Welcome to the season 16 kickoff with our annual tradition of the Word of the Year episode! Each year, we ask God to give us a theme to focus on for the new year and invite you to do the same. After personal prayer and reflection, we share what our words for 2025 mean to us and chat about the Saints journeying with us this year. We are excited to be back and look forward to seeing what this season will bring.
Heather’s One Thing - This Strange Land Podcast
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Jubilee Year podcast episode from the Poco a Poco Podcast
Michelle’s One Thing - Notre Dame Football and Marcus Freeman and time with Heather and Sister at the 2025 SEEK Conference in DC
Other Resources Mentioned:
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quote to Ponder:
“The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year, but rather that we should have a new soul.” (G.K. Chesterton)
Scripture for Lectio:
“And a word spoken in due season, how good it is.” (Proverbs 15:23)
Sponsor - Rooted for Good:
Rooted For Good is your go-to destination for luxurious, all-natural skincare and self-care products designed to nurture your skin and enhance your well-being. Our products not only smell and feel incredible but also reflect your commitment to clean, wholesome living. As a Catholic-owned and operated business, Rooted For Good is dedicated to making a difference. With every purchase, 10% of the proceeds go toward uplifting individuals in need in developing countries. When you choose Rooted, you're not only caring for your skin—you’re contributing to a mission of hope and generosity!
We’re honored to sponsor the Abiding Together podcast, a community rooted in faith, inspiration, and connection. This partnership is extra special, as many women in the Abiding Together community have been integral to Rooted’s amazing growth. Today, women across the U.S. and beyond trust Rooted products as a key part of their skincare routines.
Discover why over 90% of Rooted’s customer reviews are 5-star testimonials! Our thoughtfully priced products make premium natural skincare accessible to everyone. Founded by a Catholic mom of six boys, Rooted For Good was built on the belief that every woman deserves high-quality skincare that aligns with her values.
Make the switch to all-natural skincare in 2025—your skin will thank you, and your heart will feel good knowing you’re making an impact. Join the growing community of women who love Rooted For Good and experience the difference for yourself.
Use promo code Abide10 to enjoy 10% off your purchase at RootedForGood.com. Start your journey to radiant, natural beauty today!
00:00 - Rooted for Good
01:31 - Intro
02:23 - Welcome
04:01 - Guiding Quote and Scripture Verse
04:34 - What is a Word of the Year?
08:24 - Michelle’s Word(s)
14:10 - Heather’s Word
24:10 - Sister’s Word
32:15 - One Things
In this week's episode, we conclude our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel. We discuss how we all have deep cries within our hearts and how Jesus coming as a baby gives voice to those longings and sorrows that we hold. We also reflect on the role of the Holy Spirit in revealing the love of God, the power of a name in calling out our truest identity, and the great adventure of falling in love with the Lord. Friends, thank you for joining us on the journey this Advent season. We look forward to next year and pray the Lord reveals Himself to you in a deeper and more intimate way this Christmas season. God bless!
Heather’s One Thing - 2025 SEEK Conference in DC and the Ave Maria Press team
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming choral arrangement
Michelle’s One Thing - Our amazing staff (Kristina, Camille, Kate, and Kathy) and The Genesis Prescription Program with SoulCore
Other Resources Mentioned:
Encountering Emmanuel Resources
Season 16 will begin on January 20th, 2025!
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quote to Ponder:
“Jesus has chosen to show me the only way which leads to the divine furnace of love; it is the way of a childlike self-surrender, the way of a child who sleeps, afraid of nothing, in its fathers arms.” (St Therese of Lisieux)
Scripture for Lectio:
“And His name shall be called Emmanuel, which means God with us.” (Matthew 1:23)
Sponsor - Stonecrop Wealth Advisors:
Are your financial decisions truly aligned with your Catholic faith? Many investors are unaware that their portfolios might be supporting causes that contradict their deepest values in Christ. At Stonecrop Wealth Advisors, we believe it’s possible to invest in a way that reflects and honors your beliefs.
We offer faith-based investment portfolios that avoid companies involved in activities contrary to Christian values, such as abortion, pornography, or pride parades. Instead, we focus on supporting businesses that align with the teachings of the Church and work to build the Kingdom of God while contributing positively to society.
As a fee-only fiduciary, our primary mission is to serve your best interests. We offer financial advice and investment management designed to help you achieve your long-term goals without compromising your values. Whether you’re an individual, family, business, or non-profit, we’re here to provide you with a new path toward a faith-driven financial future. No matter where you are on your financial journey, you can start aligning your investments with your faith today.
If you’re ready to transform your financial strategy and help ensure your investments are working to build a future guided by faith, reach out to Stonecrop Wealth Advisors. As part of our commitment to helping you, we’re offering a free financial plan and portfolio analysis. We’ll help you discover which of your current investments might be funding activities that go against your beliefs and guide you toward a faith-aligned investment strategy.
To learn more and take the next step toward aligning your finances with your faith, visit https://www.stonecropadvisors.com/abidingtogether
Investment advisory services are offered through Stonecrop Wealth Advisors, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
00:00 - Stonecrop Wealth Advisors
01:13 - Intro
02:19 - Welcome
05:03 - Jesus Comes to Show Us God’s Love
07:07 - The Liturgical Seasons
08:33 - He Comes with a Cry
11:38 - He Comes with a Name
12:27 - He Comes as a Person with a Face
16:00 - He Comes with the Holy Spirit
20:30 - He Comes as a Gift to the World
25:10 - Litany of Encounter
29:02 - One Things
In this week's episode, we continue with “Week Three” in our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel. We meditate on the vulnerability of Jesus as a baby and how He comes as one who is little so we can know that we are loved in our littleness. We also reflect on what it looks like to have hope, how to love with an open heart, and the deeper meaning of incense. Jesus’ heart is an open place of refuge where we find the comfort and relief we so desperately need this Advent season.
Heather’s One Things - The upcoming women’s conference at Franciscan June 6-8 (registration opens January 29, 2025) Sponsored by Abiding Together and Deacon Bob Rice’s new Scriptural Rosary Cards
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Restore the Glory Podcast episodes on redemptive suffering (Carrie Archual) (Part 1) (Part 2)
Michelle’s One Things - This mug from Deacon Bob Rice, Trader Joe's winter peonies, and The Portal of the Mystery of Hope by Charles Peguy
Other Resources Mentioned:
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quote to Ponder:
“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.” (C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves)
Scripture for Lectio:
“I led them with cords of human kindness, with bands of love. I was to them like those who lift infants to their cheeks. I bent down to them and fed them.” (Hosea 11:4)
Sponsor - Catholic Women & Couples NFP:
Catholic Women & Couples NFP (CWCNFP) is a lay Catholic organization that is pleased to offer 100% free Natural Family Planning and Fertility Awareness Classes to any Catholic woman or couple 18 years of age and older. Their ministry exists to aid Catholics in pursuing lives in full harmony with Church teaching. By learning a fertility awareness method, Catholic women can be more in tune with their hormones, understand their fertility patterns, and plan their family in accordance with Church teaching. It is estimated that only 20% of Catholics have ever attempted a NFP method. CWCNFP’s ministry exists to change that statistic. They believe all Catholic women and couples should learn a fertility awareness method, no matter their vocation or state in life. With online classes, they work with your busy schedule and offer classes in both Spanish and English. Many NFP courses can cost up to $300, but CWCNFP’s classes are ALWAYS free. They specifically teach the Billings Ovulation Method ®, which is very similar to the Creighton Method. However, they know that the Billings Method might not be for everyone, so if a client would like to learn a different NFP method they have a special partnership with MyCatholicDoctor that allows them to learn any method of their choosing as long as they have qualifying insurance. With qualifying insurance, this NFP instruction through MyCatholicDoctor would be covered. In addition, teens or non-Catholics who do not qualify for CWCNFP’s free NFP program will be able to find fertility awareness courses through MyCatholicDoctor, in which CWCNFP will assist with setting up. To learn more and to sign up for free classes, visit their website www.ccnfp.org or follow them on Instagram @cwcnfp
00:00 - Catholic Women and Couples NFP
01:30 - Intro
02:22 - Welcome
04:20 - Vulnerability and Hope
08:12 - Loving with an Open Heart
11:41 - Incense
16:06 - The Language of Play
22:22 - Thoughts for the Third Week of Advent
24:37 - One Things
In this week's episode, we continue in our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel and focus on “Week Two”. We ponder the reality that we are welcomed into Jesus’ family as heirs and children of God. We also discuss the restoration that takes place in family, relating to each other as spiritual family, and the ache we experience for union with God in Heaven.
Heather’s One Thing - The community at Franciscan
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Gingerbread and gingerbread cookie recipes
Michelle’s One Thing - The gift of community in North Carolina
Other Resources Mentioned:
Encountering Emmanuel Resources
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quotes to Ponder:
“The Word became flesh to make us “partakers of the divine nature”: “For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God.” “For the Son of God became man so that we might become God.” “The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.” (CCC 460)
Scripture for Lectio:
“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.” (Romans 8:14-17)
Sponsor - In.spired Living:
Inspired Living is a Catholic home decor, book and gift shop dedicated to helping you create a beautiful home full of reflections of the eternal. At Inspired Living we believe that our lives of faith begin at home, and therefore should be a reflection of that which is eternally beautiful, God Himself.
At Inspired Living we have intentionally curated and brought to one place, the best of Catholic items across the web- whether that be, decor for your home, gifts for sacraments or books and sacramentals for enhancing your Iives of faith. We have brought them all together in one place, offering a unique array of handcrafted goods and exquisite gifts, made by artisans, not only in the United States, but around the world.
Inspired Living is a small, family run business and we love partnering with artists and their families, all who are committed to bringing eternal beauty into the home.
For all Abiding Together Listeners enjoy an exclusive 20% off discount using the code ABIDING20 at checkout. Visit us at theinspiredliving.net
Inspired living - bringing eternal beauty to the home
00:00 - In.spired Living
01:08 - Intro
02:00 - Welcome, Scripture Verse, and Quote
04:58 - Familial Love of God
06:58 - Adoption and Belonging
10:47 - The Desire to Be Received
15:13 - A Way to Heaven
19:53 - The Ache Within Us
21:45 - Kindness vs. Comfort
24:59 - One Things
In this week's episode, we begin our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel and focus on the “Introduction” and “Week One”. We discuss the inspiration behind the book, the fruit that comes from journaling, and the call to recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd. We also reflect on allowing Jesus to be born in our hearts, encounter our wounds, and bring light to our personal darkness.
Heather’s One Thing - Josiah Henley’s artwork for Encountering Emmanuel and the wallpapers made by our friends at Tilma
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Heather’s updated advent worship playlist
Michelle’s One Thing - Life in the Power of the Holy Spirit with Dr. Mary Healy (S14 E15) and the Auburn win against Texas A&M
Other Resources Mentioned:
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quotes to Ponder:
“Awake, my soul, awake! Show thy spirit, arouse thy senses, shake off the sluggishness of that deadly heaviness that is upon thee, begin to take care for thy salvation. Let the idleness of vain imagination be put to flight, let go of sloth, hold fast to diligence” (St. Anselm of Canterbury)
Scripture for Lectio:
“I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.” (John 12:46)
Sponsor - Into the Deep:
A Lamp & a Light is a Scripture prayer journal for women that walks you through the movements of lectio divina with prompting questions.
The journal provides 40 pre-selected Bible passages for you that are ideal for imaginative prayer. Then, you’ll have 40 blank pages where you can choose your own passages.
If you have wanted to pray with Sacred Scripture but aren’t sure how or if you feel like you need a guide, this Scripture journal can help you go deeper in your personal relationship with the Lord.
If you are in need of hope, perseverance, direction, joy, or faith through God’s unfailing Word, A Lamp & a Light is for you.
You can get one for yourself, your mom, sister, and friends for 10% off at intothedeep.co with code ABIDE10.
00:00 - Into the Deep
01:34 - Intro
02:26 - Welcome
05:32 - The Heart of Encountering Emmanuel
06:51 - Vulnerability and Openness
09:13 - Disposition of Our Hearts
11:30 - Quote to Ponder
12:21 - Coming Awake
13:40 - Personal Encounter
17:46 - The Fruit of Journaling
20:53 - Exploring Areas of Darkness
22:00 - He Comes with Power
26:17 - A Journey of Healing
29:48 - The Voice of the Shepherd
32:04 - One Things
In this week's episode, we reflect on how to prepare for Advent. During this busy season, it is easy to spend more time preparing our home than our hearts and we chat about the need for slowing down, quieting our hearts and surroundings, and becoming attentive to God’s presence in our daily lives. We also share practical ways we prepare and wait for the coming of our Lord at Christmas.
Heather’s One Thing - The songs Holy Forever (YouTube) and The Story I’ll Tell (YouTube)
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - The Carmellite Sisters (View their upcoming events here)
Michelle’s One Thing - The song You Know My Name by Tasha Cobbs and This “Full of Hope” Advent Mug from Blessed is She
Our Advent study begins next week! Be sure to subscribe to our weekly email to receive each episode, discussion questions, and videos to your inbox.
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quotes to Ponder:
“The liturgy of Advent…helps us to understand fully the value and meaning of the mystery of Christmas. It is not just about commemorating the historical event, which occurred some 2,000 years ago in a little village of Judea. Instead, it is necessary to understand that the whole of our life must be an ‘advent,’ a vigilant awaiting of the final coming of Christ. To predispose our mind to welcome the Lord who, as we say in the Creed, one day will come to judge the living and the dead, we must learn to recognize him as present in the events of daily life. Therefore, Advent is, so to speak, an intense training that directs us decisively toward him who already came, who will come, and who comes continuously.” (St. John Paul II)
Scripture for Lectio:
“Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:13)
Sponsor - The Little Rose Shop:
Discover the beauty of integrating faith into your everyday life with The Little Rose Shop. Our Morning Offering Prayer mug , is the perfect companion for your morning routine, allowing you to start each day with a heartfelt prayer, focusing your thoughts on Christ. Plus, explore our Quiet Books collection, including the Mass Quiet Book, Rosary Quiet Book, the Where is Jesus Quiet Book, and Wrapped in Mary’s Mantle Quiet Book. These engaging books are designed for babies and toddlers, making it easy to introduce them to the wonders of faith in a quiet and interactive way—perfect for adoration or Mass. As a special treat for Abiding Together listeners, use promo code ABIDING15 for an exclusive 15% discount at checkout. Enrich your spiritual journey and bring the joy of faith into your home with The Little Rose Shop.
00:00 - The Little Rose Shop
01:31 - Intro
02:24 - Welcome
04:44 - Guiding Quote and Scripture Verse
05:54 - Stillness
07:20 - Preparing Our Hearts
11:29 - Distractions
14:16 - Intentional and Incarnational
17:25 - Slowing Down
18:57 - Finishing Well
20:16 - Practical Ideas
25:59 - Announcement
27:36 - One Things
30:08 - Closing Prayer
In this week's episode, we conclude our three part series on the heart and Pope Francis’ recent encyclical Dilexit Nos. We reflect on Scripture as a personal love story, how it speaks to our areas of weakness, and the awesome reality of Jesus desiring to love and heal us there. The Lord meets us where we are and He is always seeking to bring our hearts closer to His. He speaks directly to each one of us with an invitation to be loved and to love. This invitation of love requires a response not only in big moments but in the ordinary moments of each day.
Heather’s One Thing - Her friends Laura and Brandon
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Farkle Classic Dice Game
Michelle’s One Thing - Nazareth Organics (especially the Sleep Balm)
Michelle’s Other One Thing - The Florida State vs UNC game
Other Resources Mentioned:
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quotes to Ponder:
The pierced heart of Christ embodies all God’s declarations of love present in the Scriptures. That love is no mere matter of words; rather, the open side of his Son is a source of life for those whom he loves, the fount that quenches the thirst of his people. (Pope Francis, “Dilexit Nos”, Paragraph 101)
Saint Augustine opened the way to devotion to the Sacred Heart as the locus of our personal encounter with the Lord. For Augustine, Christ’s wounded side is not only the source of grace and the sacraments, but also the symbol of our intimate union with Christ, the setting of an encounter of love. There we find the source of the most precious wisdom of all, which is knowledge of him. In effect, Augustine writes that John, the beloved disciple, reclining on Jesus’ bosom at the Last Supper, drew near to the secret place of wisdom. (Pope Francis, “Dilexit Nos”, Paragraph 103)
Scripture for Lectio:
“I led them with cords of human kindness, with bands of love. I was to them like those who lift infants to their cheeks. I bent down to them and fed them.” (Hosea 11:4)
Sponsor - Leanne Bowen:
Today’s sponsor is Leanne Bowen Fine Art. We love her prints and her candles. These candles smell so good and burn super slowly. She just released a beautiful collection of candle tins that are the perfect size for stockings and hostess gifts! She has a new image of the three wisemen on a Frankincense and Myrrh candle. Her candle scents are really unique and the artwork on the labels make them very intentional gifts. Her most popular candle in November is the Cranberry Orange Spice. It has a stunning image of the Holy Family on the label. She also has a Chrism Sacred Heart candle that smells JUST like Chrism! Leanne also offers Christmas cards of the Holy Family, Saint Nicholas, the three wisemen, and Mary holding Jesus. She is offering 15% off to all our listeners with the code ABIDE15 at www.LeanneBowen.com. We think you’ll love her stuff!
00:00 - Leanne Bowen
01:33 - Intro
02:26 - Welcome
05:10 - Scripture Verse and Guiding Quote
06:26 - This is a Love Story
08:17 - Thirsting for God
10:30 - God Will Never Forget You
12:29 - Being Loved in Our Weaknesses
17:38 - Deeply and Individually Loved
19:42 - A Lament and a Request
22:42 - Loving Like Jesus
25:01 - Repairing
29:26 - Final Thoughts
30:36 - One Things
In this week's episode, we continue our three part series on Pope Francis’ recent encyclical Dilexit Nos. We reflect on our ache to be loved, how Jesus heals in close proximity to us, and the “science of the caress”. We also talk about how Jesus is a man who comes and finds us wherever we are and longs to open up a new place for us in relationship with Him. Will we allow our hearts to beat again with love?
Heather’s One Thing - Thai Peanut Chicken Stir Fry
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Abuses in the Religious Life and the Path to Healing by Dom Dysmas de Lassus
Michelle’s One Thing(s) - Fr. Mark Mary’s podcast: Rosary in a Year and Vanilla Caramel Nut Butter
Other Resources Mentioned:
“Dilexit Nos”: A brief guide for busy readers and Dilexit Nos audio version
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quotes to Ponder:
“The heart of Christ, as the symbol of the deepest and most personal source of his love for us, is the very core of the initial preaching of the Gospel. It stands at the origin of our faith, as the wellspring that refreshes and enlivens our Christian beliefs.” (Pope Francis, “Dilexit Nos”, Paragraph 32)
Scripture for Lectio:
“Take heart, daughter!” (Matthew 9:22)
Sponsor - Florecita Design:
Florecita Design wants to help you build your domestic church. The Florecita Design Activity Bundle is a set of 12-15 printable activities for young children, delivered each month and based on the Catholic liturgical calendar.
Every month, Florecita Design will help you incorporate math, science, and pre-literacy skills with your little kids all within the context of the Catholic Church. This Activity Bundle is a digital subscription created by a speech-language pathologist to provide parents with the tools and language to incorporate the faith easily into every day play for their 2 to 7 year-olds. All parents have to do is print the activities and follow along the instructional booklet for enriching, screen free ways to entertain their kids.
Florecita Design just released the Advent and Christmas Activity Bundle, which is a holiday special with TWENTY activities, including puzzles, an Advent prayer banner, St. Nicholas activities, and so much more. To learn more, visit florecitadesign.com.
You can use the code ABIDE10 for 10% off your first three months of the Activity Bundle! You can also follow along on Instagram @florecitadesign for speech-language tips, sales and liturgical living ideas for little kids. Let’s teach our kids the Catholic faith in ways that are simple, tangible and beautiful!
00:00 - Florecita Design
01:19 - Intro
02:12 - Welcome
02:43 - Actions Reflect Our Heart
04:09 - The Science of Caress
05:37 - The Humanity of Christ
08:26 - Aching to Be Loved
10:11 - The Holy Spirit and Community
14:03 - The Human Heart
17:08 - Vulnerability and Secure Love
20:00 - Our Image of God
23:08 - One Things
In this week's episode, we begin a three part series on Pope Francis’ recent encyclical Dilexit Nos (on the human and divine love of the Heart of Jesus Christ). We discuss how God, as the Divine initiator, loved us first and continuously calls us deeper into His most Sacred Heart. We also reflect on the meaning of our hearts, being captivated by Jesus’ love, and the beauty of allowing Him to set our hearts aflame.
Heather’s One Thing - Man and Woman and the Order of Creation Conference at Franciscan University (view the livestream here)
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Tomato Basil Soup
Michelle’s One Thing - The book Sons in the Son by Fr. Innocent Montgomery, CFR, and Fr. Angelus Montgomery, CFR ( Sign up here to get the consecration reflections)
Other Resources Mentioned:
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quotes to Ponder:
“The heart is also the locus of sincerity, where deceit and disguise have no place. It usually indicates our true intentions, what we really think, believe and desire, the “secrets” that we tell no one: in a word, the naked truth about ourselves. It is the part of us that is neither appearance or illusion, but is instead authentic, real, entirely “who we are”.” (Pope Francis, “Dilexit Nos”, Paragraph 5)
Scripture for Lectio:
“He loved us first.” (1 John 4:19)
Sponsor - Reform Wellness:
Reform Wellness is a Christ-centered functional medicine and holistic wellness ministry. Reform redefines health as the state of your body and soul. Their mission is to empower the whole person to find well-being in Christ and become the best versions of themselves physically and spiritually. Reform works with private clients, corporate teams, religious communities, and educational institutions worldwide, both in-person and online. They offer valuable information, educational resources, and lifelong tools to improve your physical and spiritual well-being.
We invite you to learn more about Reform’s foundational course Reform Online which offers educational tools, best practices, and community through their nine wellness pillars centered in Christ. Reform is extending an exclusive discount for all our listeners on their upcoming Cohort: Reform Your Home and Family. We highly recommend this three-month foundational course; we’ve each taken Reform Online and still benefit from the fruits in our daily lives. Use code “Abide10'' for your exclusive discount through November 15.
00:00 - Reform Wellness
01:39 - Intro
02:31 - Announcement and Welcome
05:04 - About the Encyclical
06:53 - The Importance of the Heart
11:16 - The Heart as the Locus of Sincerity
14:54 - Our Heart is Meant for Love
18:46 - Being Captivated by Jesus’ Love
24:20 - The Sacred Heart Aflame with Love
25:51 - One Things
In this week's episode, we continue our discussion on communion and focus on the practical aspects of living out in community. We reflect on the four main pillars of building a community: intentionality, vulnerability, proximity, and organically. We also talk about community as a journey and that we learn to love others by experiencing the love of God ourselves. This experience brings communion within us, which bears fruit, and then we are then able to give that love away to others.
Heather’s One Thing - Friends of the Bridegroom
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - What Vegetable are You? Quiz
Michelle’s One Thing - Monk Manual
Check out our new Small Group Resource page!
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quotes to Ponder:
"God is love and in himself he lives a mystery of personal loving communion. Creating the human race in his own image .... God inscribed in the humanity of man and woman the vocation, and thus the capacity and responsibility, of love and communion." (CCC 2331)
“The person who loves their dream of community will destroy community, but the person who loves those around them will create community.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian Community)
Scripture for Lectio:
“And fear came upon every soul; and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they partook of food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:43-47)
Sponsor - Nazareth Organics:
Nazareth Organics (@nazarethorganics) is a Catholic family-owned natural skincare company that handcrafts balms with high quality, wild-crafted, and organic ingredients from nature.
From facial moisturizers and serums to diaper creams and body butters, Nazareth Organics carries nourishing natural products for a wide array of skin conditions.
They use grass-fed tallow from a local Catholic farm as a base for many of their balms, because it is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids that can increase collagen production, strengthen the skin, and calm inflammation.
The best thing about this business is that it’s dedicated to the Holy Family of Nazareth. From website to packaging, every sustainably sourced product points back to the faith and the ultimate source of creation. They also donate a portion of all proceeds to Catholic charitable organizations.
If you want to honor and care for your body using pure and natural ingredients straight from God’s hands, then check out Nazareth Organics. Find them at nazareth-organics.com and use code ABIDE10 at checkout for a 10% discount. Follow them on Instagram and Facebook at: @nazarethorganics.
00:00 - Nazareth Organics
01:31 - Intro
02:23 - Welcome and Recap
03:23 - Judgement vs Curiosity
06:36 - Bearing Fruit in Community
08:43 - Jesus as a Model of Community
11:05 - Aspects of Community
18:28 - Good Community Takes Time to Build
19:17 - Abiding Together Small Group Resources
22:22 - One Things
In this week's episode, we talk about the theology of communion. Our desire for communion with others is very good and comes from God Himself. In fact, our ache for community is an ache for eternity. God desires to bring us into an eternal communion with Him and the community here on earth points towards this in a small way. We discuss what happens when we experience a broken community, the challenges faced in building community, and how community changes throughout the seasons of life.
Heather’s One Thing - My art on the “They That Hope” podcast mug (add photos to website)
Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Best Ever Crock Pot Roast Recipe
Michelle’s One Thing - Every Sacred Sunday Mass Journal
Order your Abiding Together shirt in our shop today!
Journal Questions:
Discussion Questions:
Quotes to Ponder:
"God is love and in himself he lives a mystery of personal loving communion. Creating the human race in his own image .... God inscribed in the humanity of man and woman the vocation, and thus the capacity and responsibility, of love and communion." (CCC 2331)
“The person who loves their dream of community will destroy community, but the person who loves those around them will create community.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian Community)
Scripture for Lectio:
“And fear came upon every soul; and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they partook of food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:43-47)
Sponsor - CORDA:
Connect with the saints through scent with CORDA’s handcrafted Catholic candles. Each candle scent is directly inspired by different saints and aspects of the faith, and is made with clean coconut wax and a beautiful, modern design.
Be sure to sign up for the CORDA Fan Club, too: it’s free and an awesome way to earn points that you can redeem for free products, gift cards, and free shipping.
You can join the club and explore CORDA’s gorgeous Catholic candles (and 3,000+ reviews!) at cordacandles.com. And when you’re placing your order, don’t forget to enter code ABIDINGTOGETHER to save 15% on everything, now through the end of the year. Thank you for supporting this Catholic small business!
00:00 - CORDA
01:23 - Intro
02:15 - Announcement
02:42 - Welcome
04:23 - Scripture Verse and Guiding Quotes
05:47 - Initial Thoughts
08:41 - The Desire for Communion is Good
13:39 - Community Takes Work
16:36 - Learning How to Love
18:04 - Identifying the Lies
24:34 - Understanding the Wounds of Others
29:00 - One Things
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