Welcome to the John Nuzzo Leadership Podcast, a monthly discussion of essential church leadership skills including communication, delegation, creativity, and flexibility. The goal of this leadership podcast is to equip church leaders of all ages and positions (pastors, staff members, and volunteers) with the skills they need to impact the world for Christ. John Nuzzo is a pastor, communicator, and the founder of Victory Family Church in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania. For additional information, visit xchangeatvictory.com/leadership-podcast.
In this month’s podcast, Pastor John interviews Ron Brooks, an entrepreneur and long-time business owner, and gives just a peek into their lives. Ron and his wife Sharon have a biblical view of money that few people share. They have a lifestyle of giving and believe it is a privilege to be able to help others. Ron classifies their giving as being “addictive in their lives.”
As you listen, you will hear story after story of two people who love God and have the heart of God where money is concerned. Our prayer is that God would make this lifestyle real to you and that you step into another realm of understanding the heart of God where finances are concerned.
In October of 2023, Pastor John visited a couple in Maine whom he mentors as part of our Northeast expansion initiative. In this podcast, Pastor John details the story of what happened during this visit, which allowed the couple to purchase a building, renovate it, and have services in it within one year. A grace came alongside and accelerated them.
The question that was then raised to Pastor John was, “Why aren’t you doing this here?” We have two campuses that need buildings, and although one is purchased already, things seem to be on hold. It was then that Pastor John realized that although he has amazingly gifted people around him, it is Pastor John who has the calling and grace to build. Grace opens doors.
All believers have received a very specific grace deposit from God to do their part in the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:7). Yet as leaders, we are tempted to live apart from that grace. We have to discover our grace and then live by it.
What has God graced you to do? Are you doing things you are not graced to do? Have you asked others to do things they are not graced to do? As you listen, you will discover the answers to these questions and have a better understanding of divine enablement to do your part in the Body of Christ.
Ask yourself these questions:
· How do you treat people?
· Do you get angry quickly?
· Do you treat people above you with honor but those below you in the organization differently?
Pastor John Nuzzo unpacks a critical element to pastoring and serving people effectively in this month’s podcast. Based on personal experiences, Pastor John explains the difference between internal and external drivers which cause us to act the way we do. How we treat people comes from one of these two drivers—that’s what influences us.
Most of the things we do, we do unintentionally. As leaders, we must be both self-aware and others aware. We must treat people the way Jesus treated them. If we don’t value people, we will not be able to treat them well.
When you discover what drives you, it will give you an understanding and compassion for broken people. If there is one thing that has caused us to be fruitful in our marriage and relationship with people and in pastoring and shepherding people, it is to love people where they are and just as they are and to understand that there’s always a why we cannot see.
Pastor John Nuzzo continues his teaching on God and Government. Last month, he focused on how to steward your vote in this upcoming election as a Christian. Please listen to the October podcast if you haven’t already. This month, the focus is on how to navigate God and Government as a child of God and a leader.
We are commanded in every area of our lives to lead people to the light. The only source of preservation on this earth is the salt and light of the Church and the Body of Christ.
If your primary source of hope for the world is either lost or found by the outcome of this election, consider this: you have already made government your god and your source of hope. The moment government becomes your source of hope for freedom is the moment it becomes your god.
We don’t have enemies; we only have a mission field. Vote for the person whose policies and platform most closely align with biblical principles. Jesus in you is the salt and light of the earth and the light in this world.
Please register for the Gerald Brooks Pittsburgh Roundtable on Tuesday, December 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bridge City Church in Pittsburgh. The cost is $50. Register at geraldbrooksministries.com. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to lead from a biblical perspective.
· Should a Christian vote?
· How should a Christian vote?
This is not a political podcast. This podcast by Pastor John Nuzzo is about discipling God’s people and how to steward their Kingdom responsibility while living in a representative republic. As we approach this precarious and divided time in our nation, Pastor Nuzzo challenges Christians to understand our responsibility as believers to avoid some of the greatest errors we can make. We’re here to represent Jesus on the earth.
Have you ever said this or heard someone say, “If ______________ wins this election, it’s over? If those thoughts are prominent in your mind or coming out of your mouth, government is already your god.
When government becomes God, it’s one of the most dangerous things that can happen to humanity because what it seeks to do is so dangerous. As you listen, you will begin to understand your part as a Christian in this election. Let’s be united as Christians in having a voice that represents our King!
On behalf of River Valley and Victory Family Church Network, we would like to invite you to the Generosity Accelerator event. Join us on Thursday, October 10 at Victory Family Church (21150 Route 19, Cranberry Twp., PA 16066) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch and snacks are provided. This is a FREE event. Please register here.
This month, Pastor John Nuzzo interviews Pastor Rob Ketterling, Lead Pastor of River Valley Church in Minneapolis, MN. He has coached and discipled many through an initiative called Kingdom Builders and has personally seen God grow their church from $157,000 to more than $10,000,000 above the tithe, which has helped build unified local communities, plant more churches, and has sent missionaries around the world!
According to Pastor John: “Since Victory initiated Kingdom Builders, in five years general giving increased by 85% and missions giving by 347%! Rob has made a greater impact in discipling our church than anything we’ve ever done! It is one of the most remarkable things I’ve ever witnessed! It has revolutionized the church I pastor and the pastor who pastors it!”
Hear Pastor Rob share the heart of this ministry as well as the “why” behind it. If you want to change the culture of your church to being about being blessed to be a blessing for God’s glory, you will want to invest the time to listen to this podcast and to attend the Generosity Accelerator (information below).
On behalf of River Valley and Victory Family Church Network, we would like to invite you to the Generosity Accelerator event. Join us on Thursday, October 10 at Victory Family Church (21150 Route 19, Cranberry Twp., PA 16066) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch and snacks are provided. This is a FREE event. Please register here by September 26. Register here
Pastor John Nuzzo continues his message regarding turning the hearts of the Fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the Fathers. When God does this, He will also be turning them away from something: that is idols.
Idols exist in both generations that will impede the form of the wineskin and will impede the acceleration of the emergent generation in fulfilling the purpose of God for their lives. What are these idols?
Pastor Nuzzo speaks candidly to the Abrahams and Isaacs about their idols and about how to rescue a nation in our current culture. We live in difficult times, but the gospel doesn’t need perfect times to thrive. Our best days are in front of us. Yield to God’s presence and let God be true and every man a liar!
This month, Pastor John shares his heart about a new wineskin that is emerging. God is building a new wineskin to operate through a new generation, and it is designed to affect three generations. Whether you are an Abraham, an Isaac, or a Jacob, this podcast is for you.
Pastor John shares examples of two leaders in his life who have followed the example in Malachi 4 that helped to accelerate his ministry: “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers OR ELSE I will come to strike the land with a curse.”
Through extended prayer, Pastor John has received clarity on the true meaning of Malachi 4 and shares how Abrahams, Isaacs, and Jacobs can dwell together.
In this podcast episode, Pastor John Nuzzo is privileged to interview Dr. John Maxwell, who is known as the # 1 leadership authority. A number one New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker, John Maxwell has sold more than 24 million books in several languages. More than that, he is a devout Christian who intentionally uses his gifting and skills for a higher purpose.
Listening to this interview will change your perspective forever. Learn how John Maxwell has transformed nations by simply adding value to people, then ask yourself one question: Do you live such a life that people want that life?
In this month’s podcast, Pastor John Nuzzo articulates the structure and importance of biblical leadership in the church. Multiplication is one of the primary things God is endeavoring to do church-wide, not only in the church, but in individual believers’ lives to multiply them so they can multiply the Kingdom. There is a lid, however, that if not overcome will stop you, as a leader, in your tracks—the lid of structure.
Pastor John expounds on the biblical leadership model and explains the importance of the capacity of the leaders around you. Grow in empowering leaders around you and narrow the field of who you speak to, ultimately so you can multiply, and then they can multiply, and they can multiply the Kingdom of God.
If you found this podcast to be of benefit, share it with other leaders or leave a review.
Please join us for Encounter Conference, June 19 – 21, 2024, at Victory Family Church in Cranberry Twp., PA. This conference is for middle school and senior high students and their leaders. For details, visit ENCOUNTERCONFERENCE.INFO. Registration is only $49 per person and is open now with this link https://encounterconference.info/
In this month’s podcast, Pastor John Nuzzo enlightens us regarding the importance of the punctuation mark we place on our lives. Through personal experiences, he reveals the domino effect of our using the correct punctuation in life. The domino effect is not only up to God; it depends upon our choices as well. When we choose to place a period in our lives rather than a comma, it can be devastating—not only to our own lives, but to countless others also.
Listening to this message will help you to see that no matter the present circumstances you face; no matter why the periods may be trying to drop in your life—you matter! Your obedience matters! Choose your punctuation mark today as a leader. It matters! Only eternity will record the domino effect of your decision to fight the good fight of faith, to finish your course, and to remain faithful.
Please join us for Encounter Conference, June 19 – 21, 2024, at Victory Family Church in Cranberry Twp., PA. This conference is for junior and senior high students and their leaders. Registration is only $29 per person and is open now with this link https://encounterconference.info/
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