Words & Wine

Lauren Kress

Words and Wine is a weekly podcast on business, books and big questions by writer, speaker, business founder and marketing strategist Lauren Kress. Visit her website http://laurenkress.com to access the show notes for each episode.

  • 42 minutes 39 seconds
    Mindful Leadership with Dawa Tarchin Phillips

    Dawa Tarchin Phillips is the Founder & CEO of Empowerment Holdings, a multi-national leadership development company. 

    He is co-founder of the Mindful Leadership Online Training Conference, the world’s largest online conference for mindful leaders, and founder of The Mindful Leadership Tribe, an online community of 21st Century leaders. 

    He is an internationally recognised mindfulness and meditation expert, author, entrepreneur, spiritual leader, researcher and educator. He is President of the International Mindfulness Teachers Association, a global professional organisation for Mindfulness teaching professionals from 27 countries. 

    Dawa completed two 3-year meditation retreats as a monk before co-founding and co-leading a University of California based research centre in neuroscience. 

    He is a member of the prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and the Association of Transformational Leaders and a leading voice in the global mindfulness movement. 

    Dawa teaches mindfulness and meditation, awakened business and mindful leadership around the world, and has done research/work with MIT, Harvard, Yale, UCLA, UCSB, the U.S. Office of Education and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. 

    His work has been featured in the New York Times, Huffington Post, Men’s Fitness, Forbes and Fast Company. He lives with his family in Santa Barbara, California.

    To find out more about Dawa's amazing  and groundbreaking work in the leadership space and beyond visit: https://dawatarchinphillips.com

    To find out more about the 2020 Awakened world global pilgrimage visit: https://awakenedworldpilgrimage.com

    And to find out more about Dawa's company Empowerment Holdings visit: https://www.empowermentholdings.com/

    10 November 2019, 2:45 am
  • 41 minutes 19 seconds
    The Executive Edge with Author & High Performance Coach Robin Miles

    Robin Miles is a Professional Development Coach for InspireMe Consulting and author of The Executive Edge; helping others to find balance personally and professionally and live a life with purpose!

    To find out more about Robin and InspireMe Consulting Visit: https://inspiremeconsulting.com.au

    You can purchase a copy of The Executive Edge at: https://main.inspiremeconsulting.com.au/executive-edge-book/

    2 November 2019, 1:24 am
  • 44 minutes 17 seconds
    Dealing with Difficult People Problems with Tulsi Van de Graaff

    Tulsi van de Graaff is a partner at Brave People Solutions and solves the tricky communication, conflict and workplace culture challenges.

    To find out more about Tulsi and the work she does head to: https://bravepeoplesolutions.com.au/

    And you can connect with Tulsi on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tulsivandegraaff/

    12 October 2019, 3:39 am
  • 42 minutes 7 seconds
    The Hustle of Entrepreneurship with Adam Agresta

    Adam Agresta is the Founder and Lead Advisor of Agresta's Advisory helping startups bridge the gap between idea and execution.

    To find out more about Adam head to LinkedIn to connect with him here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamagresta/

    6 October 2019, 12:16 pm
  • 11 minutes 7 seconds
    Niche Misconceptions & Evaluating Your Market

    A bit of a different episode today - inspired off the back of some success I've been having with a video series on LinkedIn, this is a solo episode with me about the myths and misconceptions surrounding what it means to be "niche".

    Having a defined outcome and market does not automatically mean you are ‘niche’ - that is just normal everyday best practice to go-to-market.

    In this episode I share how packaging what you do in relation to the outcomes and benefits you provide your customers...is super important... but it isn’t niche marketing.  

    I talk about the questions you really need to be asking yourself about your business in order to grow.

    You can access the checklist I mention in this episode to evaluate your market here: https://personalmba.com/10-ways-to-evaluate-a-market/

    Ps. If we aren't already - let's connect on LinkedIn - just send me a connection request here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurenkress89/

    30 September 2019, 5:26 am
  • 37 minutes 15 seconds
    Remote Work and Flexibility for greater inclusion with TED Speaker and Army Veteran Rach Ranton
    Rach Ranton is an Australian Army veteran, TED speaker, and award-winning leader. She is a passionate advocate for veterans and helping organisations to embrace change, inspire leaders and promote inclusion. In 2018 Rach was named the Prime Ministers' Veteran Employee of the Year, and the University of Southern Queensland's Professional Alumnus of the Year. She is an Invictus Games ambassador, sought-after keynote speaker and advocate for inclusion and diversity. You can find out more about Rach on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelranton/ And check out her Ted Talk "Where are we trying to end up?" here: https://www.ted.com/talks/rach_ranton_where_are_we_trying_to_end_up
    22 September 2019, 12:12 pm
  • 34 minutes 55 seconds
    Economista & Female Investors with Anna Svahn, CEO of Cyg Cap

    Anna Svahn is the founder of Economista the largest female investor network in Europe with 120 000 members

    She is also the Author of two books and the Co-founder and CEO of Cyg Cap.

    To connect with Anna you can follow her on twitter @AnnaAnnasvahn

    And to find out more about Cyg Cap head to: https://www.cygcap.com/

    21 September 2019, 7:56 am
  • 55 minutes 27 seconds
    Perksy Founder Nadia Masri on Entrepreneurship and Building Something BIG

    Nadia Genevieve Masri is a 4-time founder, Forbes 30 Under 30 headliner, and the CEO & Founder of Perksy. 

    With a fresh take on understanding the habits, behaviours, and preferences of Gen Y & Z consumers, Nadia is redefining market research for the mobile generation by making feedback the favourite form of engagement.

    Follow Nadia on Twitter or Instagram at @nadiagenmasri and on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadiagenevievemasri/

    And to find out more about Perksy head to https://www.getperksy.com/

    21 September 2019, 4:18 am
  • 11 minutes 35 seconds
    The WHY gap: Beyond your Business Plan (The Oyster Rewind Special Edition)

    We’ve all heard about how important our “WHY” is for our business - right?

    Simon Sinek’s Golden circle is a well known meme of the business world.

    And I’m guessing you’ve been in one of those meetings where you sit down and nut out your business plan or strategy and talk about the Vision of your company, your Mission and your Values.

    But there’s a big gap that no-one’s talking about when it comes to your golden circle.

    In this episode I share what this gap is and why it holds most businesses back.

    If you’d like help addressing this gap, feel free to reach out and connect with me via LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurenkress89/

    Or via my website here: https://www.laurenkress.com/

    Also want to take this opportunity to thank all my guests over the past month:

    Sandy Barker on publishing and pursuing her dream of becoming a novelist

    Zach Kleyn on redesigning your life

    Faye Were on reaching your full potential

    Ken Zulumovski on Leadership and Community Healing

    Joshua Lisec on Storytelling and Authorship for Business Success

    Carlie Maree on Soul Modes - a new framework for thinking about motivation

    Donna Febus on Cash Flow and Coping with Rapid Change

    John North on how to generate business from self-publishing your book

    Ricardo Guiterrez on the importance of asking questions

    Julie Garland on Governance and The Director’s Dilemma

    15 September 2019, 3:41 am
  • 41 minutes 46 seconds
    The Director's Dilemma with Boardroom Expert Julie Garland McLellan

    Julie Garland McLellan is a professional company director and boardroom expert. She is the author of The Director's Dilemma which is the world's most widely read independent director publication. 

    To subscribe to the Director's Dilemma head to: https://www.directorsdilemma.com/

    And to connect with Julie you can find her on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliegarlandmclellan/

    11 September 2019, 3:04 am
  • 44 minutes 47 seconds
    The Importance of Asking Questions with Ricardo Gutierrez

    Ricardo Gutierrez is the Director and Founder Bedssi Accommodation Solutions Australia and Host of The Innovator Diaries Podcast where leaders from all industries give practical, transferable advice from personal experiences.

    Ricardo has travelled to over 60 countries, 400 cities & 5 continents and is passionate about sharing the stories of innovators and influencers from all areas and walks of life, to understand key aspects of success, and how people go from being good at what they do, to great and outstanding.

    To find out more about Ricardo you can find him on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rigutie/

    And to check out Ricardo's podcast the Innovator Diaries head to: http://innovatordiaries.com/

    7 September 2019, 6:28 am
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