
Mike Winger

Learn to think biblically about everything! Teaching theology, apologetics, and verse-by-verse Bible studies. Mike Winger teaches with clarity, doesn't shy away from controversial topics, and always seeks to teach the Bible accurately. This podcast will equip you to know and defend the Christian faith and understand the Bible in a deeper way.

  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    "How can I know my 3-year-old is in heaven?" 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 37)

    Today's Time Stamps:

    1. 0:13 {A Child’s Stage of Accountability} My three-year-old passed away in a tragic accident. I’ve heard that infants are welcomed into God’s presence when they die, but what about a slightly older child? Is my daughter in Heaven?
    2. 21:06 {Author Unknown = Still Inspired?} Can we be confident that a book of the Bible is truly inspired and belongs in the canon if the author is unknown (like Hebrews)? If we don’t know who wrote it, how can we trust what it contains? How can we know it wasn’t just the written version of a sermon? A pastor may be educated, but they aren’t inerrant.
    3. 27:40 {The Kingdom – “Suffered Violence”?} Can you help me to contextually understand Matthew 11:12? Teachings I’ve heard have made no sense, and I have tried to understand it myself, but I’m not sure if I’m understanding what Jesus was saying here.
    4. 35:09 {50/50 Churches?} My LDS husband wants me and our kids to go to his ward & my church, split 50/50 every other week. Should I submit to him and do this, or should I get out completely from doing this? See 2 Kings 5:17-19 and Psalm 1:1.
    5. 42:01 {Grain Offering = More Holy?} In Leviticus 2:9-10, the part of the grain offering for the priests is "a most holy part." Why is the part that the priests eat more holy than the memorial portion that is burned on the altar?
    6. 44:24 {Avoiding Anger while Guiding Others} I see a lot of New Age-ish things (energy, manifesting, vibes) creeping into Christ followers’ lives around me. I’ve gotten blow-back trying to correct people in love. Do you have any advice about how to continue the conversation without angering them?
    7. 47:48 {Malachi 4, Elijah & The End Times} Does the last verse of Malachi 4 suggest that Elijah will be one of the two witnesses in Revelation?
    8. 51:37 {Dying to Sexual Addictions} I’m only 18, but I’ve been addicted to pornography for 5 years now, which slowly turned homosexual over time. Can you please explain the past tense of “died” in Romans 6:2? Am I dead to sin, or do I die?
    9. 1:01:49 {How to Biblically Confront an Elder} How should a church member confront an elder biblically? Is Matthew 18 still applicable, or is there another text that applies since they are an elder?
    10. 1:05:09 {Baptized in the Name of Jesus Only?} Why were people baptized in Jesus’ name in the book of Acts? I was challenged by this question and can’t figure it out.
    BONUS Q! 1:07:59 We'll probably never find every artifact or an original manuscript. But what is on your list of top biblical artifacts you hope are discovered? Israel in Egypt is one of mine.

    My full video on the biblical case for infant salvation is HERE.

    My full review of Joel Osteen’s “Mary” movie is HERE.

    I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.
    To ask a question in an upcoming session, you'll need to follow these instructions:

    1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
    2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
    3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning so we can easily identify that you are sending it in as a question for me and not just a comment for the chat.
    4. Try to be as clear as possible so I won't misunderstand the question. Keep in mind that I don't know anything about your question other than what you type in that short comment.
    5. Include specific verse references when possible or applicable.

    13 December 2024, 11:02 pm
  • 1 hour 45 minutes
    "Mary" is bad. My review of Netflix's rewrite of the virgin Mary.

    I watched it so you don't have to.

    Here’s my read through and commentary on the Protoevangelium of James: Click Here

    My website:

    12 December 2024, 12:07 am
  • 1 hour 23 seconds
    FAKE 2nd Century Gospel: It Changed Catholic and Orthodox Theology

    I'm reading every single word of this forgery today. You'll see the clear agenda of the author, as well as how it changes the biblical story to promote the exaltation of Mary.

    Condemned by Pope Innocent I. Rejected in the Gelasian decree. Highly influential in the historical development of new beliefs about Mary.

    Read it for yourself HERE

    Here's a video where I cover some of the evidence and arguments that show us Jesus really had brothers from his mother Mary: Click Here

    My goal is to help you learn to think biblically about everything. My website:

    9 December 2024, 8:31 pm
  • 18 minutes 3 seconds
    Netflix made a movie about Mary. I’m concerned.

    I hope I'm wrong about this. Let's wait and see.

    I'm Mike Winger and my goal is to help you learn to think biblically about everything.

    My website:

    20 November 2024, 9:14 pm
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    17 hard questions about Christian marriage (for my church)

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

    0:00 - Intro
    1. 1:27 {Leading When You Don’t Feel Worthy} How do you lead as a husband when you’ve betrayed and dishonored your wife and are not “worthy” of the respect of your wife’s submission?
    2. 6:15 {Submitting to Overbearing Leadership} How does submission work with an overbearing husband? Is it ever OK to say, “You’re overstepping your role”?
    3. 22:24 {Earning Your Wife’s Trust/Respect} How does a husband win his wife’s trust and respect? Are there any virtues or goals that might be helpful in earning her trust?
    4. 28:03 {Spiritual Intimacy in Marriage} What does the Bible say about pursuing spiritual intimacy in a marriage, and how might a husband initiate and a wife respond to that pursuit?
    5. 32:03 {Can a Wife Pursue a Career?} Is it God’s ideal design that the wife is a housewife or stay at home mom rather than having a full-time career? What if it isn’t part of God’s will for them to have children?
    6. 43:32 {Wife Provides = Husband Neglects?} Does a husband submit to his wife by being a provider? Is a married couple living in sin if their roles are reversed?
    7. 43:56 {Submission & Initiative in Harmony} How do submission and taking initiative fit together?
    8. 47:35 {Servant Leadership in Marriage} How does servant leadership look in your marriage? And can you elaborate on “according to her gifts”?
    9. 51:20 {Meaning of “Weaker Vessel”} What does “weaker vessel” mean?
    10. 53:59 {Headship & The Fall} Is Adam ruling over his wife in Genesis 3:16 a godly ruling or a domineering ruling over his wife? What does this mean for husbands and wives today?
    11. 57:49 {Finding a Good Counselor} What are the necessary considerations for finding a trustworthy and appropriate marriage counselor(s)?
    12. 1:00:12 {When a Wife Refuses to Submit} If a husband wants to exercise headship and his wife struggles with this, what should the husband do?
    13. 1:03:31 {Marital Dynamics} We are very much best friends but how can we learn the husband/wife part?
    14. 1:06:37 {Following Jesus’ Lead} How does Jesus lead the Church, and what can earthly husbands take away from His example?
    15. 1:12:29 {Why the Church Struggles} Why does this topic within the American church hold such a minority position?
    16. 1:16:51 {More BibleThinker Content!} Where do we find brother Winger’s talks/videos?
    17. 1:17:09 {Comp. vs. Egal. Divorce Rates} Are divorce rates substantially different between Christian complementarian couples and Christian egalitarian couples? Does anyone know the research?

    LINKS you may want...

    My full, 33 hour video series on Women in Ministry (each video in this playlist has timestamps for your convenience):
    Click Here

    Three more videos related to the topic of a woman working outside the home, or a man staying at home:
    Video 1
    Video 2
    Video 3

    My FULL examination of whether male headship is a result of the fall or set up by God prior to the fall:
    Click Here

    For marriage counseling, my church recommends Turning Point Counseling.

    How to be a husband: Click Here
    How to be a wife: Click Here

    Nancy Pearcey’s book, The Toxic War on Masculinity. I do recommend it: Click Here

    My website:

    19 November 2024, 9:03 pm
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    Can Fallen Pastors Be Restored? 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 36)

    Today's Time Stamps:

    1. 0:10 {Can Fallen Leaders Be Restored?} Can fallen pastors who have engaged in egregious sin be restored back to ministry?
    2. 52:33 {Jesus’ Ministry – Which Nature?} Do you believe Jesus did His ministry of preaching, teaching, and healing out of His divinity, or out of His humanity empowered by the Holy Spirit, in light of Matthew 3:16-17, etc.? What about us?
    3. 58:06 {Being Zealous for God’s Glory} In light of God's zeal for His own glory in all the Earth (see Ezekiel 36:22-23; Psalm 46:10; 2 Chronicles 6:32-33), how can Christians be zealous for His glory among the nations, especially those who cannot go?
    4. 1:00:52 {“The River” = Heaven?} Is there a biblical basis for songs about “crossing the river” into Heaven, or is that just Greek mythology? Is the Jordan River a legitimate biblical metaphor for dying and going to the Promised Land/Heaven?
    5. 1:05:55 {Thinking Biblically about All Creation} Since all is God’s creation, will God hold us blameworthy for killing insects and other critters like cockroaches, mosquitoes, bees, spiders, mice, etc.?
    6. 1:09:46 {Can the Unsaved Seek God?} Can people not yet saved seek after God? Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:7 to “…seek and knock and it will be opened,” but in Romans 3:10 it says “There is no one who understands; There is no one who seeks God.”
    7. 1:12:31 {Lazarus’ Resurrection – Missing?} I find the fact that the resurrection of Lazarus is missing from the Synoptics and the epistles to be unsettling. Do you have any insights on why such a massive claim is not in the earliest texts?
    8. 1:16:52 {“By Faith” vs. “Through Faith”} What is the difference between “by faith” and “through faith” in Romans 3: 30?
    9. 1:19:49 {Investing in Rental Properties – Sin?} I would like to start investing in rental homes. Is this flat out a sin and should I be just giving my excess to the needy people, or is it OK to invest to earn more, and just give then?
    10. 1:21:35 {Are My Dreams from God?} My pastor says you can tell if a dream is from God by whether or not it aligns with Gods Word, but also if it’s very bright, warm, and vivid. He says if you’re afraid in the dream, then it’s not from God. Is that true?

    • Are Christmas trees idols? A study of Jeremiah 10: Click Here
    • The Romans Series (verse-by-verse through the book): Click Here
    • The Hebrews Series (verse-by-verse through the book): Click Here

    I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.

    To ask a question in an upcoming session, you'll need to follow these instructions:
    1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
    2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
    3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning so we can easily identify that you are sending it in as a question for me and not just a comment in the chat.
    4. Try to be as clear as possible so I won't misunderstand the question. Keep in mind that I don't know anything about your question other than what you type in that short comment.
    5. Include specific verse references when possible or applicable.

    15 November 2024, 11:03 pm
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    What the Bible Says about Immigration: 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 35)

    Today's Time Stamps:

    1. 0:18 {A Biblical View of Immigration} What are some biblical thoughts surrounding the political issue of immigration?
    2. 49:40 {Confessing Your Faith when Difficult} I'm a 30 y/o woman in SoCal, financially dependent on my Muslim parents. I've studied for years and I’m now feeling called to Christ. I fear being kicked out. Any advice on how to tell them I'm Christian?
    3. 52:03 {Eternal Begottenness?} Should we hold to eternal begottenness of the Son which seems to suggest that the Son was caused? It seems orthodox, but wrong to say of God.
    4. 56:13 {When Discipline turns to Drudgery} William Booth says, “We ought not consult feelings but do our duty.” How does that not then become drudgery? How do we be disciplined like Daniel, yet not mechanical?
    5. 58:11 {Hosting Sinners in our Homes} Is 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 only for corporate gatherings or also for private gatherings such as family meals, etc.? Should Christians host professing Christian family members who are living in unrepentant sin?
    6. 1:03:00 {Overcoming Difficult Addictions} I’ve tried SO many times trying to quit vaping. I’m starting to feel like a bad Christian. Any advice?
    7. 1:04:51 {Contemplative Prayer} I'm curious about contemplative and listening prayer practices promoted in my church. Are they rooted in or influenced by Eastern mysticism or New Age ideologies?
    8. 1:08:01 {Why Didn’t God Forbid Polygamy?} If verses like Exodus 21:10 aren't supporting polygamy but protecting women in a bad situation, why didn't God just outlaw polygamy outright? I agree with you, but don't know how to counter this argument.
    9. 1:13:10 {Obeying our Conscience} Is Romans 14:23 about emotional doubt or intellectual doubt? For example, I'm mentally convinced that ham is OK to eat but I still doubt it emotionally. Which is my conscience to obey?
    10. 1:17:21 {What is a Heart of Flesh?} What does giving us a heart of flesh mean, when flesh is usually negative?

    If you want more info on this issue of immigration and the Bible, I recommend reading this very short book. It's also free. I am not saying I agree with everything in it but I think it's generally useful: Click Here 

    Analyzing Rob the Polygamy guy: Click Here

    Showing how four polygamy proponents twist Scripture: Click Here

    My video on why the death penalty is biblical and all nations should have one: Click Here

    I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.
    To ask a question you'll need to follow these instructions:
    1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
    2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
    3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning so we can easily identify that you are sending it in as a question for me and not just a comment in the chat.
    4. Try to be as clear as possible so I won't misunderstand the question. Keep in mind that I don't know anything about your question other than what you type in that short comment.
    5. Include specific verse references when possible or applicable.

    8 November 2024, 11:15 pm
  • 1 hour 29 minutes
    When the NT quotes the Catholic Apocrypha: The Hebrews Series pt 3 (1:2-4)

    You can't do this stuff on a Sunday morning, but I can do it here! Going deep on the Christology of Hebrews 1:2-4, the Catholic Apocryphal book The Wisdom of Solomon, and seeing the absolute glory of Jesus.

    Links you may want:

    • Hebrews series playlist: Click Here
    • The Gospel of Mark series playlist: Click Here
    • How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament (typology): Click Here
    • Notes from today's study, free for everyone: Click Here

    My website:

    7 November 2024, 4:39 am
  • 1 hour 43 minutes
    Where it all went wrong: THAT Andy Stanley sermon. (Full Analysis)

    He is cutting off important truths and saying that the Apostles did it. Here's an analysis of Andy Stanley's teaching on the Apostles and the Bible.


    My website:

    29 October 2024, 4:16 pm
  • 58 minutes 35 seconds
    I Misrepresented Scripture: 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 34)

    Today's Time Stamps:

    1. 0:04 {Confession Time} What did Mike get wrong about Genesis 2, relating to the topic of polygamy?
    2. 9:16 {All Things vs. All This Through Christ?} The NIV changed Philippians 4:13 from I can do "all things" to "all this" which makes more sense to me in context. Do you think "all things" has been misused historically? Will other translations follow?
    3. 14:52 and 19:57 {Unforgivable Sin in The Didache?} In the Didache, judging the spirits wrongly was included as the unforgivable sin. Could you explain why you think that is not the case?
    4. 17:17 {Apathy vs. Anxiety} I have a lot of guilt/shame about not suffering for Christ the way missionaries and the persecuted church do. How do I find the balance between lukewarmness and anxiety that I'm not doing enough?
    5. 27:27 {Can We Live More than 120 yrs?} How come people live more than 120 years when God said we wouldn’t in Genesis 6:3?
    6. 30:39 {Spiritual Power?} How can I argue biblically against the idea that we gain personal power/status in the spiritual realm by being full of the Spirit, and how does this relate to abiding in Christ & James 5-16?
    7. 37:51 {Advice for Depression & Spiritual Dryness} When I was a teen, I had depression leading to a suicide attempt. Through God I'm still here, married, and have a family. I read/study the Bible and pray, but I feel lost and far from God. Advice?
    8. 42:17 {The Doctrine of Impassability} Can you help me understand the doctrine of impassability a little bit better? It's confusing for me, and I'm not sure how to relate to the Lord and bring Him my pain, knowing this doctrine.
    9. 47:11 {Balancing Ministry & Family} As a young youth pastor, I am struggling to balance my desire to fully invest time and energy into ministry, with also being married with 2 young boys (2 and 1). Can you give some good principles here?
    10. 51:31 {If Trump Wins, Were the Prophets Right?} If Donald Trump gets elected this year, does that somehow validate any of the false prophets from 4 years ago who prophesied that he would have a second term?

    LINKS you may want:

    • An analysis of the unforgivable sin: Click Here
    • Related (somewhat) to divine impassibility: How could Jesus be tempted?: Click Here
    • On depression: Click Here

    I do this live stream most Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. You're welcome to join.
    To ask a question, you'll need to follow these instructions:
    1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
    2. Post questions as comments in the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
    3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning so we can easily identify that you are sending it in as a question for me and not just a comment in the chat.
    4. Try to be as clear as possible so I won't misunderstand the question. Keep in mind that I don't know anything about your question other than what you type in that short comment.
    5. Include specific verse references when possible or applicable.

    25 October 2024, 9:53 pm
  • 2 hours 1 minute
    This Is How the Polygamy Cult Begins

    Dear polygamists, you’re being lied to. Let me show you.

    1. 9:27 Jesus told a parable about polygamy.
    2. 33:55 Polygamy in the early church (1 Cor. 5).
    3. 37:20 Moses was a polygamist.
    4. 43:00 Monogamy destroyed the world.
    5. 48:12 Polygamy was never tolerated, because it was good.
    6. 55:02 How they define adultery.
    7. 1:05:34 The Bible is mistranslated. A “woman is possessed by a man.”
    8. 1:20:44 Bible is mistranslated again. Pastors can be polygamists.
    9. 1:33:29 God is a polygamist.
    10. 1:49:06 Don’t look at what Jesus said.
    11. 1:51:22 Proof that the OT loves polygamy.
    12. 1:56:59 David was “given” Saul’s wives.
    13. 1:57:32 Levirate marriage commands polygamy.
    14. 1:58:41 The pro-polygamy movement is built on lies.

    Do you still have questions? Read THIS paper. It gives thoughtful responses to polygamist claims, including more info on levirate marriage and Saul’s wives being “given” to David.

    If a polygamist gets saved, should they get divorced?: Click Here

    Jesus taught monogamy: Click Here

    A survey of all polygamy related stuff in Genesis, and what it means: Click Here

    Divorce and Remarriage: Everything the Bible Says about it: Click Here

    Article on Vince Bantu, with links to evidence: Click Here

    My Women in Ministry series (over 30 hours on all the debates): Click Here

    My website:

    24 October 2024, 7:33 pm
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