Driver Personality Type Successfully?

    Play the Sales Podcast & learn how you can spot, communicate, and sell to a "Driver" personality type!

    This is the last episode of how-to sell to different personality types series. 

    Driver personality types are driven by their goals, they have the ability to make a quick decision.

    They do not like to like a lot of information and definitely do not like it when someone tells them that they were wrong.

    So keep it simple, straight to the point when selling to a Driver Personality Type!

    Remember to compliment Driver on their Decisiveness & Direct Style. 

    The motivational quote shared to boost your confidence and help you sell more is by:

    John D Rockefeller

    A business magnate and the richest man of his time!

    "I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity"

    Instagram: @FastestWayTolearnSales

    email: [email protected] 

    22 November 2019, 10:09 pm
  • 9 minutes 55 seconds
    How to Sell To An Impulsive Personality Type Successfully?
    The motivational quote shared is by Plautus. "Patience is the best remedy for every trouble" 
    18 November 2019, 5:23 pm
  • 11 minutes
    How To Sell To An Analytical Personality Type Successfully? Sales Podcast

    Learn how to spot, manage, communicate and sell to an analytical personality type.

    Find out how to sell if you are the analytical personality type.

    Play the Listen button now and get insight on:

    1. Who is the analytical personality type

    2. How to spot them? How to identify them? Great Tips on this

    3. How to Communicate with the Analytical Personality Type

    4. How to sell to the analytical personality type?

    You will also learn the Do’s & Don’ts when selling to an Analytical Personality type.

    The motivational sales quote shared in this sales podcast episode is Jim Rohn A.K.A The Father Of Motivational Speaking.



    Instagram: @FastestWayToLearnSales

    Email: [email protected]

    Podcast Host: Saqib Irfan

    14 November 2019, 1:29 am
  • 10 minutes 12 seconds
    How To Sell To A Social Personality Type Customer Successfully? | Selling To Four Different Personalities Series 1 - 4

    In sales, they say there are four major personality types that we come across when out on the field selling.

    These customers can belong to one of these Personality Types:


    In today's sales podcast you will learn how to sell to a customer who is a Social Personality type.

    How do you spot them, what is important to them, what are do's and do not's when dealing with a social. 

    As usual, there is a motivational quote and today's quote shared in this podcast is by, Brian Tracy: 

    “Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.” – Brian Tracy

    23 September 2019, 9:27 pm
  • 11 minutes 27 seconds
    How To Build Momentum in Sales?

    In today's episode learn five simple, yet effective sales tips on how to build momentum.

    Maybe you went on a holiday, maybe a long weekend or you just finished a strong month.

    How do you as a sales professional re-gain, re-build momentum and get back into your operating rhythm.

    1. Organize the workspace

    2. Block Time

    3. Distraction-Free 

    4. Create A Comfortable Environment (favorite drink, snacks, etc) 

    5. Super Hero & Role Models for Inspiration 

    Remember, Success is inspiring! 


    The motivational quote shared in this episode is by Steve Farrante.

    CEO & Trainer of Champions at Sale Away Inc. 

    “Success is like a snowball… You gotta get it moving and the more you roll in the right direction the greater it gets”

    Please like subscribe, share & spread the word! 

    Sales Podcast Website:

    Instagram: @FastestWayToLearnSales

    Email: [email protected] 

    19 September 2019, 5:17 am
  • 17 minutes 43 seconds
    How To Use Email As An Effective Sales Tool - #91

    Play and learn 10 + 3 bonus ways how you can improve your email skills. Email is a very useful and widely used sales tool. There are some very common mistakes that we all sales professionals make and today's topic is how we can improve our email skills. 

    Motivational Quote shared is by John Wooden - An NBA Player & Head Coach who won the NCAA titles 10 times during his 12 years of coaching period.

    "If your are not making any mistakes, you are not doing anything" 

    Please like, share, subscribe and follow.

    Instagram: @fastestwaytolearnsales

    Fastest Way To Learn Sales is a Sales Motivation, Best Practices and Sales Tips Podcast hosted by Saqib Irfan who is based out of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 

    10 July 2019, 9:45 pm
  • 12 minutes 43 seconds
    The Power Of Finding Out Your Customer's Why in Sales | #90

    Life changing events are the key driver of any sale, especially in Business To Customer Sales & Retail Sales Environment.

    The retail chains are closing, think about Toys 'R' Us, Payless Shows, Sears and more in Canada. 

    Is it because of the internet? Digital Marketing? eCommerce? or Social Media, I am not sure.

    May be all of them.

    However, the one main reason why Retail Sales are down is because a good salesmanship is diminishing.

    When you walk in to a retail outlet, hardly there is anyone to greet you, to welcome you. No wonder Amazon is crushing Walmart. 

    Play the Sales Podcast to learn how you can become the retail sales super star, if that is your sales channel.

    The practices can be applied to business to business sales environment and if you are a sales leader or an account manager you can certainly use this sales practice.

    The quote shared is by Michelle Obama.

    An American Lawyer, University Administrator and writer!  

    "Success isn't about how much money you make. It's the difference you make in people's lives."

    Fastest Way To Learn Sales Podcast is hosted by Saqib Irfan who is based out of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada! 

    27 June 2019, 12:37 am
  • 10 minutes 28 seconds
    Sales Podcast | How To Grow Your Current Customer Accounts & ARPA

    If you've been in sales for any amount of time, especially in the Account Management or Sales Leadership role, you understand the term ARPA really.
    ARPA stands for Average Revenue Per Account.

    Play today's podcast to listen to a simple sales tactic & tip to grow your ARPA, and get your current customers to buy more from you.

    If you invest 30 minutes doing this exercise, you will end up with a list of 5 - 10 more prospects instantly.

    SURPRISE, not sharing a quote today, however, I share a Chinese Proverb:

    "If you received a gift of great value, it is your obligation to share this gift many times over"

    25 June 2019, 10:26 pm
  • 10 minutes 49 seconds
    Sales Podcast | How The Casual Dress Day Potentially Costs You Sales

    "The Casual Friday" culture has now been around for a very long time. Some sales people love it, some not as much, however, I have yet to come across a sales professional who just doesn't approve it.

    After all we all like to take the path of least resistance, and dressing up takes efforts. 

    This sales podcast episode talks about how dressing down or the casual dress day can potentially cost you sales. 

    The sales motivational quote shared in by: Brian Tracy

    "Dress For Success. Image Is Very Important. People Judge You By The Way Look On The Outside" 

    17 June 2019, 10:52 pm
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