Everyday Wisdom for Catholic Women
Hey friends!
Please enjoy this short episode explaining how the Eucharist IS the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Join us, and let's continue to work to BRING THE EUCHARISTIC REVIVAL HOME!
Explore with me how I came to know, believe and love the Church’s teaching on Mary!
Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/
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This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,
Storytime! Since we are talking about the saints celebrating their feast days this week, including St. Dominic, I took this opportunity to share my own Dominic/Holy Rosary stories. Both take place in France outside of Toulouse, but they are set about 10 years apart.
In part one, I am a solo traveler to rural France where I realize my High School French is 0% helpful and no one there speaks English at all. Through a strange and beautiful prayer exercise in the “green cathedral,” I am introduced to St. Dominic.
In part two I am married and pregnant with my fifth baby. During this trip I learned the hard way that mid-zed SUVs don’t fit well inside medieval towns and stay three doors down from where St. Dominic once lived.
I hope you enjoy these stories and they inspire you to start or keep praying a daily Rosary!
Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/
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Drop Nancy an email at [email protected] with a word of encouragement or an idea for a future episode.
This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,
This week on the Catholic Sprouts Podcast we are exploring what it means to be Catholic. This is an important question to tackle as we build and nurture our identity as Catholics. It is our goal to nurture our identity as Catholics here at Catholic Sprouts, which is why we are launching the CLUBHOUSE today. The CLUBHOUSE is a membership for Catholic kids, and I’m explaining all of the details in this episode.
You can learn more and join us (doors open 8-1!) right here: https://catholicsprouts.com/clubhouse/
Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/
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Drop Nancy an email at [email protected] with a word of encouragement or an idea for a future episode.
This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,
Well, I decided to spill the beans on a project that we have been working on for a long time, and I am hopeful will come into being this fall: a church history book told through biographies of the saints. I have grown frustrated with how many church history books tell history either through secular leaders (like emperors) or heretics. So, we decided to write a history of the church told through the movement of the Holy Spirit as demonstrated through the lives of the saints.
This week on the Catholic Sprouts podcast I talk through the biographies of saints celebrating feast days this week, and two of the saints celebrating feast days are included in this upcoming history book: St. Christina the Astonishing and St. Simeon Stylite. These two oddballs are great examples of how God can use ANYONE to build up His Church if we are open to the moments of the Holy Spirit.
We are still pulling this book together, but you can plan to look for it later this fall!
Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/
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Drop Nancy an email at [email protected] with a word of encouragement or an idea for a future episode.
This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,
We are finally done with all of the CST topics! Yay! From here forward this podcast will be weekly, and will explore, in a more adult way, the topics we are covering on the Catholic Sprouts podcast. The plan is to hit record on this podcast as soon as I finish recording the Catholic Sprouts Podcast, and that is exactly what I did today!
So, friendship. I have often felt like I was a “bad friend”, simply because I have been blessed with so many amazing friends! In my rambling way, in this episode I discuss how good Christian friendships are, often, meant to make us feel uncomfortable. I also share that I’m not interested in a friendship with a mom where all we do is talk about our kids (sorry, not sorry). And, at the end I reflect on Jesus’s desire to be our friend, and how I need to be a better conversationalist (and slow down) when I am in prayer.
I hope you found these thoughts helpful--and that you have a wonderful Christian friend in your life that will challenge you to embrace holiness!
Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/
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Drop Nancy an email at [email protected] with a word of encouragement or an idea for a future episode.
This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,
This is the last episode covering the topics of Catholic Social Teaching! Yay!!! Thank you for following along, and I hope you enjoy this last episode.
This episode explores the fact that the land and animals are a gift from God, and how amazing that truth is to hold onto as we interact with nature and animals. Also, we become co-workers with God when we plant a seed of care for an animal. I share about how experiencing the death of a beloved animal was so powerful for me, and helped me see the difference between a person and an animal. Finally, I explore the story of Cain and Abel--and how even though we might not be tilling the earth or raising flocks, we still need to be making an acceptable offering to God with what the earth gives us.
Our exploration of Stewardship of the Land and Animals comes directly out of our new book, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH. CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH a ready-to-use script for Catholic parents as they set to work teaching their children the TRUTH on all of our modern moral and social issues. With full Imprimatur from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, you can trust this book to effectively teach what is true, while inviting your child into what is also beautiful.
Organized around the themes laid out by the USCCB, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH will walk you and your child through all 31 Catholic Social Teaching topics, from the Dignity of the Human Person, through the Call to Family, Solidarity, Care for the Land and Workers Rights.
To get your copy, head here: https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/products/catholic-social-teaching-for
Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/
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Drop Nancy an email at [email protected] with a word of encouragement or an idea for a future episode.
This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,
The Church teaches that all people, regardless of race, are created in the image and likeness of God. Also, Christ died and shed His blood for ALL people. Therefore, all people are worthy of love and should enjoy equal rights. Also, we are not called to simply “tolerate” people. We are called to love them.
Unfortunately, we all will need to teach very clearly on the issue of race. This came to the front in my family after the murder of Geroge Floyd. We also need to make sure that our children see race in the right way. God is wonderfully creative and humanity is the peak of His creation. Therefore, when we see a variety of races we should rejoice in our God and His creativity!
Finally, when racism comes up in your home, I encourage you to share the story of Venerable Augustus Tolton with your family. He experienced terrible racism within the Catholic Church, and yet he gave his life to the Church as a hold priest. His story is included in Catholic Social Teaching for Youth, our newest resource.
Our exploration of Racism comes directly out of our new book, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH. CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH a ready-to-use script for Catholic parents as they set to work teaching their children the TRUTH on all of our modern moral and social issues. With full Imprimatur from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, you can trust this book to effectively teach what is true, while inviting your child into what is also beautiful.
Organized around the themes laid out by the USCCB, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH will walk you and your child through all 31 Catholic Social Teaching topics, from the Dignity of the Human Person, through the Call to Family, Solidarity, Care for the Land and Workers Rights.
To get your copy, head here: https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/products/catholic-social-teaching-for-youth
Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/
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Drop Nancy an email at [email protected] with a word of encouragement or an idea for a future episode.
This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,
Terrorism is the use of violence against non-military people for political or personal gain. Terrorism attempts to control or change through fear. 9-11 Was the greatest act of terrorism this country has seen, and when our children learn about the events of that day, we need to be clear that terrorism is wrong.
However, the Bishops teach that when terrorism occurs, we need to look for causes in our own behavior. Why did this group feel that the only course of action they could take was an act of terrorism. Also, the only way for us to avoid terrorism in the future is to focus on justice and love for all people.
The example of Blessed Stanley Rother is a powerful reminder that even in the face of fear and danger, we must continue to love. Also, love looks like faithfulness and fighting for those we are asked to care for.
Our exploration of Terrorism comes directly out of our new book, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH. CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH a ready-to-use script for Catholic parents as they set to work teaching their children the TRUTH on all of our modern moral and social issues. With full Imprimatur from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, you can trust this book to effectively teach what is true, while inviting your child into what is also beautiful.
Organized around the themes laid out by the USCCB, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH will walk you and your child through all 31 Catholic Social Teaching topics, from the Dignity of the Human Person, through the Call to Family, Solidarity, Care for the Land and Workers Rights.
To get your copy, head here: https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/products/catholic-social-teaching-for-youth
Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/
Looking for a way to support this podcast? Here are some ideas:
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Purchase something in the Catholic Sprouts Shop: https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/
Drop Nancy an email at [email protected] with a word of encouragement or an idea for a future episode.
This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,
As the Church teachers, war is a terrible phenomenon that should be avoided at all costs. To illustrate this, the Church offers us the “Just War Doctrine” something that applies to every few modern conflicts. In order for a war to be “just” it must:
Be the result of damage by the aggressor that is lasting, grave and certain.
All other means of resolution must have been exhausted
There must be a serious prospect of success and peace following the conflict.
The war must produce less evil that it seeks to eliminate through the conflict.
The opposite of war is peace--and peace is something that we all should be striving for out in our own hearts, homes and communities.
Our exploration of War comes directly out of our new book, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH. CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH a ready-to-use script for Catholic parents as they set to work teaching their children the TRUTH on all of our modern moral and social issues. With full Imprimatur from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, you can trust this book to effectively teach what is true, while inviting your child into what is also beautiful.
Organized around the themes laid out by the USCCB, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH will walk you and your child through all 31 Catholic Social Teaching topics, from the Dignity of the Human Person, through the Call to Family, Solidarity, Care for the Land and Workers Rights.
To get your copy, head here: https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/products/catholic-social-teaching-for-youth
Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/
Looking for a way to support this podcast? Here are some ideas:
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Purchase something in the Catholic Sprouts Shop: https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/
Drop Nancy an email at [email protected] with a word of encouragement or an idea for a future episode.
This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,
Today’s episode explores the fifth theme of Catholic Social Teaching as laid out by the US Bishops. I am discussing both topics, Dignity of Work and Workers Rights, together in this episode.
Above all else, I desire for my children to learn that work has dignity--and this applies to all work: jobs, chores around the house and school work. We are like our Creator when we work, and we are often allowed to be co-creators through our work. Therefore, our work gives us dignity. Also, through our work we are refined and made better versions of ourselves.
St. Joseph is the perfect example of work. While he worked Christ stood at his side, sharing in his work and in conversation. We should all approach our work like this!
In this episode I also outline the five rights our Church defines for all workers. Workers have a right to productive work and fair wages. They also should be free to organize, work in safe conditions and own private property. The Church also defends worker’s right to strike.
Our exploration of Dignity of Work and Workers Rights comes directly out of our new book, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH. CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH a ready-to-use script for Catholic parents as they set to work teaching their children the TRUTH on all of our modern moral and social issues. With full Imprimatur from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, you can trust this book to effectively teach what is true, while inviting your child into what is also beautiful.
Organized around the themes laid out by the USCCB, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH will walk you and your child through all 31 Catholic Social Teaching topics, from the Dignity of the Human Person, through the Call to Family, Solidarity, Care for the Land and Workers Rights.
To get your copy, head here: https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/products/catholic-social-teaching-for-youth
Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/
Looking for a way to support this podcast? Here are some ideas:
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Purchase something in the Catholic Sprouts Shop: https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/
Drop Nancy an email at [email protected] with a word of encouragement or an idea for a future episode.
This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,