Prep Talk

NYC Emergency Management

Podcast by NYC Emergency Management

  • 24 minutes
    !Prepárate! FDNY FabricioCaro_Episodio24
    En nuestro nuevo episodio hablamos sobre la prevención de incendios, herramientas de seguridad y cómo los neoyorquinos pueden protegerse a sí mismos y a sus hogares durante el invierno con Fabricio Caro, Subjefe del Personal del Departamento de Bomberos de la ciudad de Nueva York. A través de la Fundación FDNY, la agencia cuenta con un equipo de expertos que realizan presentaciones en toda la ciudad para promover la prevención de incendios, la importancia de los detectores de humo y monóxido de carbono, con el Programa Educativo de Prevención de Incendios.
    5 December 2024, 12:00 am
  • 16 minutes 7 seconds
    Prep Talk Fire Safety with FDNY Capt. Kozo
    Learn how many smoke and carbon monoxide alarms you should have in your home, what to do in the event of a fire, how to safely use space heaters, and more from FDNY Captain Michael Kozo, the Officer in Charge of the Fire Safety Education Unit. Captain Kozo also discusses brush fires, which, due to the record-dry fall, have presented the FDNY with difficult and dangerous challenges.
    5 December 2024, 12:00 am
  • 30 minutes 7 seconds
    Prep Talk Episode 93 Large-scale Events
    Prep Talk Episode 93 Large-scale Events by NYC Emergency Management
    21 November 2024, 12:00 am
  • 13 minutes 45 seconds
    National Preparedness Month with Hewett Chiu of RaisingHealth
    After recognizing National Preparedness Month's theme of 'Preparing Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Communities for Risks and Disasters' in September, NYCEM's Ashleigh Holmes and Grace Scullion spoke with President & CEO of RaisingHealth Hewett Chiu, a leader in public health in New York City. Chiu has worked in New York City for decades on improving public health access for immigrant, AAPI , and vulnerable New Yorkers. He's also one of NYCEM's essential community partners as a member of the Strengthening Communities program.
    23 October 2024, 12:00 am
  • 15 minutes 26 seconds
    ¡Prepárate! Episode 23
    On the latest episode of !Preparate! NYC Deputy Sheriff Sergio Bocanumenth shares how his love for community led him to a career in law enforcement. A career where being bilingual has been an asset, especially when dealing with the public in a city like New York with visitors and residents from all corners of the Hispanic diaspora.
    7 October 2024, 12:00 am
  • 27 minutes 54 seconds
    ¡PREPÁRATE! Episodio 22 NYPD Chief Pintos
    On this episode of ¡Prepárate!, NYCEM Chief of Staff Yokarina Duarte and Community Engagement Specialist Emely Rodriguez sit down with NYPD Chief of Staff Raul Pintos to discuss his remarkable career at the NYPD, the importance of Hispanic leader, and some of the latest NYPD initiatives aimed at keeping the city safe. Pintos, who has dedicated over three decades to the NYPD, shares invaluable insights and advice for young people, particularly those considering a career in law enforcement. This episode offers a rare opportunity to learn from some of the most influential Hispanic leaders in New York City's public safety landscape.
    30 August 2024, 6:48 pm
  • 31 minutes 2 seconds
    El voluntariado y Cuerpo de Paz con Matt Lyttle
    Un episodio especial dedicado al Mes del Voluntariado, con la participación del estimado invitado Matt Lyttle, Director del Segmento de Defensa y Seguridad en Guidehouse, una firma consultora de gestión global. La copresentadora Yokarina Duarte conversa con Lyttle sobre su experiencia como voluntario del Cuerpo de Paz en Nicaragua, lo cual lo preparó para una carrera dedicada a la resiliencia comunitaria ante desastres en Estados Unidos y América Latina. Los oyentes aprenderán cómo ellos también pueden ser voluntarios para ayudar a sus comunidades a prepararse y responder ante desastres, y el impacto significativo que pueden tener como voluntarios.
    4 June 2024, 3:43 pm
  • 27 minutes 27 seconds
    Preparate Episosde 19 Castro MOIA
    NYC Emergency Management's latest episode of ¡PREPÁRATE! talks with Commissioner Manuel Castro from the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs, and the agency's role in serving immigrant communities of new York.
    26 December 2023, 5:39 pm
  • 28 minutes 4 seconds
    Prep Talk - 20th Anniversary of Ready NY and CERT
    First Deputy Commissioner Christina Farrell and Director of Individual Preparedness Abby Banks discuss the Ready NY and CERT programs for the 20th anniversary.
    1 September 2023, 2:40 pm
  • 40 minutes 51 seconds
    Episodio 18: Ernesto Morales From NOAA Discusses the Importance of Messaging Before Emergencies
    In recognition of September as National Preparedness Month, the latest episode of New York City Emergency Management’s Spanish podcast ¡Prepárate!, features Ernesto Morales, alerts coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s San Juan, Puerto Rico office. As part of the National Weather Service team in Puerto Rico, Morales coordinates messages before and during weather events impacting the island. On the heels of the one-year anniversary since Hurricane Fiona, Morales stresses that being prepared can save lives and help with response operations by emergency responders.
    30 August 2023, 4:51 pm
  • 31 minutes 48 seconds
    Beat the Heat with Health Tips from the NYC Department of Health
    On the latest episode of ‘Prep Talk’, Cari Olson, assistant commissioner of the Bureau of Environmental Surveillance and Policy with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, discusses the dangers of extreme heat during the summer months. Ms. Olson shared what precautions New Yorkers should take to beat the heat, and how the city responds to heat emergencies. “My team is responsible for building a foundation of environmental health data and research, that is then used to improve the health of all New Yorkers,” said Cari Olson, assistant commissioner of the Bureau of Environmental Surveillance and Policy with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. “For example, we track the health impacts of heat and who is most vulnerable. The triggers for a heat emergency issued by the National Weather Service and Emergency Management are based on data we compiled. As we began collecting data we observed that, once the heat index hits 95 or above, and that is a combination of heat and humidity, there was an exponential increase in deaths from heat in our vulnerable communities.” To prevent heat illness and learn more ways to beat the heat, visit NYC Emergency Management’s Beat the Heat website at, or DOHMH’s Extreme Heat and Your Health page at
    3 July 2023, 6:33 pm
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