This is a Christian based podcast that is not afraid to look in the darkest places to shine light. We expose wickedness so that people are aware of it so they don’t get deceived by the devil who comes to kill steal and destroy. We tackle everything from conspiracy facts to Giants in the Bible. We also cover hard and unpopular subjects like child sex trafficking and Christian persecution & government corruption. So let no man deceive you. Research the facts presented here for your self as we seek truth together in these biblical end times we live in.

  • 59 minutes 55 seconds
    Ep,99 BACK WITH A END OF 2020 RANT
    In this episode i talk about coming back after not doing a show for months. I also do a lot of ranting about everything from the election to vaccines & everything in between. Love it or hate it its my point of view on the state of the world. I also play a funny but truthful audio clip from AwakenwithJP off YouTube. He has great videos to make ya laugh in these troubling times.
    25 December 2020, 11:19 am
  • 59 minutes 55 seconds
    In this episode I reveal the truth behind the Covid mask craze & how it’s turning into a cult. I share much needed info proving the mask craze is not beneficial to most of the people wearing masks. I share my thoughts & real professionals facts about masks. I also ask the question what will the world look like a year from now if we continue down this illogical path of fear & compromise. This is a fully packed episode with a massive amounts of info so please share it everywhere you can to get the message out. We need to say no to forced masks and forced vaccines and the forced mark of the beast.

    I can not share this show on Facebook due to my disabled and removed personal account. Please share this show where ever you think the message needs to be heard. Also please leave a review on iTunes or google. It helps to make the show more popular and easier to find in the search results. Also please check out the LEO RUTLEDGE YouTube channel for new Fringianity podcast episodes and subscribe. Fringianity podcast is also on twitter under the same name. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.
    11 July 2020, 8:54 pm
  • 59 minutes 55 seconds
    Ep,97 The Soros Empire (America Burning)
    In this episode I give my analysis of George Soros & his history as well as how he funds terrorist hate groups like Antifa & black lives matter among many others. I also break down current events as I see them. I talk about many topics. Everything from the lawless riots to the BLM (Act blue) superpac funding rich white political candidates. We are living in corrupt lawless times but our kingdom is not of this world if we are Christian. This world is fallen & Jesus is the only way to peace & salvation.

    I can not share this show on Facebook due to my disabled and removed personal account. Please share this show where ever you think the message needs to be heard. Also please leave a review on iTunes or google. It helps to make the show more popular and easier to find in the search results. Also please check out the LEO RUTLEDGE YouTube channel for new Fringianity podcast episodes and subscribe. Fringianity podcast is also on twitter under the same name. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.
    14 June 2020, 11:23 am
  • 59 minutes 55 seconds
    Ep,96 LOCKSTEP (The March To Global Destruction)
    In this episode I give my analysis of everything from the Plandemic to the reasons for food shortage to contact tracers. I rant a bit on this one so sorry for that. I hope the episode makes sense. Thanks for listening.

    I can not share this show on Facebook due to my disabled and removed personal account. Please share this show where ever you think the message needs to be heard. Also please leave a review on iTunes or google. It helps to make the show more popular and easier to find in the search results. Also please check out the LEO RUTLEDGE YouTube channel for new Fringianity podcast episodes and subscribe. Fringianity podcast is also on twitter under the same name. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.
    1 June 2020, 6:26 am
  • 59 minutes 55 seconds
    In this episode I analyze the level of deception the world is facing in these end times. I also rant quite a bit about facts and truth well the world seems to be in a brainwashed sleeping state. I cover many subjects. I also give my opinions and agree with a video from Israeli news live about the master plan of the devil.

    I can not share this show on Facebook due to my disabled and removed personal account. Please share this show where ever you think the message needs to be heard. Also please leave a review on iTunes or google. It helps to make the show more popular and easier to find in the search results. Also please check out the LEO RUTLEDGE YouTube channel for new Fringianity podcast episodes and subscribe. Fringianity podcast is also on twitter under the same name. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.
    4 May 2020, 10:00 am
  • 59 minutes 31 seconds
    In this episode I share a interview with Deanne Loper taken from an Israeli News Live youtube show. I also give my opinion and point of view on why we shouldn’t be teaching Kabbalah mysticism in the church. False teachers have come into deceive even the elect. Jesus told us not to let any man deceive you, but some popular ministry’s today are mixing Kabbalah with Christianity by promoting books that lead people into a fake version of Christianity. We must expose the works of darkness not join it.

    I can not share this show on Facebook due to my disabled and removed personal account. Please share this show where ever you think the message needs to be heard. Also please leave a review on iTunes or google. It helps to make the show more popular and easier to find in the search results. Also please check out the LEO RUTLEDGE YouTube channel for new Fringianity podcast episodes and subscribe. Fringianity podcast is also on twitter under the same name. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.
    20 April 2020, 8:19 am
  • 45 minutes 7 seconds
    In this episode I talk about the new quantum dot tattoo technology to track vaccinated CoronaVirus people and how it is the mark of the beast when tied to the global ID2020 system. Bill Gates is tied to all of the beast tech from vaccines to the global ID system. We are truly seeing the signs of the very end of days now as the global elites are openly pushing their satanic agendas under cover of pandemic help.
    The elites never let a crisis go to waist.

    I can not share this show on Facebook due to my disabled and removed personal account. Please share this show where ever you think the message needs to be heard. Also please leave a review on iTunes or google. It helps to make the show more popular and easier to find in the search results. Also please check out the LEO RUTLEDGE YouTube channel for new Fringianity podcast episodes and subscribe. Fringianity podcast is also on twitter under the same name. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.
    6 April 2020, 9:58 am
  • 45 minutes 7 seconds
    In this episode I talk about stockings up on food water and supply’s as the world freaks out over the potential lock down of the American society. I speculate on many different possibility’s of what could be happening as Americans buy up all the toilet paper food and water. Are you prepared? Will this pass soon? What is the elites plan to use this chaos to bring in their order? Many topics and questions come to mind but Jesus Christ is still Lord & he still is in control. Seek him first and have fear not.

    I can not share this show on Facebook due to my disabled and removed personal account. Please share this show where ever you think the message needs to be heard. Also please leave a review on iTunes or google. It helps to make the show more popular and easier to find in the search results. Also please check out the LEO RUTLEDGE YouTube channel for new Fringianity podcast episodes and subscribe. Fringianity podcast is also on twitter under the same name. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.
    16 March 2020, 8:26 am
  • 45 minutes 7 seconds
    In this episode I talk about my recent departure from Facebook and why. I also share info about Facebook being a social media prison for many. Also I get into the communist Chinese social credit system and how Facebook is heading that way too. Freedom is being silenced online as the enemy takes over social media one policy and update at a time.

    I can not share this show on Facebook due to my disabled and removed personal account. Please share this show where ever you think the message needs to be heard.
    Also please leave a review on iTunes or google. It helps to make the show more popular and easier to find in the search results. Also please check out the LEO RUTLEDGE YouTube channel for new Fringianity podcast episodes and subscribe. Fringianity podcast is also on twitter under the same name. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.j
    2 March 2020, 8:25 am
  • 45 minutes 7 seconds
    In this episode I take a look at the different news headlines of prophetic end times signs happening world wide right before our eyes. It paints a bigger picture of the beginning of sorrows. I don’t cover this info to fear monger or cause anyone to fear anything. These things are forewarned of in the Bible. Jesus told us what will happen. The Lord is coming but first we will see many signs & people deceived & falling away from the faith. We will also see the man of sin (the antichrist) revealed as well but when we see all these signs we are to look up for our redemption comes with the return of Jesus Christ as the scriptures tells us. Time is running out so we need to seek a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ now before it’s too late. “Repent for the kingdom is near.”

    2 Thessalonians 2:3 (KJV) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    Luke 21:28 (KJV) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

    If you like the show please leave a review on iTunes or google. It helps to make the show more popular and easier to find in the search results. Also please check out the LEO RUTLEDGE YouTube channel for new Fringianity podcast episodes and subscribe. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.
    17 February 2020, 4:45 am
  • 45 minutes 7 seconds
    In this episode I give my opinion of what a Pandemic virus could be used for in the hands of the new world order. I talk about the outbreak of SARS/ CoronaVirus in China and speculate what would happen if such a virus went global. How would governments react? how would they benefit from martial law? Is it a Depopulation agenda? How would the people react if vaccines were forced? Would the government use it to take the guns and with them all freedom? These are some of the questions that could come with a pandemic outbreak. With all the instability and chaos today we need to focus on drawing closer to Christ & repenting from sin. If we truly believe these are the end times than we need to have a real relationship with the Lord before he comes. It’s only through Christ that we are saved. Thank you for listening to the show.

    If you like the show please leave a review on iTunes or google. It helps to make the show more popular and easier to find in the search results. Also please check out the LEO RUTLEDGE YouTube channel for new Fringianity podcast episodes and subscribe. Thanks for taking the time to listen and God bless.
    27 January 2020, 7:52 am
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