Kenneth Copeland Ministries 2017 Events

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

  • 57 minutes 18 seconds
    2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Saturday Evening Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)

    Join Kenneth Copeland for the Saturday evening offering message at the 2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign.

    14 November 2017, 9:27 pm
  • 20 minutes 22 seconds
    2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Thursday Evening Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)

    Kenneth Copeland shares the Thursday evening offering message duringĀ the 2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign.

    14 November 2017, 9:23 pm
  • 49 minutes 25 seconds
    2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Friday Evening Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)

    Join Kenneth Copeland for the Friday evening offering message at the 2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign.

    14 November 2017, 9:21 pm
  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Partnership Message (9:00 a.m.)

    Kenneth Copeland shares about the power of partnership during the Friday morning session of the 2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign.

    14 November 2017, 9:19 pm
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Walking in Authority and Obedience to God (7:00 p.m.)

    In this Saturday evening closing service, Kenneth Copeland teaches about how to walk in the authority of the Name of Jesus. We must recognize the fact that walking in the Name means to walk circumspectly, with our obedience to God. Hear more of this message during theĀ 2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign.

    13 November 2017, 9:56 pm
  • 2 hours 38 minutes
    2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Key Issues in Receiving Healing (9:30 a.m.)

    Healing school is taking place at the 2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign! Receive an impartation of fresh anointing from the Holy Spirit as Kenneth Copeland ministers on healing and the importance of walking in love. In addition, Kellie Copeland and Pastor Tracy Harris share about the fire of God that is present to burn sin and disease out of your life. As you watch this message, use your faith to hear what you personally need to hear to receive your healing. Welcome the fire of the Holy Ghost to do miracles in your life today!

    13 November 2017, 9:55 pm
  • 1 hour 48 minutes
    2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Words Dominate Human Life (7:00 p.m.)

    Your words are a creative force that can dominate the outcome of your life. Kenneth Copeland shares the importance of taking power over your tongue so it can be an "igniter" for blessing and not cursing. Learn to say the same things that Jesus already said and live a life full of victory! Hear more during this Friday evening session of the 2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign.

    13 November 2017, 9:48 pm
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: How to Make Withdrawals From Your Heavenly Bank Account (2:00 p.m.)

    During this Friday afternoon session, Pastor George Pearsons teaches about the process of making withdrawals from your heavenly account. As you exercise your faith regarding your finances, your vision will enlarge. What is it that you've been believing for in past years that you need to believe for again? Let this message raise your expectations and dare to believe for a higher level of prosperity than you've ever dreamed was possible!

    13 November 2017, 9:46 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: The Way the Force of Faith Works (7:00 p.m.)

    Join Kenneth Copeland for the opening session of the 2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign, at the Hylton Memorial Chapel in Woodbridge, Va. Let the creative force of faith work in your life as you speak God's words.

    13 November 2017, 9:42 pm
  • 1 hour 56 minutes
    2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: The Anointing Exchange (9:00 a.m.)

    Kenneth Copeland shares about the divine exchange of the anointing that happened at the cross of Jesus. You are redeemed from the curse and have received the blessing of Abraham. In addition, Kenneth also teaches how becoming a partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries allows you to receive the benefits of this anointing. Hear more about this message and the power of partnership during the Friday morning session of the 2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign.

    13 November 2017, 9:30 pm
  • 28 minutes 58 seconds
    2017 Living Victory Anaheim: Saturday Morning, Pre-Service Prayer (9:00 a.m.)

    Pray with Lyndsey Rae, Kellie Copeland's daughter, during Saturday morning pre-service prayer at the 2017 Living Victory Anaheim meeting in California.

    9 September 2017, 9:00 am
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