

RealClear Podcasts go behind the headlines covering the most interesting topics and news of the day. From the president’s first 100 days to an in-depth look at the administrative state, listeners can count on RealClear’s Washington Bureau to start the smartest conversations on the issues that matter most.

  • 45 minutes 26 seconds
    Episode 5 - Interview with Rob Joyce, Sr. Advisor to the NSA Director: Securing Cyberspace
    Episode 5 - Interview with Rob Joyce, Sr. Advisor to the NSA Director: Securing Cyberspace by RealClearPolitics
    16 October 2018, 7:58 pm
  • 31 minutes 13 seconds
    Episode 4 - Alamo Bowl Winners: UVA Cyber Defense Team
    Carl Cannon & Andrew Walworth interview the winners of the 2018 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (NCCDC), the University of Virginia Cyber Defense Team, and Dwayne Williams, NCCDC director.
    17 July 2018, 11:45 am
  • 35 minutes 41 seconds
    Interview with David Sanger: Is Cyber ‘The Perfect Weapon?’
    RealClear Cyber Today host Andrew Walworth discusses the future of cyber conflict and the quickly evolving world of cyber strategy with New York Times National Security Correspondent David Sanger, author of the new book The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage and Fear in the Cyber Age. In an era marked by increasingly aggressive use of cyber weapons by a range of adversaries, US policymakers have been slow to develop a coherent strategy for their use, even as America deploys its own cyber arsenal against foreign targets. In an in-depth interview, Sanger discusses how the US is already both an aggressor and defender in a multitude of cyber conflicts, and why it is vital that American policymakers develop strategies and norms regarding cyber weapons and their use.
    9 July 2018, 1:40 pm
  • 27 minutes 30 seconds
    Episode 2 - NATO and the Next Great Battlefield
    In this series scheduled to run from April to July, RealClearPolitics and RealClearDefense will take an in-depth look at the intersection of cybersecurity, technology, and the warfare of the 21st century. The series will examine how the world’s leaders are using cyber-espionage to fundamentally shift international power dynamics.
    30 April 2018, 9:27 pm
  • 28 minutes 38 seconds
    Episode 1 - The Cost of Cyber Crime
    In this series scheduled to run from April to July, RealClearPolitics and RealClearDefense will take an in-depth look at the intersection of cybersecurity, technology, and the warfare of the 21st century. The series will examine how the world’s leaders are using cyber-espionage to fundamentally shift international power dynamics.
    2 April 2018, 10:33 pm
  • 41 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode 6: Trump and the Fate of the Administrative State
    In this sixth and final episode, Tony talks with the Claremont Institute’s John Marini about the origins of the administrative state and the current political scene. A professor of political science at the University of Nevada-Reno, Marini argues that centralized bureaucracy has displaced the Founding Fathers’ vision of a constitutional republic. Their discussion touches on political philosophy, the decline of party politics, and the rise of Donald Trump.
    2 August 2017, 9:10 pm
  • 40 minutes 54 seconds
    Episode 5: Reforming the Administrative State
    In this fifth episode, Tony talks with Elaine Kamarck of the Brookings Institution and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. A founding director of the Clinton administration's National Performance Review, she makes a case for reforming rather than abandoning the administrative state by improving Congressional oversight, making agencies more efficient, and clarifying what we think the federal government should and should not be doing in the first place. Their discussion touches on the erosion of congressional power, civil service reform, and the impact of technology on the federal bureaucracy.
    26 July 2017, 10:53 pm
  • 37 minutes 49 seconds
    Episode 4: Empowering the Administrative State
    The Future of the Administrative State is a weekly podcast, hosted by RealClearPolicy editor Tony Mills, that explores the virtues and vices of administrative power in the era of Trump. In this fourth episode, Tony talks with Nicholas Bagley, a professor of law at the University of Michigan, who argues that contemporary critiques of executive power miss the mark. What we really need, he thinks, is not more “judicial review” of administrative actions, but more “judicial humility.” Their discussion touches on the nature of regulatory oversight, the role of the courts, and today’s political dysfunction.
    19 July 2017, 8:53 pm
  • 37 minutes 13 seconds
    Episode 3: The Case for the Administrative State
    The Future of the Administrative State is a weekly podcast, hosted by RealClearPolicy editor Tony Mills, that explores the virtues and vices of administrative power in the era of Trump. In this third episode, Tony talks with Paul Verkuil, former chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States (2010–2015) and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. His most recent book, Valuing Bureaucracy: The Case for Professional Government, makes a positive case for the administrative state. Their discussion touches on prospects for bureaucratic reform as well as the constitutional and practical implications of federal agencies’ increasing reliance on private-sector contractors.
    12 July 2017, 7:17 pm
  • 33 minutes 55 seconds
    Episode 2: Confronting the Administrative Threat
    The Future of the Administrative State is a weekly podcast, hosted by RealClearPolicy editor Tony Mills, that explores the virtues and vices of administrative power in the era of Trump. In this second episode, Tony talks with Columbia Law School’s Philip Hamburger, author of 'Is Administrative Law Unlawful?' and 'The Administrative Threat'. In a discussion that touches on the monarchical concept of absolute power and German political philosophy, Hamburger explains why he thinks the administrative state not only violates the separation of powers, but also threatens Americans’ civil liberties.
    5 July 2017, 10:49 pm
  • 32 minutes 55 seconds
    Episode 1: Deconstructing the Administrative State
    The Future of the Administrative State is a weekly podcast, hosted by RealClearPolicy editor Tony Mills, that explores the virtues and vices of administrative power in the era of Trump. In this first episode, Tony talks with Adam White of the Hoover Institution who breaks down the meaning of the administrative state and how it functions. Their discussion touches on Steve Bannon’s call for the “deconstruction” of the administrative state as well as Barack Obama’s innovative use of executive actions to implement aspects of his domestic agenda.
    28 June 2017, 7:44 pm
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