Burning questions, not people.
In this week's bonus show, Matt and Keith take a handful of calls and discuss their forthcoming book, Reading Romans Right, which comes out this Tuesday, March 18.
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We'll get to your calls on next Friday's Bonus Show.
To join the Reading Romans Right launch team, click here!
Please consider signing up to financially support the Network: QuoirCast on Patreon
In this episode, we reminisce about 2024 and choose our Heretic of the Year, otherwise known as "The Jivanjee" award.
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We would love to get to your calls!
On today's livestream episode, Keith and Matthew talk about their upcoming book, Reading Romans Right, and take questions and comments from the audience.
To join Heresy After Hours, join the Facebook group. This is where the livestreams will take place every Sunday at 10 AM PST.
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We'll get to your calls on Friday's Bonus Show.
In this week's bonus show, Matt and Keith take your hotline calls and Keith learns what a MAGA rapper is.
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We'll get to your calls on next Friday's Bonus Show.
To join the Reading Romans Right launch team, click here!
Please consider signing up to financially support the Network: QuoirCast on Patreon
In this episode, we chat with Derek Webb, Angie Von Slaughter, and JP Mavinga about art, how it can be used as a resistance tool against oppressive regimes, but also how it transcends this at its core.
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We would love to get to your calls!
On today's livestream episode, Keith chats with artist JP Mavinga about science fiction and art.
To join Heresy After Hours, join the Facebook group. This is where the livestreams will take place every Sunday at 10 AM PST.
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We'll get to your calls on Friday's Bonus Show.
In this week's bonus show, Matt and Keith talk about Trump's antichrist Gaza video. Plus, as requested by the audience, a word from another sponsor.
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We'll get to your calls on next Friday's Bonus Show.
To join the Reading Romans Right launch team, click here!
Please consider signing up to financially support the Network: QuoirCast on Patreon
In this episode, we chat with Lisa Sharon Harper and Shane Claiborne how anti-DEI legislation is an all-out assault on human rights.
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We would love to get to your calls!
On today's livestream episode, Matthew goes it alone and answers questions from the audience.
To join Heresy After Hours, join the Facebook group. This is where the livestreams will take place every Sunday at 10 AM PST.
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We'll get to your calls on Friday's Bonus Show.
In this week's bonus show, Matt and Keith talk about hip-hop, we take your calls and texts, and even get to one of our new fake sponsors (upon special request!).
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We'll get to your calls on next Friday's Bonus Show.
To join the Reading Romans Right launch team, click here!
Please consider signing up to financially support the Network: QuoirCast on Patreon
In this episode, we chat with John Fugelsang, Angela Parker, and Desimber Rose about the government's recent move to go after "anti-Christian bias," whatever that means. Obviously, this is a move by right-wing nationalists to again exert their white Christian dominance in America. Tune in to find out why.
If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We would love to get to your calls!