God desires for us to have a childlike faith. To have childlike faith is to be trusting, humble, and faith-filled. As we grown and learn from His Word, it should lead us to Jesus and becoming more like Him.
There are new places that God wants to occupy in our world and in our hearts. It is a call to move forward in faith, participation, and consecration. God desires to expand and transform our lives today!
Our capacity expands when we begin to expect greater, obey even when its inconvenient, and step into the unfamiliar. We get a change in perspective, lifestyle, and direction as we allow God to do more through us!
God's change in us is necessary! It is supernatural, progressive, makes us radically new, and impacts those around us. Let's actively choose to make space for it by surrendering ourselves and taking time to behold God.
Mature faith responds with prayer in every circumstance! We can do that by creating a habit of prayer, and actively choosing to engage in prayer with the community God has given to us.
A mature faith is demonstrated by making up our mind to commit to the right side. In doing so, we need to fully commit to walking in humility, drawing close to God, and turning from sin.
Because of Jesus, we have been set free to obey the commandments that have been given to us. We're not saved through following them, we are save to follow them! We love effectively by speaking the truth, and speak the truth effectively by loving.
A developed and mature faith is demonstrated in the words we speak. Our words set the direction of our lives, and are a reflection of our hearts. We need to let God transform our hearts, and in turn, our words.
Faith is shown in our beliefs and actions and as we take that step of obedience, we make an impact on those around us. Let's be bold to step into His promises!
There are unexpected times of suffering and pain, but in those moments, we need to allow these trials to build our trust, intimacy, and growth in God. We can actively choose to reach out, and respond in praise!
Faith transforms trials into growth, and sees each test as a chance to deepen our trust in God. Let's look to God as our solution, for comfort, understanding, and the way forward.
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