Wee Ginger Dug Audioblogs

Paul Kavanagh (author), Sarah Mackie (recording & production)

When I'm not creating videos, I faff about with music and record soundscapes.

  • 2 minutes 19 seconds
    Orchestronic (Instrumental) - Work In Progress
    Still trying to improve on my orchestral/electro fusions...any and all critique or advice is welcome! Cover Photograph Copyright Sarah Mackie 2015.
    6 March 2016, 3:48 am
  • 2 minutes 50 seconds
    Delectation is my first solo composition. Delectation means 'humorous', or 'pleasure and delight', which I thought went pretty well with the music. This track was composed entirely in Ableton Live Suite 9. Cover photography Copyright Sarah Mackie 2008
    10 February 2016, 12:00 am
  • 3 minutes 14 seconds
    Again trying out orchestral music with a dance beat and melodic elements. I'd really appreciate any feedback and comments/critique to help me improve! :-) Thanks for listening :-D Cover photography copyright Sarah Mackie 2015.
    27 January 2016, 7:03 am
  • 2 minutes 45 seconds
    Experimenting with putting orchestral strings with electro sounds and a heavy beat. Obstinance is the definition for being stubborn. Cover photography copyright Sarah Mackie 2010.
    23 January 2016, 4:36 pm
  • 3 minutes 8 seconds
    Sherlock (BBC) - The Game Is On - OccamSHaver Remix
    Being one of those tracks you just can't get out of your head, and also a big Sherlock fan, I thought I'd have a bash at doing my own mix of 'The Game Is On', composed by David Arnold and Michael Price. :-) This is my first full-length remix, feedback/shares/likes/constructive criticism is always very welcome...as I'm just starting out and literally don't have much of a clue what I'm doing! Produced this track with Garageband, a few months before I got my hands on Ableton Live.
    2 January 2016, 4:59 pm
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